
  • 网络seniority;senior bond;Senior Debt
  1. 混合债券(或者次级债券)支付给投资者的利息要高于更高级债券,但如果企业陷入困境,这种债券将比其他债券更早承担损失。

    Hybrid , or subordinated , debt pays a higher coupon to investors than more senior debt but is designed to bear losses earlier than other forms if the company runs into trouble .

  2. 但对于是否把痛苦扩展到高级债券持有人,政府尚未下定决心。

    But the government has hesitated to extend the pain to senior bondholders .

  3. 如果发行人破产,先偿付清算人和政府税,然后是高级债券,然后才是次级债券。

    In case of bankruptcy , subordinated bond holders are paid after the liquidator , government taxes , and senior bond holders are paid .

  4. 美国国际集团的审计员随后迫使该集团将截至11月30日期间的超高级债券亏损从15亿美元修正为60亿美元。

    AIG 's auditors then forced it to revise its super-senior losses from $ 1.5bn to $ 6bn , for the period ending November 30 .

  5. 例如,无论你持有50亿美元还是500亿美元理应为低风险的超级高级CDO债券,按比例计算,发生亏损的可能性是一样的。

    For example , whether you owned $ 5bn or $ 50bn of ( supposedly ) low-risk super senior debt in a CDO , the likelihood of losses was , proportionally , the same .

  6. 2月20日,在中新集团尽管一度推迟但仍在30天的宽限期内支付了利息后,穆迪投资者服务公司(Moody'sInvestorsService)上调了中新集团高级无担保债券的评级。

    On Feb.20 , Moody 's Investors Service upgraded Neo-China 's senior unsecured bonds after the company made an interest payment that had been delayed but was still within a30-day grace period .

  7. dealogic的银行数据包括所谓的高级无担保债券发行,这是银行传统上主要的融资手段。

    The Dealogic bank data includes so-called senior unsecured issuance , traditionally the bread and butter of bank funding .

  8. 银行融资的主要来源高级无担保债券的发行规模为2003年以来最低。

    The amount of senior unsecured debt , a mainstay of bank funding , is at its lowest since 2003 .