
  • 网络electrical angle;electric angle;electrical degree
  1. 针对电机空间矢量控制和直流无刷电机120电角度换相控制算法的电路实现,采用了控制状态机与PWM发生电路相结合的方法。

    The method of finite state machine together with PWM circuit is given to realize the algorithms of Voltage Space Vector control and 120 electrical angle changing phase control of DC brushless motor .

  2. 通过对转子外圆开辅助槽对样机进行了进一步优化,结果表明当辅助槽位于45°电角度时,电机铁耗最小。

    A further optimization is going on through the auxiliary tank on the rotor cylindrical , the results show that when the auxiliary tank is located at 45 ° electrical angle , the motor iron loss is minimum .

  3. 以电力公司向发电企业购电角度,提出了基于GA-MPT最优购电策略的农电市场均衡模型。

    From the interests of power purchase , this article proposed the rural market equilibrium model based on GA-MPT optimal power purchase strategy .

  4. 电枢采用两相,且在空间互差90度电角度绕组,一组为主绕组(即工作绕组),另一组为副绕组(即非工作绕组)。

    Adopting two phase winding , one is main winding ( working winding ), the other is secondary winding ( non - working winding ) .

  5. 还利用槽电角度的规律性找出了削弱或消除多路绕组间的电势不平衡性的新途径。

    The new way to reduce or eliminate the unbalancedness of the induced emf among the multi-circuit windings is found out by use of the regularity of the slot electric angular degrees .

  6. 论述了实验电机系统工作在120°电角度导通方式时,理想状态下的最佳控制逻辑。膝关节活动度平均120°。

    Optimum control logic is discussed when the experimentation motor ideally operates in 120 electrical degrees active . Lachman test turned negative in all patients , the average range of motion was 120 ° .

  7. 现将三相开关磁阻电机的三相绕组采用星形连接,由三相逆变桥对其供电,并以51单片机为控制器核心,采用720°电角度一周期的对称不均匀励磁方式。

    This paper adopted star type conjunction on three phase SRM , supplied with three phase invertion bridges . 51 MCU was the core for controller , it matched with symmetry and uneven excitation mode with 720 ° electric angle a cycle .

  8. 针对控制系统去掉位置传感器的情况,本文通过反电势法来估算电机转子位置,检测到反电势过零点,再进行了30°电角度的换相延时,以实现电机的正确换相。

    In this paper , considering the control system having no position sensor , the Back-EMF method is applied to scan the rotor position signals of the motor , by inspecting the BEMF-crossing-zero signals , then after delays for thirty degree , the current is commuted correctly .

  9. 针对航空航天整流器发电机的输出电压脉动较大的情况,文章介绍了电机采用两套相差30°电角度的绕组降低电压脉动的方法。

    The method of adopting the two windings with a phase shift of thirty electrical angles is presented here , it is used to reduce the ripple for the condition that ripples of the out voltage of rectifier generator used in the area of aviations and airspace is much bigger .

  10. 同步发电机负载时,为了考虑电机旋转和定子电流对电机磁场分布的影响,把整个电机模型作为求解区域,对转子旋转360°电角度空间范围内每一定、转子相对位置进行电磁场有限元分析。

    The distribute of electromagnetic field is varied because of the effects of the revolution of generator and the current of stator windings . The whole generator model is the area of analysis by use of finite element method , rotating the rotor within the range of 360 electric degree .

  11. 目的从电生理角度探讨针刺治疗椎-基底动脉供血不足(TIA)的作用机理,比较针刺头部经穴与头针分区的效应。

    Objective From the angle of electrophysiology , go further into the mechanism of action of acupuncture treatment to the insufficient blood-supply of vertebral basilar artery and at the same time , make a comparison of the effects between the acupuncture on cephalic meridian points and zonation cephalic acupuncture .

  12. 从神经电生理角度探讨亚低温对特重型颅脑伤的疗效

    The effect of mild hypothermia on severe head injuries

  13. 圆光栅回转式压电微角度执行器的研究

    Research of Circular Grating Rotary Piezoelectric Micro-angle Actuator

  14. 此外,本文还从产业(行业)用电的角度,通过主导产业(行业)分析,对区域用电市场的景气状况进行了有益的探索。

    In addition , from the industry electricity point of view , the regional electricity market prosperity analysis was studied through the leading industrialization analysis .

  15. 从电性角度讨论了有机物分子的亲电性和亲核性问题,并阐述了两者在有机合成中的应用。

    In this paper , electroaffinity and nucleophilicity of organic compound have been investigated , and their application in organic synthesis also has been discussed .

  16. 本文从电晕反应器的电性能角度分析了线-筒式、线-板式和针-板式三种电晕反应器去除率高低的原因,探讨工业化应用的可能性。

    This paper discusses the differences of using three type corona reactors from the view of electrostatic characteristics of these reactors and the feasibility of these reactors for industrial application .

  17. 目的:观察尼莫地平对轻中型颅脑外伤患者记忆、认知功能障碍的治疗作用及对体感诱发电位的影响,从脑电生理角度探讨其作用机制。

    Objective : To observe the effectiveness of nimodipine in the treatment of mild / moderate brain trauma induced memory and cognitive impairment and its effect on the somatosensory evoked potentials and investigate the mechanism of nimodipine .

  18. 视觉和听觉交叉通道刺激的实验结果从电生理的角度对McGurk效应和听觉诱导视觉幻觉现象提供了一定解释。

    The data of visual and auditory cross-modal stimulating experiments made contribute to the electrophysiological explanation of McGurk effect and the visual illusion caused by auditory stimuli .

  19. 新结构压电泵锥形角度与泵性能关系分析

    Analysis of the Relationship Between Function and Cone Angle of Piezoelectric Pump with New Structure

  20. 目的:从胃电活动的角度探讨脾胃病分型的客观指标。

    Objective : At the angle of EG activities , discuss the object targets of typing of gastroduodenal disease .

  21. 从电接触的角度来看,铜基合金被用于接触导线和受电弓滑板的制造。

    From the viewpoint of electric contact , copper base alloys have been applied to contact wires and also to pantograph sliders .

  22. 本文从送电线路设计角度在方便施工、降低造价、利于运行等方面提出一些看法。

    From the perspective of Transmission Line Design of convenience , cost reduction , and to run some of the views put forward .

  23. 目的:从神经电生理的角度研究还元注射液对实验性脑出血大鼠神经元的保护作用。

    Objective : To study the protective effects of Huanyuan Injection on brain neurons of experimental cerebral hemorrhage rats through nervous electric physiologic method .

  24. 目的:从神经细胞电生理学角度探讨头穴针刺急性脑出血大鼠神经元细胞电活动的双向调节作用和机制。

    Objective : to clarify the function and mechanism of bidirectional adjustment of scalp acupuncture to neuron electric-activity of rat with acute cerebral hemorrhage by nerve cell electro-physiology .

  25. 本文从会计电算化角度阐述了财务分析工作的性质和特点,介绍了专门用于财务分析工作的财务决策支持系统。

    This paper expounds the specific characteristics of financial Analysis in the light of computer accounting systems and deals with a financial decision support system used for financial analysis .

  26. 从电能外部接入角度对充电站的建设作了初步研究。

    The construction of the charging station is studied in the point of view of outside power supply connection .

  27. 本文从心经与支配心脏交感神经电活动关系的角度探讨针灸经络理论的核心内容。

    This study was designed to discuss theory on acupuncture and meridian through correlation between heart meridian and electric discharge activities of sympathetic nerve .

  28. 文章通过对等效声速表达式的展开,分析了这种替代所带来的误差,并从电边界条件这个角度,阐明了这种替换的物理意义。

    In this paper , the error of this substitute is analysed through expanding the expression , and physical meaning is illustrated from the point of view of electrical boundary conditions .

  29. 然后从生理学和电生理学的角度,分析了心电信号的特征波形以及各个波形之间的时间关系。接着讲述心电信号的干扰和噪声以及如何抑制这些干扰和噪声信号。

    The characteristic waves and the intervals of the ECG signal are analyzed from the viewpoint of Physiology and Electrophysiology , followed with the interference and noise in the ECG signal and the methods to reduce them .

  30. 无刷直流电动机基于通电相位和通电角度最优化的PWM控制

    Brushless DC Motor PWM Control Based on Optimizing Phase Angle and Conduction Angle