
  • 网络Building;hesion
  1. 他提到斯坦福大学(stanforduniversity)最近在北京大学成立了一所研究中心,成为第一所在中国大学校园里建楼的美国大学。

    He points out that Stanford has just become the first US university to construct a building on a main Chinese University campus , after it recently launched a research centre at Peking University .

  2. 杰克:你们为什么要在自然中心建楼呢?

    JAKE : Why are you building on the Nature Center ?

  3. 他们开始为承包人绘出可视图,这在建楼过程中能节约时间。

    They started to visually draw for the contractor , which saved time in the erection process .

  4. 你走我将通过一切你需要知道建楼,并添置了淋浴瓦片。

    I Will Walk You Through Everything You Need to Know to Build A Shower Floor And Install The Tile .

  5. 这些暂住“居民”也是现代工业化中的胜利者。它们也是对建楼欲望的一种升华。

    The temporary building is a triumph of modern industrial organization , a healthy sublimation of the urge to build ,

  6. 唐小姐是设计师,她为大楼设计图纸.她确保建筑工人正确地建楼。

    Miss Tang is an architect and she draws plans of buildings . She makes sure the builders build the blocks properly .

  7. 但是,如果需要的话-党的帐篷只有-基片可以提供和安装在特殊的铝挤压使结构要建楼以上。

    However , if needed-party tents only-base-plates can be supplied and fitted to the special aluminium extrusion enabling the structure to be constructed above the floor .

  8. 围绕宫殿主体建筑,还广建楼堂厅院,亭阁轩室,构成一个金碧辉煌、规模宏大的建筑群。

    Around the main palace building , there are also numerous towers , halls , courtyards , pavilions and mansions , which constitute a splendid and large-scale complex .

  9. 如今政府应做的,是尽快检讨现行建楼的规例,研究是否需要修改,避免新建的屋苑再有同类事件发生。

    What the government ought to do urgently now is to examine the laws governing such developments and decide whether they need to be amended lest similar things should happen in new developments .

  10. 但我可以在此基础上进行延伸,并制作一些大型的东西,比如用来建楼、造桥,还可以用来制作飞机机翼和普通的鞋子。

    but the idea is , I can extrapolate this , I can make it into large formats , I can make it into buildings , bridges , but also airplane wings and shoes .

  11. 他们把那座二十年前建的楼炸掉了。

    They blew up the20-old building .

  12. 离镇中心仅两个街区的地方,古香古色的石头房被一栋栋由栅栏隔开的完建公寓楼所代替,而公寓楼里却是空空如也。

    Barely two blocks outside of the village center , historic stone houses give way to condo complexes that have been finished , boarded up , and left empty .

  13. 中国正在上演一场建筑狂欢,据中国国家统计局的数据,在建写字楼建筑面积总计57亿平方米。

    China is in the midst of an orgy of building , with 5.7 billion square meters of office space under construction , according to the National Bureau of Statistics .

  14. 德勤地产数据显示,伦敦可购买的办公楼数量处于2007年以来的最低水平,45%的在建办公楼已被出租。

    Office availability is at its lowest level since 2007 , with 45 per cent of space under   construction   already let , according to figures from Deloitte Real Estate .

  15. 据新华社报道,自2009年以来中国已经发生了至少六起多层楼房倒塌事故,其中包括上海发生的一起在建住宅楼整体倒塌事件。

    At least six multiple-story buildings have collapsed in China since 2009 -- including one in Shanghai under construction that bizarrely toppled over virtually intact -- though not all have caused casualties .

  16. 通过对一个工程实例的数值模拟,分析了大面积基坑开挖时基坑的回弹引起在建公寓楼一侧上抬的原因。两种抗冻害渠系水闸基础&反拱板式基础和空心板式基础介绍

    Based on the numerical simulation , the mechanism of the foundation heave of a building induced by a nearby deep foundation excavation for an underground garage was analyzed . An Arch and Hollow Foundation for Anti - heave

  17. 现在没有建新办公楼的计划。

    There are no plans to build new offices .

  18. 本文对旧房建设处理的决策是针对南京某大学于1974年所建的住宅楼所作。乃用价值工程(VE)与层次分析(AHP)法进行,具有普遍的应用价值。

    The decision about the old building was made against a flat constructed by Nanjing University in 1974.It is of universal valuable in its application as it is proceeded by VE and AHP , meanwhile it is used in scientific management for old building .

  19. 市长否决了建新办公楼的计划。

    The mayor has vetoed the plan to build new offices .

  20. 我们打算在这里建一座楼。

    We are going to build a building here .

  21. 毫无疑问在上海我们放眼一望,到处都是在建的摩天楼。

    In Shanghai of course we see huge buildings being constructed everywhere we look .

  22. 整合与融合&水建学院教学楼规划与设计

    Integration and Interfusion Programming and Design for Teaching Building of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering College

  23. 我们打算在园区里建一栋楼,容纳12000人。

    And the campus we like to build there is one building holds 12000 people . And it is pretty amazing building .

  24. 其后通过远大可建公司宿舍楼设计实践具体介绍远大可建公司集成建筑体系的特点、运用的主要技术及其集成建筑技术在实际项目中的运用和实践。

    Then the company Yuanda dormitory building design as an example and introduces the feature of the integrated architectural system of Yuanda Company , the applied main techniques and how these techniques are realized in actual projects .

  25. 他们声称反对建这么高的楼。

    They declared against building such a tall building .

  26. 中国人可能还想要建更高的楼。

    The Chinese are likely to want to go much higher than this .

  27. 正在建的那栋楼是我们的图书室。

    That building in building is our books room .

  28. 他们打算在建筑物上加建第三层楼。

    They wanted to heighten the building by the addition of a third storey .

  29. 正在建的那幢楼是我们的图书馆。

    The building being built is our library .

  30. 地下室顶接建六层办公楼的结构设计可编程序控制器在卷接机组改造中的应用

    Structural Design of the Building with a New 6-storeys Office Building Constructed on the Top of An Established Basement