
huā jià zi
  • mere form;false and nice appearance;nice but false appearance;pretentious flourish
花架子 [huā jià zi]
  • [nice but false appearance;pretentious flourish] 比喻虚假的、好看的外表

花架子[huā jià zi]
  1. 要练好基本功,别尽学花架子。

    You should spend time on basic training , not on those flourishes .

  2. 最初,加载引导加载程序提供了一种简单的方法,不用任何花架子就可以引导Linux。

    In the beginning , the loadlin boot loader provided a simple way to boot Linux without any frills .

  3. 至于谷歌为什么失去头把交椅,《财富》说,这家位于加州山景城(MountainView)的互联网企业没有什么不好的,就是它取消了下午茶和年度滑雪旅行这些花架子。

    Asto why Google lost its usual No.1 spot , Fortune says nothing bad about the Mountain View , Calif. - based Internet concern-except that it hascut frills like afternoon tea and an annual ski trip .

  4. 公司举行了一场新闻发布会,但那就是一个花架子。

    The company held a press conference but it was just a snow job .

  5. 这些不是花架子,而是人们的基本需求。

    These aren 't frills-they 're basic needs .

  6. 乱用、误用、滥用多媒体,一味赶时髦,追求花架子。

    Abuse , misuse , abuse , multimedia , blind fashion , the pursuit of superfluous .

  7. 品牌塑造不是花架子。

    Branding is not cosmetic .

  8. 闭上眼,我仿佛看到了上东区那些浓妆艳抹的时尚达人邻居们在这样的环境里融成一坨,装模作样的花架子轰然倒塌,所谓的个性在真实之光的照耀下完全失效。

    I imagined the heavily makeup'ed fashionistas of my Upper East Side neighborhood melting down under these conditions , their coiffed facades broken , their personalities unable to function in the harsh light of reality .

  9. 他称呼沃默斯利为“老板”,但心里却鄙视地认为,沃默斯利是个典型的花架子,

    For Womersley , to whom he would grimly refer as ' my boss ' , as indeed he was , had turned out to be the epitome of what Alan despised as ' bogus ' .

  10. 有些蔷薇花攀在架子上。

    Some roses climb on frames .