
  1. 两维图论聚类法在农业区划中的应用&以山东省十七地市为例

    Application of Two Dimensional Graph Theory-clustering Method in Agricultural Regionalization & Take 17 places cities in Shandong Province as a case

  2. 第四部分:山东省城市化水平综合评价。应用山东省城市化综合评价指标体系对山东省十七地市的城市化水平进行了评价,得出了评价结果。

    Appraise on Ruby appraise and summarize . The third part : Appraise the index system to study synthetically in urbanization of Shandong .

  3. 第二节到第四节分别探讨抗战结束到十七年时期地小说把抗战叙述为一场革命的三个手段。

    Section 2-section 4 respectively inquires into the three means by which those novels describe the war as a revolution .

  4. 她是一名坚强的十七岁少女无畏地对抗脑瘤

    She is a fearless seventeen-year-old battling brain cancer .

  5. 当我交付表决的时候,另外十七只手齐刷刷地举起来赞成我的选择。

    When I put the suggestions to a vote , the other seventeen hands were raised in support of my choice .