
  • 网络karst plateau;karst tableland areas
  1. 基于GIS的喀斯特高原山区石漠化景观格局变化分析

    Analysis of rocky desertification landscape pattern change in Karst plateau area based on GIS

  2. 贵州喀斯特高原自然灾害分析

    An analysis of natural calamities of Karst Plateau in Guizhou

  3. 喀斯特高原山地水土流失因素及生态效益评价-以贵州毕节石桥小流域为例

    Soil Erosion Factors and Eco-benefit Evaluation in the Karst Plateau-Mountain Region

  4. 喀斯特高原地区人工湖泊富营养化治理初探&以红枫湖、百花湖为例

    Preliminary Discussion on the Eutrophication Control of Artificial Lakes in Karst Plateau Area

  5. 该区域应作为喀斯特高原山区的生态环境保护特别关注的区域。

    In protecting eco-environment on karst plateau mountain this area should be paid more attention to .

  6. 贵州喀斯特高原土地系统变化空间尺度综合的一个研究方案

    Spatial Scales Integration of Land System Change : A Case Study Design on Guizhou Karst Plateau

  7. 芜湖市区主要湖泊水体总有机碳的初步研究喀斯特高原地区人工湖泊富营养化治理初探&以红枫湖、百花湖为例

    Primary Study on TOC of Surface Waters In the Urban of WuHu City Preliminary Discussion on the Eutrophication Control of Artificial Lakes in Karst Plateau Area

  8. 本研究对贵州喀斯特地区高原性湖泊&红枫湖水体DOC和DON的含量进行了近2a的测定,研究了DOM的剖面特征和季节变化,并探讨了DOM垂向分布和季节变化的影响因素。

    DOC and DON concentrations were measured for a Karst plateau lake & Hongfeng Lake water for nearly two years . Profile characteristics and seasonal variation of dissolved organic matter were studied , and influencing factors were discussed .

  9. 贵州属我国喀斯特最发育的高原区。

    Guizhou Province contains the most karstic plateau of China .