
  1. 近代中国学术史上的戴震&以清末民初学者对其考据学之“科学”性的评估为核心

    On Dai Zhen of the Modern Chinese Academic History

  2. 因而,黄宗羲是中国学术史上里程碑式的著名学者和卓有建树的思想家。

    Huang is the landmark prominent scholar and thinker in Chinese learning history .

  3. 社会学及社会科学本土化是中国学术史上一个屡屡提及的重要论题。

    Indigenization of sociology is an important topic in the history of Chinese academic .

  4. 目录学与中国学术史

    Bibliography and Chinese Academic History

  5. 饶宗颐是20世纪中国学术史上的杰出人物之一。

    Rao Zongyi is one of the distinguished figures in the academic circle in the20th century China .

  6. 春秋战国时期,中国学术史上的第一个无神论思潮已经到来。

    The earliest atheism thoughts were produced in Chinese thoughts history as early as Spring-Autumn and warring Periods .

  7. 所以说,学衡派在中国学术史上占有重要的一席之地。

    Therefore , the academic thought of Critical Review school occupies an important position in the academic history in China .

  8. 《尔雅》是儒家经典之一,在中国学术史、文化史上有着重要的地位。

    Erya , one of the Confucian classics , plays an important role in the history of scholarship and culture in China .

  9. 以顾颉刚先生为代表的古史辨运动是二十世纪中国学术史上的一个重大事件。

    The movement of Ku-shih-pien represent by Mr. Ku Chieh-kang is a significant event in the Chinese academic history of the twentieth century .

  10. 金石学在宋代兴起并取得了丰硕的研究成果,这是中国学术史上的一个显著变化。

    During the academic history of China , it is a remarkable changing that epigraphy rose and developed quickly in the Song Dynasty .

  11. 汉末六朝学术的发展在整个中国学术史上划了一个弯。

    The academic development in the late Han dynasty and the Six Dynasties actually initiated a turn in the history of China 's academy .

  12. 目录是记录精神财富的数据库,因此历代目录实际上就是中国学术史的缩影。

    A catalog is a database to record spiritual wealth , and so the catalogue through ages are the epitome of Chinese academic history .

  13. 朱熹是宋代理学的集大成者,也是中国学术史上最著名的思想家之一。

    ZhuXi who was the master of Neo-Confucianism in Song Dynasty , also one of the most famous thinker in the academic history of china .

  14. 笔者希望由此说明,当思想史的研究与社会政治史的研究结合起来,中国学术史研究的内容将会是何等的丰富。

    I hope thereby to show how the intellectual history of China can be enriched when social and political history is interwoven with the history of ideas .

  15. 论文从目录的分类、录项目,以及序与提要等方面论述了目录学与中国学术史的密切关系。

    This paper discusses the close relations between bibliography and Chinese academic history through catalogue classification , recoding items , preface and abstract and so on respect .

  16. 王安石“不列《春秋》于学官”是中国学术史上曾引起很大争议的一桩公案。

    In Chinese academic history , it was a much discussed issue that Wan An-shi abolished The Spring and Autumn Annals from the Imperial College in Song Dynasty .

  17. 孔壁出书一事在中国学术史上意义重大,通过对历史文献记载的考证分析,可知此事属实,决非古文经学派的伪造。

    Textual researches on historical documents indicate the truthfulness of the ancient books found in the mansion walls of Confucius which is of great significance in Chinese academic history .

  18. 汉王朝一系列的重大举措,有利于儒学占主导地位,从而形成中国学术史上的经学时代。

    A series of measures taken by Han Dynasty contributed to the leading role of Confucian then , which led to the formation of the classical learning period in Chinese learning history .

  19. 研究我国私家藏书史是研究中国学术史、文化史,乃至整个中国文明历史的重要课题之一。

    Studying the history of the private library in our country is one of the important topics in studying the Chinese academic history , the cultural history , even the whole history of Chinese civilization .

  20. 时代和社会危机,促使学者们对学术进行沉痛反思,因此,中国学术史上具有重要影响的宋明理学开始产生,宋明理学是对中国传统思想的总结和批判。

    The times and social crisis , prompting scholars to conduct academic deep reflection , therefore , China has a major influence in the academic history of Neo-Confucianism started to have , Neo-Confucianism is a summary of Chinese traditional thought and criticism .

  21. 这些家史类史书在中国学术发展史上具有重要价值。

    Lineage history has important value in the Chinese academic history .

  22. 中国思想学术史上的道统与派分

    Dao Tong and Different Schools in China 's Intellectual History

  23. 在中国学术批评史上,纪昀是足可称为屈指可数的批评大师。

    In the history of Chinese science criticism , Ji Yun can be well called a great critic .

  24. 郭沫若与傅斯年是中国现代学术史上两位卓越的文化名人。

    Fu Ssu-nien and Guo Mo-ruo are two outstanding cultural celebrities in the history of modern Chinese academics .

  25. 在汉代乃至整个中国古代学术史上,张衡都具有重要的历史地位。

    And even entire academic history in the Han Dynasty in ancient China , Zhang Heng has important historical status .

  26. 在中国学术思想史上,担当了承先启后的重任。

    In Chinese academic thought history , Jin Sheng formed a connecting link between what went before and came after .

  27. 乾嘉学派是中国学术发展史上一个重要的流派。

    Qian Jia School is one of the most important schools of thought in the development of the Chinese systematic learning .

  28. 戴震在中国学术思想史上的地位,是以他对传统文化的深刻反思和无情批判而奠定的。

    His position in Chinese history of academic thinking was based on his profound introspection and merciless criticism to the traditional culture .

  29. 王国维是中国近代学术史上的大师,但他对教育领域的贡献,过去却鲜有人提及。

    Wang Guowei was the great master in modern Chinese academic history . Wang Guowei 's pioneering contributions to the educational field is known to few people .

  30. 清朝是中国学术发展史上的集大成时代,其特色即是对传统学术的回顾、反思、整理和总结。

    Qing Dynasty is an era featuring in reviewing , reconsidering , collating and summarizing the traditional academic research in the history of the Chinese academic development .