
dī gǔ
  • low ebb;valley;trough
低谷 [dī gǔ]
  • (1) [valley]

  • (2) 山谷--与高峰相对

  • (3) 发展过程中的一个低点,尤其是图表所表示的或可用图表表示的

  • (4) 比喻事物发展过程中最不顺利、不景气的时期

低谷[dī gǔ]
  1. 低谷电电解制氢的生命周期3E评价

    A Life Cycle 3E Assessment of Hydrogen Production by Electrolysis with Low Ebb Electricity

  2. 期货业也一度陷入了最最寂寞的低谷。

    The futures industry has once fallen into the most lonely low ebb .

  3. 他承认自己跌到了一生中的最低谷。

    He admits to having hit the lowest point in his life

  4. 在1975年底,她陷入了情绪的低谷。

    In late 1975 , she fell into a black depression

  5. 他们将讨论如何使经济走出低谷。

    They will discuss how to bail the economy out of its slump

  6. 两国关系已降到了最低谷。

    Relations between the two countries have plumbed new depths

  7. 美国的银行股自从去年10月跌入低谷以来已经上涨了60%。

    American bank shares have risen by 60 % since their trough last October .

  8. 经济有高峰,也有低谷。

    Economies have peaks and troughs .

  9. 今后回想起来你就会明白,这并非你事业中一蹶不振的低谷。

    Looking back afterwards you will see that this was not a terminal trough in your career

  10. SOD、POD的酶活力在30℃左右出现一个低谷;

    The activity of SOD will reach arrive a vale-value at around 30 centigrade .

  11. Ci日变化呈W曲线,在早上9点和下午16点出现低谷。

    Diurnal variation of Ci was " W " curve , 9 in the morning and afternoon low 16 points there .

  12. 苹果早期推出的iPhone也曾经历过低谷,因为当时它的功能与市面上其他高端手机并无显著差异。

    Apple 's earlier iPhones suffered phases when their features weren 't terribly distinctive from other top phones on the market .

  13. 黎明前叶水势(ψl~(pre))开花期低谷十分明显,与土壤水分动态变化不一致;

    The pre-dawn leaf water potential at anthesis stage , declined sharply , and was inconsistent with the change of soil water content .

  14. 在2007年11月的上次IPO浪潮期间,恒生指数从峰顶至低谷的跌幅达17%。

    During the last big wave of IPOs in November 2007 , the Hang Seng fell 17 per cent from peak to trough .

  15. 餐后TC、HDL-C和LDL-C在2h时都有一个低谷期,8h时基本恢复正常。

    There was a valley for TC 、 HDL-C and LDL-C at 2h after fat meal , and a return to fasting levels at 8 h after fat-meal .

  16. AlexStober(阿历克斯-斯托贝尔)谢谢你这么多年对我的照顾,以及在我最低谷的时候给我鼓励。

    Alex Stober - for taking care of me all of these years and pulling me together when I was falling apart 。

  17. Haley正处于人生低谷。

    Haley is at a very low point in her life .

  18. 没错,人们比以前更晚安顿下来,但这并不说明Alex的二十几岁这个时间段是她的发展低谷。

    Yes , people settle down later than they used to , but that didn 't make Alex 's 20s a developmental downtime .

  19. 随回火温度的提高,复相钢的冲击韧性(AK)值在300℃达到峰值,400℃时为低谷。

    A K of complex phase steel reaches its peak number when the temper temperature is 300 ℃;

  20. 在四月份举行的伦敦G-20峰会上,各国领导人还在为经济低谷而忧心忡忡。

    At the G-20 Summit in London in April , leaders stared into an economic abyss .

  21. 本次上市适逢英国首次公开发行(IPO)处于低谷,不少企业要么搁置上市计划,要么转向海外交易所,尤其是亚洲的交易所。

    The listing comes at a difficult time for UK initial public offerings , with companies shelving flotation plans or looking to overseas exchanges , particularly in Asia .

  22. 三个李品种Pn月份变化曲线呈现双峰型,高峰出现在5月30日,次峰在9月25日,低谷在7月中旬。

    Monthly and double monthly Pn were measured . Response curves presented two-peak pattern with the first peak on May 30th and the second peak on September 25th .

  23. 氟石膏中CaF2质量分数为2%时,分解率和脱硫率出现低谷;

    The decomposition ratio and desulfuration ratio were in the lowest point with CaF 2 content of 2 % .

  24. 自香港经济从2003年中的低谷中复苏以来,员工流动率的增加,使MPF计划参加者对服务提供商的业绩有了更多了解。

    Members have become more aware of performance across service providers as a result of increased job mobility since the economy recovered from its low point in mid 2003 .

  25. 对美国PJM电力市场的峰荷时段、腰荷时段和低谷时段的LMP实时电价分别进行了预测。

    It has been used to forecast the LMP at low load period , medium load period and peak load period in American PJM power market .

  26. 本文介绍了全球N-ISDN的商用情况和B-ISDN的发展趋势,展示出N-ISDN走出低谷、B-ISDN迈向市场的美好前景。

    The commercialization conditions of the global N-ISDN and the development trend of B-ISDN reveal that N-ISDN has stepped out of ebbtide and B-ISDN is entering the market .

  27. 花旗策略师阿德里安卡特利(adriancattley)表示,先前拐点的标志是:利率下降、商业信心非常匮乏和经济预测降至低谷。

    Citigroup strategist Adrian cattley says previous turning points have been marked by lower interest rates , very poor business sentiment and a trough in economic forecasts .

  28. 每公顷施纯氮150kg(N150)和纯硫20kg(S20)可以提高峰值粘度、低谷粘度和最终粘度,改善淀粉品质。

    The fertilization at 150 kg nitrogen and 20 kg sulphur per hectare could raise the peak , trough and final viscosities thus improving starch quality .

  29. 不同处理细胞液浓度(CSC)的峰值及叶水势(LWP)的低谷均在14∶00左右出现。

    The maximum of Gs , Tr and Pn appeared to become earlier with soil moisture decreasing , and the peak values of leaf water potential ( LWP ) and cell sap concentration ( CSC ) were all appeared at about 14 ∶ 00 pm .

  30. 自去年秋季达到低谷以来,巴西Bovespa股指已大涨82.9%,韩国Kospi股指大涨71.7%,中国的上证综指也大涨了50.2%。

    Since they reached their nadir last autumn , Brazil 's Bovespa index has risen 82.9 per cent , South Korea 's Kospi is up 71.7 per cent , and the Shanghai Composite itself is up 50.2 per cent .