
  • 网络archival value
  1. 档案价值系统初探

    A preliminary discussion on the archival value system

  2. 关于档案价值与档案客体价值的思考

    Thinking about Archival value and Archives Object Value

  3. 浅谈科技档案价值的实现方式

    Talking about the Implementation of the Value of the Sci-tech Archives

  4. 档案价值鉴定刍议

    Some Opinions on the Appraisal of the Value of Archives

  5. 论科技档案价值利用的若干特性及其关系

    On Several Features of Utilizations of Sci-tech Archives Value ad Their Relations

  6. 档案价值鉴定国内外研究现状管窥

    A Glance at Chinese and Overseas Research Present Situation of Archival Appraisal

  7. 文书档案价值鉴定工作中存在的问题及解决办法

    Existing Problems and Its Solution in Value Appraisal of Administrative Archival Documents

  8. 档案价值鉴定的重要性由此可见一斑。

    We can conclude the importance of archival appraisal .

  9. 高校档案价值形态的探讨

    Probe Into Archives ' Forms of Value in Colleges

  10. 教学档案价值鉴定标准刍议

    An Inquiry into the Standard of Appraisal of the Value of Teaching Archives

  11. 科技档案价值综合评价的数学模型及应用

    A Mathematical Model on the Evaluation of Scientific and Technical Archives and its Application

  12. 浅谈高校档案价值实现的途径

    Ways to Realizing the Value of University Archives

  13. 论档案价值的表现形式

    On the expressive form of the archival value

  14. 论档案价值的转移

    On the Shift of the Archival Value

  15. 试论档案价值的二重性

    On the Dualities of Archives ' Values

  16. 档案价值鉴定尺度浅析

    On the Value Appraisal Scale of File

  17. 科技档案价值的实现是当前科技档案工作的一项重要任务。

    The implementation of the value of the sci-tech archives is an important task of the current sci-tech archives work .

  18. 由于我国档案价值鉴定理论和观念的长期滞后,导致人们在认识上存在许多误区。

    Because of the longstanding lag in archives appraisal theory and notion in our country , there are some misunderstandings in people 's thought .

  19. 档案价值是客观存在的,但要随时间和条件变化而改变;在形成单位保管价值相同的档案,进馆后会因其级别的不同而不同。

    The value of archives is objective existence , but changes with time and conditions , so the value of archives must be evaluated after some time to realize their value .

  20. 档案价值根源于档案客体,但取决于档案主体,产生于档案主体的实践&认识活动,档案主客体关系决定档案价值的质和量;

    The value of archives stems from archives object , while depends on archives subject and produces from the practice of archives subject & cognitive activity . The relationship between subject and object decides the qulity and quantity of archives value .

  21. 在全面建设小康社会的进程中,只有重视档案价值,深入开发档案信息资源,发挥档案工作的社会功能,才能充分地实现档案的价值,为社会经济建设服务。

    In the course of building full-seal well-off society , only attaching importance to their value , deeply exploit their informational resource , excavating their social fnction , then could adequately realize their value , and could service for social economic development .

  22. 当档案价值转移到其他文献形式或信息载体后,人们一般就不再利用档案原件了,但仍有凭证价值和文化价值,而增值的部分是它的文化价值。

    After the archival value was transferred to other documental forms and information carriers , people generally would not use the original files , but their value of evidence and culture still exists and the increasing part of the value is their cultural value .

  23. 经济学理论对档案工作者价值观的影响

    On the Impact on the Values of Archivists of the Economic Theory

  24. 谈加强档案保存价值鉴定工作的若干问题

    Issues of Strengthening Archival Appraisal Work for Preservation Value

  25. 浅议高校档案的价值

    On value of File in higher college and Universities

  26. 档案的价值不可低估

    The value of archives can not be underestimated

  27. 档案的价值及其评估的基本原则

    On Archives Value and Basic Principles of Evaluation

  28. 档案的价值及其鉴定

    The Value and Appraisal of Files

  29. 科技档案的价值与作用

    Values and Functions of Technological File

  30. 档案的价值不仅在于保存,更在于开发和利用。

    The value of files include not only information conservation , but also information development and use .