
  1. 在十二殖民地被摧毁之前,为什么“热狗”没能做成蝮蛇飞行员?

    What prevented Brendan " Hot Dog " Costanza from becoming a Viper pilot before the destruction of the Twelve Colonies ?

  2. 在这个村里我还见过一个大烟鬼,他曾雇了一个人种他那十二亩地。

    In the same village , I came across an opium smoker who hired a man to work his two acres of land for him .

  3. 主耶和华如此说,你们要照地的境界,按以色列十二支派分地为业。约瑟必得两分。

    Thus saith the Lord god ; this shall be the border , whereby ye shall inherit the land according to the twelve tribes of israel : joseph shall have two portions .

  4. 接着,从三个方面十二点详细地分析了先进制造技术发展的特色与趋势:产品本身,精、极、文;

    Then , a detailed analysis is given on the features and trends in the development of advanced manufacturing technology in altogether 12 points from three aspects : " precision ", " extreme " and " culture " from the aspect of the product itself ;

  5. 我们十二点到达目的地,每个班和他们的老师一起去吃午饭。

    We arrived at our destination by twelve , and each class went with its teacher to lunch .

  6. 钟敲响了十二点,腾地一下,鼻烟盒的盖子弹开了。

    The clock struck twelve , and , with a bounce , up sprang the lid of the snuff-box ;

  7. 周先生每周一至周五的上午八点到十二点会雷打不动地出现在中央音乐学院钢琴系的教室给学生上课。在繁忙教学之余仍旧保证每天练琴2小时。

    Zhou Monday to Friday morning to eight to twelve will be unshakeable in the Central Conservatory of Music Piano Department of the classroom to the students attending classes . I was still busy teaching to ensure that practicing 2 hours a day .