
  • 网络Institutional Equilibrium;institutional balancing
  1. 本文从制度均衡的角度研究民营经济制度问题。

    The problem about private economy is discovered in the aspect of institutional equilibrium .

  2. 基于供求理论的金融监管强度边界及制度均衡解析

    A Study on Intensity and Institutional Equilibrium of Financial Regulation Based on the Theory of Supply and Demand

  3. 制度均衡:构建农村公共财政体系

    System Well Balanced : Set up Public Finance System of Village

  4. 信誉博弈、制度均衡与晋商信用制度变迁分析

    Prestige Gambling , System Equilibrium and the Shanxi Merchant 's Credit System Vicissitude

  5. 博弈次数越多,会计制度均衡所达到的程度就越高。

    The more the games , the higher the degrees of accounting institution equilibrium .

  6. 在制度均衡阶段是由分享型利益集团主导,国际货币合作成为国际货币制度的唯一供给机制。

    In the stage of institution equilibrium , the change is led by the shared interest group .

  7. 民营经济发展模式的趋同意味着民营经济中的制度均衡的暂时实现。

    The convergence of the development patterns of private economies means the temporary realization of institutional equilibrium in private economies .

  8. 构建了船籍制度均衡模型,用于说明生产要素在两种登记制度间的配置比例和变化趋势。

    Besides , the institution equilibrium model was applied to research the factors deployment between normal registry and open registry .

  9. 论文共分六章:第一章阐述制度均衡理论和制度变迁理论的主要观点;

    It has six parts : ( 1 ) It narrates the generality of institutional equilibrium theory and institutional change theory .

  10. 一个简单的制度均衡模型表明这个问题的解决需要实行农产品物流企业的“内部联合”和“外部合作”。

    An small institution balance model put forwards the " interior union " and " exterior cooperation " of the agricultural logistics enterprises .

  11. 显然,在政治域与共用资源域的互动中,资源型农村现有的制度均衡面临被打破的张力,只要新村干部有足够的能力协调自身的行为参数,村庄原有的制度均衡就会改变。

    Therefore , as long as village cadres have sufficient capacity to coordinate their own behavior parameters of the existing system balanced villages will change .

  12. 研究发现,这种与既有产权理论相悖,且看似畸变的现象实际上导因于农户与行政势力之间重复博弈所得来的不稳定制度均衡。

    In terms of my research , personally , the phenomenon is resulted from unsteady institutional equilibrium from the repeated game between farmers and administration power .

  13. 这时,两个域就形成了残缺的制度均衡,即村干部的行为影响到村民的策略选择(投票取向),但村民的行为难以制约村干部的策略(共享或独占集体煤矿)。

    Then , the two jurisdiction domains formation of an incomplete balanced system , the village cadres affected villagers strategy choices ( voting ), but the villagers constraints village cadres are difficult .

  14. 当系统环境变化引发了超过临界规模的参与人的认知危机,各种变异性认知以一定的规模进行试验,某些认知将逐渐成为优势认知,从而回归认知和制度均衡。

    When the change of system environment induces cognitive crisis , varieties of cognition are completing in an obvious scale . Some kinds of cognition become dominant , and the cognitive equilibrium will be recovered .

  15. 这两种认知规则对制度均衡、演化都将产生重要影响。在形成局部认知的基础上,个体间共同认知的产生与制度的发育实际上是同构的。

    These two kinds of cognition play an important role in the equilibrium and evolution of system . Based on individual cognition , the creation of common cognition and convention is evolved in the same process .

  16. 通过以上努力,力求达到人力资源供给与需求的行为博弈均衡、数量均衡、结构均衡和制度均衡,为我国商业银行的发展壮大准备人力资源条件。

    In so doing , it is expected that equilibrium can be achieved in the supply and demand of human resources in terms of behavior game , quantity , structure and system and corresponding preparations are made for growth and development of commercial banks in China .

  17. 但由于基础资料、理论知识,以及研究时间等因素限制,本论文对规划的制度均衡内在机制研究不够深入,定量分析方法略显不足,这有待于进一步的深入研究。

    However , due to the limitation of theoretical knowledge , and time , this paper is still not enough to reveal the inner mechanism of institutional equilibrium and quantitative analysis method of land use planning , and thus the further research in this field is needed .

  18. 当然,这一变革并不是对传统公司治理契约的全面否定,也并没有向英美公司治理模式单向趋同,而是在更高的层次上形成了新的制度均衡。

    It is understood that such reforms cannot be described as a total denial of the contracts in conventional corporate governance , neither an unilateral convergence of management patterns adopted by corporations in U.K. and U.S. , but rather a new system balance formed at a much higher level .

  19. 东道国对外国直接投资(FDI)的政策变迁是一个由制度非均衡到均衡再到非均衡的动态演进过程。

    The change of policy toward foreign direct investment ( FDI ) is a process of a dynamic change of system from non-balance to balance to non-balance .

  20. 论行政许可制度的均衡价值要义

    On the Essential Meaning of Balanced Value of Administrative License System

  21. 中国国防预算制度非均衡态分析

    Analyses to China 's Inequilibrium State of Defense Budget System

  22. 在此基础上本文提出了制度矫正均衡理论假说。

    Based on this claim , the hypothesis of institution-correction equilibrium is developed .

  23. 农民中介组织的发育过程包括:(1)制度非均衡的出现;

    Development process of peasant intermediation includes : ( 1 ) nonequilibrium of institution ;

  24. 制度非均衡与社会机制约束等,从而决定了传统社会不可能有真正意义上的政治制度创新。

    These made a society that could not develop the creativity for political systems in the true sense .

  25. 其中:第七章建立一般性的纵向均衡模型,分析有关参数对制度纵向均衡的影响,并实证确定了相关参数;

    The chapter 7 establishes the horizontal equilibrium model , analysis relative parameters ' effects and estimates the data .

  26. 论文认为,我国的农村金融抑制,既有需求方面的原因,也有供给方面的原因,但根据我国的具体国情,造成我国农村金融制度非均衡性的主要原因是金融供给抑制。

    According to our national conditions , the primary cause of the unbalance in rural finance system is supply restrains .

  27. 网络型行业的竞争应该建立在数网竞争的基础上,但这一制度的均衡性将取决于利益集团进一步的竞争博弈。

    Such kind of institution might be a consideration on the public interests or the outcome of the institutional competition among interest groups .

  28. 制度非均衡表现为制度供给与需求在数量和结构上的不一致以及制度之间的相互不协调。

    Institutional disequilibrium means that institutions supplied and institutions demanded are not in balance , while institutions are not in harmony with each other .

  29. 产权制度供需均衡变迁对中小企业成长的影响

    The Impacts of SME Development by the Change of Enterprise Property Rights System & Theory Analysis Based on " Supply and Demand Balance " of System

  30. 医药卫生体制改革的不断深化和医疗市场竞争,加剧了公立医院制度不均衡的矛盾。

    The unceasing deepening reform of medicine health system and the co mp etition in medical treatment market pick up the unbalance antinomy in the public hospital .