
  • 网络hd camera;HD Video Camera;HDV
  1. 这项任务是把一个HD高清摄像机系在一个太空探测气象气球上,放飞到同温层上面,拍摄地球外面的黑暗。

    The mission was to attach a HD video camera to a weather balloon and send it up into the upper stratosphere to film the blackness beyond our earth .

  2. 这些无人机都配备了高清摄像机,采用4G传输技术,可以在100多米的高空飞行,连续飞行时间约为20分钟。

    The drones , equipped with HD cameras and 4G transmission technology , can reach a height of over 100 meters and fly about 20 minutes uninterrupted .

  3. 罗伯特斯科博表示,除了用高清摄像机进行专业拍摄,他也使用qik。

    Robert Scoble says he uses Qik alongside his professional work with high-definition cameras .

  4. 三种家用高端高清摄像机格式的比较

    A Comparison of Three Formats of Household High-end High Definition Camcorders

  5. 世界最小高清摄像机又出新款。

    There is a new version of the popular pocket-size flip video camera .

  6. 目前大多数电影和电视剧还都不是用超高清摄像机拍摄的。

    Most movies and shows today still aren 't shot with cameras that record in UHD .

  7. 这台由电脑游戏控制器远程操纵的机器人潜入水中并优雅地来回游动,凭借装备的高清摄像机探索水池底部。

    Remotely guided by a computer game controller , the robot dives and gracefully swims back and forth exploring the tank 's bottom with its high-definition video cameras .

  8. 如果比起我的假期,你的假期在运动方面的节目更多一些,那么建议你选择GoPro新推出的Hero4Session,它是GoPro结实的高清视频摄像机的紧凑版。

    If your getaway is more action-packed than mine , GoPro 's new Hero 4 Session is a compact version of its rugged HD video cameras .

  9. 我买了部高清数码摄像机开始拍摄记录片

    I bought an H.D.Cam and started filming it for a documentary .

  10. 我们每个人的口袋里都有一台能录制高清视频的摄像机

    I mean , we all have HD-capable cameras in our pockets right now

  11. 专业高清SONYHDRFX1E摄像机摄像我们的报价就是我们给婚庆公司的价格,决不含水分。

    Professional HD video camera SONY HDR FX1E we offer is our company 's price to the wedding , and never with water .

  12. 高清图像质量的关键&理解高清,用好摄像机

    Key to Improve the Quality of High Definition Image