
  • 网络television art;tv arts
  1. 东北电视艺术中的本土化性格内涵

    The Native Characteristic Connotations in North-east TV Arts

  2. 强调在电视艺术理论批评上加强自觉地反省和审美批判的重要。

    The article emphasizes the importance to self-examination and aesthetic criticism on TV Arts theory .

  3. 他演出这个角色获得英国电影电视艺术学院奖。

    He won a BAFTA for the role .

  4. 英国电影和电视艺术学院

    The British Academy of Film and Television Arts .

  5. MTV是20世纪末人类工业化社会出现的一个最令人惊叹不已的文化现象。但我们今天讨论的不是作为频道概念的MTV,而是电视艺术的一种类型。

    As a cultural phenomenon of the industrialized society in late 20th century , MTV wins people 's admiration .

  6. 就在上个月,邵逸夫还在香港接受了英国电影和电视艺术学院(BAFTA)授予的特别奖。

    He was last month honored in Hong Kong by the British Academy of Film & Television Arts .

  7. 这种电视艺术性的大众接受效果,其直接形态便是收视率。

    The direct result of mass acceptance is audience rating .

  8. 电视艺术美学品格浅论

    A Tentative Discussion on the Aesthetics Character of Television Art

  9. 表现蒙太奇在电视艺术个性化语言表述中的嵌入性研究

    Display Montage Was Study in the Individualized Languages 's State of TV Art

  10. 站在街道两边为睹参加艾美奖(美国电视艺术最高荣誉奖)颁奖典礼的巨星风采。

    Lined in the streets to see the super stars attending the Emmy Ceremony .

  11. 浅论电视艺术学的学科定位

    On the Orientation of the TV Art Subject

  12. 论电视艺术与纯粹艺术的距离

    The Distance between Television Art and Pure Art

  13. 电视艺术中的光与色

    Light and Color in the TV Art

  14. 本文就图形传播在电视艺术中的运用策略做了相关探索。

    This article aimed to do a research on graphic communication using in TV art .

  15. 在电视艺术发展嬗变的进程中,技术的因素起到了决定性的作用。

    Technology plays the vital role in the process of the development of television art .

  16. 电视艺术的创作正是在电视技术的不断发展进步中得到改善并逐步丰富起来的。

    The creation of television art improves and enriches during the development of television technology .

  17. 图形传播在电视艺术中的应用

    Application of Graphics Communication in TV Art

  18. 20世纪中国的电视艺术得到飞速发展。

    TV art of China got the development at full speed in the 20th century .

  19. 深探其理论根源,东北电视艺术的发展也与其文化定位及审美特征分不开。

    With the especial character , the TV Art of North - East is developing .

  20. 电视艺术最基本特征便是对图像直接传送的控制。

    The basic art of television is the control of this immediate flow of images .

  21. 它获得了四项奥斯卡大奖,以及五项英国电影和电视艺术学院奖,包括最佳影片以及最佳导演奖。

    It won four Academy Awards and five BAFTAs , including Best Film and Best Director .

  22. 试论电视艺术的独特性

    The unique characteristic of television art A Dissertation of the Relationship between Technology and Art in TV

  23. 斯科西斯的电影获得了英国电影电视艺术学院的五项奖项。

    Scorsese 's film won five awards from BAFTA - the British Academy of Film and Television Arts .

  24. 电视艺术个性化品格的确立是21世纪中国电视界普遍关注的问题。

    The establishment ofthe individualized character of TV art is generally concerned questions of Chinese TVcircle in the21st century .

  25. 毕竟,索尔金因为这一剧本赢得了奥斯卡、金球奖和英国电影电视艺术学院奖。

    After all , he did win an Oscar , a Golden Globe and a BAFTA for his screenplay .

  26. 以电视艺术的构成美学为例,深入探讨了电视艺术全新的美学范式。

    It takes the construct aesthetics of Television Art as an example to discuss the new model of Television Art .

  27. 使东北电视艺术融会贯通达到真正意义上可持续健康发展。

    Let the Northeast Academy of Television Arts digest to reach to the sustainable and healthy development with the real significance .

  28. 它的出现为艺术的传播提供了新的传播媒介,并且出现了电视艺术的提法。

    Its appearance has provided the new intermedium of artistic propagation , and consequently ," TV art " has been referenced .

  29. 既要提升东北电视艺术的内在品格又要深度挖掘这门艺术的弊病。

    Not only to enhance the intrinsic character of the Northeast Academy of Television Arts and also hollow out its shortcomings deeply .

  30. 但电影艺术是影院艺术,电视艺术是家庭艺术,虽有共性,更有独特个性。

    Moires art is scenario art , but television art is family art . Although they have commonness , they have individuality .