
ɡāo tǎ
  • high tower/steeple
  1. 我站在倒塌的高塔脚下,看着救援人员在瓦砾堆中搜寻。

    I stood at the foot of the collapsed tower and watched the rescue workers sifting through the debris

  2. 然后,他头朝下地从一座高塔上跳了下来,用头顶接触地面,而不折断藤蔓。

    He then jumps head-first from a high tower to touch the earth with the top of his head — without breaking the vine .

  3. 高塔是按塔影测量的;伟人是以他们的诽谤者衡量的

    Tower is measured by their shadow , and great men by their calumniator .

  4. 那艘巨轮乘风破浪驶向海港,高塔般矗立在我所在的矮墩拖船前。

    She came riding up the harbor on a flood tide and towered high over the stout10 little tug that carried me .

  5. 其中一种理论指出,因为袋熊会捡拾自己的便便堆起来,以这种方式来和同类交流,立方体形状有助于它们将便便堆成“高塔”。

    One states that because wombats pick up their poop and stack it as a way of communicating between them , the cubicle16 shape helps them build higher poop towers .

  6. DCS在高塔造粒复合肥中的配比控制

    DCS on proportion control for compound fertilizer production with tower granulation

  7. Ka波段交流辐射计及其高塔实验研究

    Study on Ka-Band Alternating Radiometer and High-Tower Experiment

  8. EDM三角高程测量用于高塔施工测量的精度估算及操作方案

    The precision estimation and operational scheme of applying the EDM triangulation elevation surveying to the high tower construction surveying

  9. 采用材料力学的叠加法和自编的MATLAB程序,计算了高塔设备在风载荷和自重联合作用下的塔顶静挠度,并推出了考虑自重影响时塔顶静挠度的计算公式。

    The superposition method in mechanics of material and a MATLAB Procedure was used to calculate the top deflection of tall tower under both of weight and wind pressure .

  10. 2002年时,Blaine成功的完成了在纽约市Bryant的一座高塔顶端站立长达35小时的创举。

    Blaine managed to stand on a tower in Bryant Park , New York City in2002 for35 hours .

  11. 500kV线路高塔使用情况分析与研究

    Analysis on higher tower application for 500 kV transmission lines

  12. 500kV湄洲湾海上跨越高塔组立施工关键技术

    Key Technology for 500 kV Meizhou Bay Large Crossing Over-sea Tower Erection

  13. 而且,似乎是为了有意强调高塔和贸易能将人们连在一起,哈利法塔的设计也是SOM建筑事务所完成的,这跟世界贸易中心一号大楼一样。

    And , as if to reinforce the point that towers and trade bring peoples together , the Burj Khalifa was designed by SOM , architects of One World Trade Center .

  14. 钢塔结构中的节点设计346.5m输电高塔施工技术

    THE JOINT DESIGN OF STEEL TOWER Construction Technique for 346.5m High Steel Tower

  15. 220kV大跨越高塔带电沿直线绝缘子串进出强电场的试验研究

    Test Research on Live Line Work for In-Out Strong Electric Field of Straight-line Insulator on High Tower of 220 kV Long Span

  16. 为了探索大气中花粉的污染、输送和衰变的过程,用JWL1型空气微生物气溶胶采样器在南京大学的50m高塔上,进行了5个高度、4个时间点的采样观察。

    To study the process of pollution , transport and decay of the atmosphere pollen , we used JWL 1 bioaerosol sampler to sample pollen in 50m high iron tower of Nanjing University .

  17. 346.5m输电高塔施工技术

    Construction Technique for 346.5m High Steel Tower

  18. 支撑每座高塔的是23×23m2的坚固的标号混凝土芯。

    Each tower is supported by a solid 23-x-23-meter core of high-strength concrete .

  19. 结果表明:LST-1在高温、快速干燥过程中性质稳定,适用于洗衣粉高塔喷粉前配料工艺。

    The experimental results show that LST-1 is stable in quick and high temperature spray drying and is suitable for using in the detergent slurry preparation for spray drying tower process .

  20. 考虑土-结构相互作用的风力发电高塔系统地震动力响应分析

    Seismic Response Analysis of Wind Turbine Tower Systems Considering Soil-structure Interaction

  21. 让我们建一座高塔,可以够到天堂。

    Let 's build it so tall that it reaches heaven .

  22. 就像童话里住在高塔上的长发公主一样,我会让她住在那里的。

    Shes going to be like Rapunzel up in the tower .

  23. 这特殊的峡谷是一个由高塔和突出物构成的迷宫。

    This particular valley is a maze of towers and outcroppings .

  24. 但我给你们订了高塔酒店。

    But I 've got you in at the Tower Hotel .

  25. 南京高塔梯度观测装置

    The gradient observation sat on a high & tower in Nanking

  26. 我们在一座高塔处拍了照。

    We took a picture where there is a tall tower .

  27. 大底盘高塔楼隔震结构的动力时程分析及优化

    Time-history Analysis of Isolated Structure with Tower Structure and Large Podium

  28. 在教堂的四角各有一座优美的高塔矗立。

    Four graceful towers stand at the corners of the building .

  29. 基于物理机制的风力发电高塔系统旋转样本功率谱研究

    Rotationally Sampled Spectrum of Wind Turbine Tower System Based on Physical Mechanism

  30. 高塔地脚螺栓和基础环的设计

    Design of Anchor Bolt and Base Plate of High Column