
huā dēnɡ xì
  • Lantern play;local opera popular in Yunnan/Sichuan
花灯戏 [huā dēng xì]
  • [a kind of local opera,popular in Sichuan,Yunan Provinces] 接近于花鼓戏的一个地方戏种,发展于民间的耍花灯,主要流行于四川、云南等地

  1. 同时又有“花灯戏”的演出。

    Meanwhile , they perform " festive lantern opera " .

  2. 在2005年6月9日,国务院公布的首批518个国家级非物质文化遗产名录中,云南玉溪花灯戏被收录于传统戏剧类栏目当中,一举成为云南的骄傲。

    In the June 9 , 2005 , the State Council announced the first batch of 518 state-level intangible cultural heritage , the Yunnan Yuxi lantern show is included in the traditional drama class part which therefore became the pride of Yunnan .