
  • 网络NGL;NGLs;LNG;natural gas liquids, NGL;natural gas liquids
  1. 与此同时,1桶原油所含能量相当于1.4桶天然气凝析液。

    Meanwhile , in terms of energy content , a barrel of crude oil is worth 1.4 barrels of NGLs .

  2. 区分新增部分的不同来源很重要,因为非常规原油的成本高于常规原油,而天然气凝析液的能量密度低于常规原油。

    This distinction matters because unconventional crude has a higher cost than conventional crude , while NGLs have a lower energy density .

  3. 陶氏化学(DowChemical)宣布将增产乙烯和丙烯,以充分利用美国页岩气田天然气凝析液产量增加的大好机会。

    Chemical push Dow Chemical ( Dow ) announced that it was going to make more ethylene and propylene so that it can profit from the increasing amount of natural gas liquids being produced from shale fields in the United States .

  4. 榆林气田天然气凝析液管道工艺设计方法研究

    Study on Technologies Design Method of Natural Gases Condensed-liquid Tube-line in YULIN Gases Field

  5. 该估计是基于欧佩克的总产量(包括天然气凝析液)作出的。

    The estimate is based on total Opec production , including natural gas liquids .

  6. 天然气凝析液回收装置

    Sulfite liquid trap NGL recovery unit

  7. 流体组分含量及入口温度对天然气凝析液输送管道立管系统流体流动特性的影响

    The influence of fluid component content and inlet temperature on the flow in gas condensate pipeline-riser system

  8. 如今,美国石油产品的构成和上世纪70年代初并不相同,其中天然气凝析液所占的比重较大。与原油相比,这种天然气凝析液所含的能量较低,价值也不如原油。

    The composition of US production today is not the same as in the early 1970s , in that it has a higher proportion of NGLs , which have a lower energy content and value than crude oil .

  9. 天然气/凝析液长距离管道稳态模拟研究

    Natural Gas / Condensate Long Distance Pipeline Steady Simulation Computation Study

  10. 天然气-凝析液管路工艺计算的新方法

    New Calculation Method of Technology of Natural Gas-Condensate Pipings

  11. 流体组分及其含量变化对天然气-凝析液混输上岸管道滞液量和压降的影响

    The influence of fluid composition and its content on pressure drop and liquid holdup in landing natural gas and condensate pipeline