
  • 网络Housing bubble;Real estate bubble;Property bubble
  1. 郭树清淡化了外界对中国房地产泡沫及其可能损害银行资产质量的忧虑,表示抵押贷款的价值仅相当于GDP的15%,远低于欧洲和美国的水平。

    Mr Guo played down concerns about China 's property bubble and the damage that could do the banks ' asset quality , saying the value of mortgages is only about 15 per cent of GDP , much lower than in Europe and the US .

  2. 瑞银(UBS)驻香港经济学家乔纳森•安德森(JonathanAnderson)表示:从全国范围来看,我们没有看到任何真正表明房地产泡沫的证据,也没有看到不久的将来会出现泡沫的前景。

    On a nationwide basis , we see no real evidence of a property bubble ' and see no real prospect of one in the near future , says Jonathan Anderson , economist at UBS in Hong Kong .

  3. 本文简要回顾了关于房地产泡沫的研究框架,在West模型的基础上,运用房地产合理价格是租金资本化的原理,对北京、上海和深圳的房地产市场是否存在泡沫作了实证检验。

    This paper reviews the research framework for real estate bubbles and conducts empirical study on whether there are real estate bubbles in Beijing , Shanghai and Shenzhen guided by the principle that real estate price should be the rent capitalization based on West 's model .

  4. 杰里米·格兰瑟姆(JeremyGrantham)拥有不容小觑的从业纪录—他成功地预言了互联网泡沫,接着又成功地预言了房地产泡沫。

    JEREMY GRANTHAM 'S GOT A TRACK RECORD that 's impossible to ignore -- he called the Internet bubble , then the housing bubble .

  5. 在中国国务院发出指令,要求抑制初现的房地产泡沫后,监管机构还采取措施,限制房地产开发和相关工业集团的首次公开发行(ipo),控制银行新增贷款,降低某些行业的产能过剩。

    The regulator has also moved to limit initial public offerings by developers and industrial groups following diktats from the cabinet to limit an incipient real estate bubble , regulate new bank loans and reduce overcapacity in some sectors .

  6. Chanos还称中国正在被凶险的日益成长的房地产泡沫所困扰。

    Chanos also says China is plagued by an ominously growing real estate bubble in high-rise buildings , offices and condos .

  7. 继高盛(goldmansachs)之后,摩根大通(jpmorganchase)最近成为第二家由于在2007年春房地产泡沫破裂前夕销售抵押贷款债券而受到巨额罚款和严厉警告的华尔街银行。

    JPMorgan Chase this week became the second wall street bank after Goldman Sachs to face a large fine and a stiff warning over its sales of mortgage-backed bonds in the last days of the housing bubble in spring 2007 .

  8. 由于对多种与抵押贷款相关的证券给出AAA的最高安全评级,而其中不少在几个月后就遭遇降级,并在房地产泡沫破裂之后出现违约,评级机构纷纷受到调查。

    Rating agencies have been under scrutiny for issuing their safest rating , triple A , to scores of mortgage-related securities , many of which were downgraded only months later and went into default after the housing bubble burst .

  9. 这种合成的债务抵押债券(cdo)没有为任何额外的购房融资,也没有提高资金的配置效率;它只是增加了房地产泡沫破裂时价值暴跌的抵押贷款证券的数量。

    This synthetic collateralised debt obligation did not finance the ownership of any additional homes or allocate capital more efficiently ; it merely swelled the volume of mortgage-backed securities that lost value when the housing bubble burst .

  10. 首先是互联网泡沫,然后是房地产泡沫。

    First came the dotcom bubble , then the housing bubble .

  11. 房地产泡沫与浙江住宅业风险防范

    Housing Price Bubble in Zhejiang and Risk Management of Real Estate

  12. 试论我国的房地产泡沫的判定及其预控机制

    Analysis on Recognization and Control System of Chinese Housing Market Bubbles

  13. 房地产泡沫预警系统的建立研究

    Research of the establishment of real estate 's bubble warning system

  14. 浅谈我国当前的房地产泡沫及泡沫经济

    The Present Real Estate Bubble and the Bubble Economy in China

  15. 浅析中国房地产泡沫与金融风险

    A Brief Analysis on Chinese Real Estate Bubble and Financial Risk

  16. 房地产泡沫的预控模型和预控措施探讨

    Study on Precaution Mood and Precaution Ways of Real Estate 's Bubbles

  17. 我国房地产泡沫的分析和防范

    The Analysis and Preventing of the Real Estate Bubble Economy of China

  18. 爱尔兰和西班牙的房地产泡沫使问题更加严重。

    Real estate bubbles in Ireland and Spain contributed to the troubles .

  19. 更令人担忧的是旨在戳破房地产泡沫的政策。

    More worrying are policies designed to prick the real estate bubble .

  20. 再次,部分地区房价过高,存在房地产泡沫。

    Thirdly , real estate foam for high realty price in regions .

  21. 这种政治动机为巨大的房地产泡沫埋下了种子。

    This political incentive sows the seed for a great property bubble .

  22. 东南亚地区房地产泡沫的破灭机制

    Foam Shattered Mechanism Of Real Estate In Southeast Asian Area

  23. 安徽省及合肥市房地产泡沫的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on Real Estate Bubbles in Anhui Province and Hefei City

  24. 因此,对于房地产泡沫的研究既具有深远的理论意义,也具有迫切的现实意义。

    So the research of real estate bubble has theoretical and practical significances .

  25. 问:但中国内地也在讨论房地产泡沫问题。

    Q : but real estate bubbles are also under discussion for China .

  26. 又有多少人准确地预测了美国房地产泡沫的破灭?

    How many called the US housing bust correctly ?

  27. 这笔交易达成之际,有越来越多的迹象显示,中国已形成房地产泡沫。

    The deal comes amid growing signs of a property bubble in China .

  28. 中国的股市和房地产泡沫肯定令人担忧。

    Certainly , in China , stock and property bubbles are a concern .

  29. 刘永好表示,中国大部分地区并未出现房地产泡沫。

    Mr Liu said most of China was not experiencing a property bubble .

  30. 京晶:你觉得有房地产泡沫吗?

    Do you think there 's a housing bubble ?