
  • 网络feed water tank;water tank;feed cistern;supply tank;feed-water tank;feed tank;feed-tank;feed water storage tank;water supply tank
  1. 加热蒸汽应通过最低水位下的喷洒器蒸汽管耙导入给水箱内储存的水里。

    Heating steam shall be introduced into the water stored in the feed water tank through a rake of sparger steam pipes below the minimum water level .

  2. 给水箱设计原则

    Principles of Water Tank Design

  3. 我要买一个小水泵把给水箱加气。

    I want a small hydraulic pump to drive air into the tank .

  4. 对于主要辅机,除氧器、给水箱、给水泵、汽机旁路、凝汽器、凝汽器抽气器均与小火电机组不同。

    While for major auxiliaries , deaerator , feedwater tank , feedwater pump , turbine bypass , condenser , condenser air extractor are all different from the small thermal power units .

  5. “如果你给热水箱装上外套,你就可以少付燃料费帐了。”

    " If you lag your hot water tank , you will save money on your fuel bills . "

  6. 司机给车的水箱再加满水。

    The driver renewed the water in the tank of his car .