
  • 网络bag-making machine;Bag making machine;HB-C
  1. 制袋机智能高精度温度控制研究

    Research of Intelligent High Precision Temperature Control System for Bag-making Machine

  2. 介绍了一种高精度温度控制的复合方法及其在制袋机上的成功应用。

    A combined method of high precision temperature control and its application in a constant temperature bag-making machine were presented .

  3. 最后,详细说明了制袋机的工艺流程及送料问题,并用嵌入式PLC的运动功能模块实现制袋机送料位置曲线的控制。

    At last , detail Bag Making Machine how to work and the problem of material-sending . And how to use the motion function blocks finish the control of position curves of material-sending .

  4. 本文分析了快速卷装制袋机工作原理,研制出基于PLC技术的机床电器控制系统,并生产出的样机在实际中获得良好应用。

    This paper has analyzed the plastic-roller machine 's working mechanism , carried out the electric appliances control system based on PLC technique , and produced a kind of machine which can make plastic bags quickly and more stably in real goods production process .

  5. 本文主要介绍了台达20PM在制袋机设备上面的应用,主要应用的功能是20PM的电子凸轮和飞剪方面的应用。

    This article mainly introduces the application of Delta20PM in automatic continuous band sealer , which is mainly applied to the20PM electronic CAM and aeroplane .

  6. 新型高速制袋机的计算机控制系统

    A New Computer Control System of High Speed Bag - making Machine

  7. 复合高精度温度控制及其在制袋机中的应用

    A Combined Method of High Precision Temperature Control

  8. 吹塑机,制袋机,印刷机。

    Plastic Film Blowing Machine , Plastic Bag Making Machine , Plastic Bag Printing Machine .

  9. 卷装背心式塑料制袋机用新型滚刀电动设备新型卷缆液压系统

    New Rolling Cutter for Recoiling Vest-like Plastic Bag Manufacturing Device A new type of hydraulic cable recoiling system for electric equipments

  10. 公司产品包括防护包装材料成套复合机、无芯轴卷机、刨片机和制袋机。

    The range of production is complete of lamination machines , coreless rewinders , sheeter machines and bag making machines for protective packaging materials .

  11. 目前,我公司拥有的设备有:八色电脑印刷机、吹塑机、复合机、折边机、分切机、三边封制袋机等。

    At present , we have8color computer printing machine , blew film machine , complex machine , folding machine , seal machine and3 sides sealing machine and others machines .

  12. 研制了卷装背心袋式塑料制袋机用新型滚刀,在刀具结构、材料、热处理工艺和刃磨技术等方面进行了全面的改进和更新。

    The new rolling cutter for the recoiling vest-like plastic bag manufacturing device is developed , the structure , material , heat treatment process and edge grinding techniques are improved .

  13. 对制袋机刀口和冷却方式的改进,使改性聚丙烯包装膜实现了大批量、高效率的封切制袋生产。

    Improving the knife-mouth of the bag-making machine and cooing method realized the bulk and efficient production of the sealing and cutting , and the bag making of the modified polypropylene packing film .

  14. 本文阐述了光电跟踪制袋机的一种新型控制方式的原理,以及根据该原理研制成功的GZ500/600型制袋机的性能特点。

    The paper describes a new control principle for the plastics-film - bag-making machine . Based on the principle , the bag-making machine of type GZ 500 / 600 has been developed successfully and its characteristics are given here .

  15. 本制袋机用于薄膜片材的高速切断,也可用于普通平膜的底封制袋机,具有外形小巧,速度超快的特点,操作方便,使用可靠。

    The bag making machine for high-speed cutting film , it can also be used for ordinary flat film of the bottom seal bag making machine , a compact , super-fast speed features , easy to use and reliable .

  16. 流散调味品制袋充填包装机的选择

    The selection of the packaging and filling machinery in the flowing flavouring

  17. 立式制袋充填包装机封口机构的智能化设计

    The Intelligent Control to the Mechanism of Vertical Bag Forming - filling - sealing

  18. 自动制袋充填包装机

    Automatic form-fill-seal packaging machine

  19. 本文介绍了全自动立式制袋充气包装机的工作原理、主要机构特点及组合化设计思路

    The article introduces the working principle , the characteristics of main mechanism of automatic vertical gas flashing packaging machine and the thinking of combine design

  20. 基于反求工程的制袋充填封口包装机模块化设计

    On the modular design of the form - fill - seal packaging machine based on reverse engineering

  21. 以制袋成型充填封口机为例,介绍一种新的设计方法;

    This paper introduces a new design method , just as an example of bag forming filling sealing machine .

  22. 在分析反求工程、模块化设计的涵义和特点的基础上,论述了基于反求工程的制袋充填封口包装机模块化设计的基本思路和设计要点。

    On the basis of analyzing the meaning and characteristic of reverse engineering and modular design , the paper introduces the basic thought and gists on the modular design of the form - fill - seal packaging machine based on reverse engineering .