
lǐnɡ dǎo ɡàn bù
  • leading cadre
  1. 党政领导干部问责制的宗旨随着适用领域、行业的不同而有一定的差别。

    There is some difference of the tenet of the accountability for the leading cadre of the Party and the government when it is applied to different domains and industries .

  2. 几乎所有的党政领导干部问责制的宗旨都是复合宗旨,但是根本宗旨是保护人民的利益。

    Nearly all the tenets of the accountability for the leading cadre of the Party and the government are complex or multiplex tenets , but the fundamental tenet is to protect the interests of the people .

  3. 昨天从省里下来了两位领导干部。

    Two leading cadres came down from the provincial capital yesterday .

  4. 我党一再三令五申领导干部要走群众路线。

    Our Party warned time and again that leading cadres should follow the mass lines .

  5. 当了领导干部可不能忘本。

    One must not forget his origin , now that he is appointed to the leading post .

  6. 要坚持“老虎”、“苍蝇”一起打,既坚决查处领导干部违纪违法案件,又切实解决发生在群众身边的不正之风和腐败问题。

    We must uphold the fighting of tigers and flies at the same time , resolutely5 investigating law-breaking cases of leading officials and also earnestly resolving the unhealthy tendencies and corruption problems which happen all around people .

  7. 在周五,B夫人解除了海军海洋学服务部门的领导干部的职务,因为没有提供很明确的海啸警报!

    On Friday , Mrs Bachelet dismissed the head of the navy 's Oceanography Service for failing to provide a clear warning of the tsunami .

  8. 第四,人才开发先“入世”,领导干部首先要成为WTO事务的内行,同时还要培养出一支精通WTO事务的高级人才队伍;

    The fourth , in respect of ability development , first become the expert about WTO , meanwhile , train senior staff who can master WTO routine .

  9. 方法采用16PF量表对随机抽有代表性的82名女性领导干部进行测试。

    Methods16PF personality survey was done in82 random selected representative female leading officials .

  10. 而传统GDP对于领导干部的政绩考察方式产生了只重经济片面发展而忽视生态成本的政绩观,在这种政绩观的影响下,农村生态环境被忽视,管理乏力。

    GDP for the traditional inspection methods performance of leading cadres had only one-sided emphasis on economic development and ignore the ecological cost of performance concept , in this view of performance under the influence of ecological environment in rural areas were neglected and poor management .

  11. 首先了解了高校领导干部综合考评现状,调研了益阳工艺美术大学领导干部综合考评业务需求,采用标准UML用例分析法进行了功能性需求分析,并描述了部分非功能性需求。

    First analyzes a comprehensive evaluation of the status quo of the University Leading Cadres research Yiyang College of Art in leading cadres comprehensive evaluation of business needs , using standard UML use case analysis the functional functional requirements analysis , and describes some of the non-functional requirements .

  12. 领导干部思想政治工作探析

    A Contemplation on the Political , Ideological Work of the Leaders

  13. 领导干部结构化面试信度的多元概括化理论分析

    Reliability Analysis of Structured Interview : A Multivariate Generalizability Theory Approach

  14. 浅析当今女性领导干部的人格特征状况

    A research on personality characteristic status of the female leading officials

  15. 虽然他是位领导干部,却相当谦虚。

    He is quite modest though he is a leading cadre .

  16. 论高校领导干部队伍素质的提高

    Discussion on Improving the Quality of Headers in Colleges and Universities

  17. 党员领导干部要带头体现先进性

    Leading Cadres of the Party Should Take the Lead in Progressiveness

  18. 使女性领导干部从政道路再无障碍。

    Make the politics road of the women cadres to barrier-free .

  19. 杭州市中青年领导干部人格特征研究

    Investigation of Youthful and Middle-aged Primary Officials ' Personality in Hangzhou

  20. 党校图书馆与领导干部信息素质教育

    The Party library and information quality-oriented education of the leading cadres

  21. 必须科学评价和衡量领导干部政绩。

    And must appraise and weigh leading cadre 's political achievements scientifically .

  22. 军队领导干部经济责任审计模糊综合评价探讨

    Obscure comprehensive evaluation method of the leader economic responsibility auditing

  23. 医院领导干部改革创新能力滞后的原因和对策

    Reasons and Countermeasures of Lagging Behind of Innovation Ability of Hospital Leaders

  24. 关于提高领导干部执政能力的制度保障问题

    Discussing the Supporting System of Improving Leading Cadres ' Ability of Administration

  25. 对提高领导干部政治素质的几点理性思考

    A Few Reasonable Reflections on Improving the Political Makings of Our Leaders

  26. 改进领导干部工作作风重在抓落实

    Improving the Work Style of Leading Cadres Mainly Is to Grasp Practice

  27. 论加强高校领导干部思想政治建设

    On strengthening the college leaders ' ideological and political construction

  28. 树立科学的领导干部执政能力观

    Establishing the Scientific Outlook of Governing Capacity of Leading Cadres

  29. 以干部能上能下为契机探索建立领导干部选拔任用工作的新机制

    Exploration of New Mechanism for Selecting and Appointing Leading Cadres

  30. 公开选拔领导干部制度改革的伦理追寻

    An Ethic Reflection on the Reform System of Open Selection of Leaders