
zhì hénɡ
  • check and balance
  1. NBA制衡机制功能的研究

    The Study on the Function of NBA Check and Balance Mechanism

  2. 最后,在结合NBA运行实践的基础上,对NBA各类制衡机制的功能也展开了深入探讨,其目的是深入地了解NBA联盟运行的内在原理,同时为我国的CBA联赛提供借鉴。

    Finally , it probed into the function of NBA check and balance mechanism . All of which is to understand the inherent operating principle of NBA , meanwhile , it provided experience for CBA .

  3. 他们共事合作得很好,她的稳健沉着对他那巧妙但往往不切实际的想法起了制衡作用。

    They work well together & her steadiness acts as a balance to his clever but offer impractical ideas .

  4. NBA制衡机制的理论构建

    Theoretical Construction of Restrict - balance Mechanism of NBA

  5. CBA的制衡机制分析

    On the Constraint Mechanism of CBA

  6. NBA的人力制衡机制包括新秀选拔、球员转会及球员薪金限制三项制衡制度。

    Labor power checks and balance mechanism includes NBA draft system , player trade system and player salary limitation system .

  7. 采用文献资料法、比较分析法对CBA和NBA的制衡机制进行比较,并对CBA的现状进行分析。

    With the method of documents and analysis , the paper compared the constraint mechanism of CBA with that of NBA .

  8. 确保制衡原则的另一个方法是将CEO和董事会主席的职能分开,这在欧洲非常普遍。

    Another way to ensure check and balances is to separate the functions of the CEO and the chairman , again quite common in the European model .

  9. 在外国对华实施技术性贸易壁垒措施的过程中存在三类博弈,即WTO规则与反倾销收益、多米诺效应与起诉成本、实施与制衡机制。

    In the process of making China implement TBT , there are three games : the regulations of WTO and the profit of antidumping , domino effect and suing cost , and implementation and balancing mechanism .

  10. 高层权力制衡、知识产权配置、RD绩效评价、RD人员激励、信息披露等五大维度直接影响着软件企业治理活动的范围与程度。

    The five dimesions including power balance among top managers , intellectual property allocation , R D performance evaluation , R D employees ' incentive , information disclosing would influence the range of the governance activities directly .

  11. 欧洲企业领袖昨日警告,如果欧盟(eu)不能创立强大的政治机构,以制衡欧洲央行(ecb),那么就长期而言,欧元将难以存续。

    European business leaders warned yesterday that the euro would not survive in the long term if the European Union failed to develop powerful political institutions to balance the European Central Bank .

  12. 国内方面,以权力过大的副总统迪克切尼(dickcheney)为首的布什团队,寻求扩大行政权力和取消制衡。

    Domestically , the Bush team , led by the overmighty vice-president , Dick Cheney , sought to expand executive power and dismantle checks and balances .

  13. 权力的制衡与积极的自由:美国ESEA(1965)的制定及实施过程分析

    Restricted Power and Positive Freedom : Analysis on the Process of Formulating and Enforcing the ESEA of America in 1965

  14. 建立权力制衡机制从源头上治理腐败

    Setup the Power Check-and-Balance System and Control Corruption from the Source

  15. 我国政府预算监督制衡机制的模式选择

    Mode Choices of Supervision and Restriction of Government Budget in China

  16. 但石油交易商和分析师表示,这些管道显然是制衡伊朗的手段。

    But oil traders and analysts say they are clear counterweights .

  17. 现代公司权力制衡机制比较研究

    Modern Company Power Check and Balance of System Compare Research

  18. 其次,在内部制衡理论的基础上,设计了内部制衡机制及运行体制。

    This paper also provides methodologies for design of internal equilibrium systems .

  19. 建立经理市场,完善企业家的激励制衡机制等观点。

    To establish manager market , improving entrepreneurs incentive mechanism .

  20. 公司治理作为一套制衡机制,从其安排上看是合理的,但并未发挥其实质作用。

    As a countervailing mechanism , corporate governance appears plausible yet ineffective .

  21. 本来就有彼此之间的相互制衡系统。

    There 's a built-in system of checks and balances .

  22. 正确处理中美合作与斗争,灵活应对并制衡美国的霸权压迫。

    , flexibly handle and interact the supremacy and oppression from America .

  23. 雅俗制衡与中国文学的价值重建&以近现代四组历史个案为例

    The Balance between Elegant and Popular Tastes and Re-evaluation of Chinese literature

  24. 美国陪审制度与权力分立制衡思想

    The Separation and Balance of Powers and the Jury System of America

  25. 从均势制衡的难题看多边主义的兴起

    The Rise of Multilateralism due to Balance - of-Power Difficulties

  26. 建立有效的监督制衡机制是治理秘书腐败的关键举措。

    It is the crucial measure to establish an effective supervisory system .

  27. 强化监督机制,加强对公共权力的制衡;

    We also must strengthen the supervision mechanism to restrict public power .

  28. 第七部分研究城市商业银行公司治理的内部制衡机制。

    The seventh part discusses inside restrict mechanism of the city commercial banks .

  29. 构建体现分权制衡原则的政府投资项目代建模式

    Construct the Substitutive Project Management Pattern for Government-invested Project under Checks and Balances

  30. 构建地方预算制衡性监督机制。

    Constructing a balancing supervision mechanism for local budgets .