
  • 【医】miscellaneous QI
  1. F1组合中香气量、余味、杂气、燃烧性、灰色、得分、劲头、浓度的分数均高于亲本。

    The scores of aroma volume , remaining flavor , offensive odor , combustibility , ash color , point , physiological strength and taste concentration in F1 combinations were higher than in parents .

  2. 会理1900m海拔范围烟叶吸食质量最佳。较低海拔范围杂气较明显,较高海拔范围香气量略显不足。

    The taste quality of tobacco leaves was the best at 1900m . Miscellaneous gases were obvious at low altitudes , and the quantity of aroma was a little lack at high altitudes .

  3. 亮氨酸含量较高,烟叶杂气较少;

    The less offensive odor of tobacco is correlated with the higher content of leucine ;

  4. 利用该产物对造纸法烟草薄片进行加香试验还表明,它具有较好的掩盖薄片木质杂气和增强烟香的效果。

    And the product was indicated having positive effect in the topping test of the reconstructed tobacco , such as enhancing toast aroma .

  5. 改良杂交种香味品质明显改善,表现为烟叶风格程度增加,香气质、香气量提高,杂气减少。

    Improved hybrids had better tobacco flavor quality than the regular hybrid , with increased burley style , enhanced aroma quality and quantity , and decreased offensive odor .

  6. 曲5、8、9、10香气正,无杂气,断面水分合适,白色菌丝分布均匀;

    They are the fragrance and cross section . Starters 5 , 8 , 9 , 10 all have good fragrance , proper water content and uniform distributed white sinensis .

  7. 并且在滤嘴中添加壳聚糖基金属配合物后,卷烟烟气的刺激性和杂气明显降低、协调性变好,光泽、香气和余味变化不大,整体的感官品质提高。

    The sense quality tests turned out that it had been improved in sense quality with irritation and impurity reduced , harmony increased and with luster , aroma and aftertaste stable in cigarette smoke .

  8. 评吸结果显示,只要加酶催化得当,所得酶制剂可明显增加卷烟香气,减轻青杂气和刺激性,改善卷烟吸味品质。

    The results of the panel test showed that the concentration of aroma could be increased significantly , offensive and irritancy could be reduced , and taste quality could be improved by adding enzyme reagent properly .

  9. 糖/碱比、总糖等化学指标与香气质、香气量、杂气、刺激性和余味等感官质量指标呈明显正相关,而与劲头、浓度等呈明显负相关;

    The chemical indexes , for example , ratio of sugar and nicotine and total sugar , and the sensory quality such as quality of aroma , concentration of aroma , offensive taste , irritancy and after taste etc.

  10. 辛夷挥发油具有较为浓郁的清凉香,香气质好,味浓清雅,无杂气,稀释后有清新飘逸的薄荷香气。

    The Volatile Oil ofXinYi ( VOMbp ) was given the characteristics of the strong cooler and good quality aroma , strong and sweet scent , no offensive odor and the fresh fragrance of mint after being diluted .

  11. 萃取可以提高烟叶样品的烟气细腻性、柔顺感,降低刺激与劲头,减少杂气、改善余味,且对烟香浓度无显著影响。

    3 ) the smoothness and mildness of tobacco smoke were enhanced , offensive taste , strength and irritation reduced , and aftertaste was ( improved ) by supercritical CO_2 fluid extraction , while flavor concentration was not affected significantly .

  12. 对烟用氨化焦糖的制备工艺条件(如水含量、温度、时间、催化剂等)进行了优化,制备得到的氨化焦糖具有增强烟气浓度、提高香气、掩盖杂气和改善余味的作用。

    The technological conditions such as temperature , water content , time , catalyst of preparing ammoniated caramel were optimized . The obtained ammoniated caramel was found to be useful in enhancing cigarette flavor , improving smoke quantity , masking offensive flavor and improving aftertaste .

  13. 使用SiO2Al2O3催化剂,以呋喃和氨水为反应物,通过芳香环上杂原子取代的气固相催化反应制备吡咯。

    Pyrrole from furan and ammonia by vapor solid phase replacing reaction was prepared with SiO 2 Al 2O 3 as the catalyst .