
  1. 文章结尾指出了基于3S技术的新疆喀纳斯口岸全天候公路战略通道的优点和创新性。

    At the end of the article , the merits and significance of the all weather highway strategic channels at Kanas in Xinjiang based on the 3S technique was described .

  2. 最后使用空间三维建模工具,结合现代道路勘测设计方法和三维景观设计方法,设计出了基于虚拟现实的三维可视化喀纳斯口岸全天候公路通道。

    Finally , using the space 3D modeling tools , combined with modern road survey design and 3D Landscape Design , a three-dimensional virtual reality visualization of all weather road access at Kanas ports was designed .