
  • 网络Kabbalah;Cabala;kabbala
  1. 创作这5本书的灵感来自于她对喀巴拉的研究。

    The inspiration for the five Books came from her study of Kabbalah .

  2. 他拍摄的黑白裸体或半裸女人照片被一些正统派犹太领袖斥为离经叛道,但是尼莫伊声称,自己的作品符合喀巴拉教(kabbalah)的教义。

    His black-and-white photographs of nude and seminude women struck some Orthodox Jewish leaders as heretical , but Nimoy asserted that his work was consistent with the teaching of the kabbalah .

  3. 在犹太人中间只有喀巴拉派的神秘主义者才认为它是自己哲学体系的内容。

    Among Jews , only the mystical Cabalists adopted it as part of their system of philosophy .