
lái yuán yuán zé
  • Source principle;principle of taxation at origin
  1. 论来源原则在办公自动化系统中的应用

    On Application of the Principle of Provenance to Office Automation System

  2. 试论电子档案时代来源原则的继承与发展

    On the Succession and Development of the Original Principle in Electronic Archives Era

  3. 来源原则;小调是当地的民间小调;

    The principle of provenance ; A minor is the local folk ditty ;

  4. 电子文件时代档案来源原则的嬗变

    The Change of Provenance Principle of Archives in the Era of Electronic Documents

  5. 原则与方法:信息时代来源原则定位的思考

    Principles and Methods : Thinking on Position of Sourcing Principles in The Information Age

  6. 来源原则;素材性课程资源是课程的素材或来源。

    The principle of provenance ; Material course resources are the sources or origins of courses .

  7. 电子文件时代,来源原则依然具有强大的生命力,它的指导意义具有不可替代性。

    In the era of electronic documents , provenance principle still has strong vitality and unsubstitutable significance .

  8. 来源原则;

    The principle of provenance ;

  9. 文章从来源原则本身所具有的两个层面&原则和方法上作了分析。

    This article analyses the " principles " and the " methods " which are possessed by the sourcing principle itself .

  10. 试用德国的自由来源原则释析我国资产重组与产权变动的档案处置方法

    Explaining and Analyzing Ways of Archival Disposition in Course of Property Reorganization and Change of Property Right With Free Principle of Provenance of Germany

  11. 为了能够从全宗理论中找到该《暂行办法》的分类处置档案的理论依据,试用德国全宗理论中的自由来源原则对其加以释析。

    In order to find the theoretical foundation of archival classification disposition of the ″ Temporary Methods ″ from the fonds theory , the author try to interpret it with the free principle of provenance of Germany fond theory .

  12. 国家档案局等四部委关于《国有企业资产与产权变动档案处置暂行办法》的相关规定与全宗理论中的来源原则既有相通又有相悖之处。

    There are some identity and contradictions between related the regulations of ″ Temporary Methods of Archival Disposition in Change of Property and Property Rights of State-Owned Enterprises ″ issued by four Ministries and Departments including State Archives Bureau and the principle of provenance of fonds theory .

  13. 如果他拥有作为他的爱好和行为之来源的原则。

    If he has principles from which come his affects and his acts .

  14. 该部分对历史文献的选择和运用进行了说明和讨论,详细介绍了本文的资料来源、选取原则以及利用方式等。

    We discuss the sources , principles and utilizations of the historical literatures in this paper .

  15. 朝贡制度的理论来源和礼仪原则。

    The tributary system 's theoretical origin and rites ( li ) and investiture ( yi ) principles .

  16. 在第二章的第二部分介绍了通用框架的来源、设计原则、设计思路和框架的总体的架构设计。

    In the second part , the resource , design principle , design thoughts and general structure design of ProGIS are introduced .

  17. 按来源地征税原则应当激发这个复杂的被定义为(成员国们)共同制度的对消费征税的制度。

    The principle of taxation by origin should inspire that complex system of taxation on consumptions , which is defined as common system .

  18. 继而从题材来源、造形原则、色彩语言等三个方面对马王堆装饰艺术源流进行展开论述。

    Then the thesis steps into the discussion of the source of Mawangdui art based on the source of art topic , principle of formation , language of color , method of representation .

  19. 以产权经济学的理论为基础,对征地中土地增值收益的来源和分配原则进行分析,并提出了相应的解决办法。

    On the basis of property rights economics , this paper analyzes the problem of origin and distribution principle of land increment profit in the process of land requisition and puts forward corresponding solutions .

  20. 论文指出,回购请求权制度这一衡平法上的创造来源于合同原则和商业需求的共同需要,是不断扩展公司自由和保护少数股东权利之间的一个平衡。

    I point out that the appraisal rights created in equitable law evolved from a confluence of contract principles and business exigencies , and is a balance between the corporate expanding freedom and protecting the minorities ' interests .

  21. 联系对当代服装设计师的访谈以及前期收集整理的国内外设计师资料,从灵感来源,遵循原则,优势弱势分析以及解决方案具体论述、落实基于快感理论的服装设计方法。

    Contact of contemporary fashion design and interviews of designers domestic and abroad to collecting information from a source of inspiration , follow the principles , advantages and weak to overcome the weakness analysis methods , specifically addressing the implementation of the theory of pleasure-based clothing design .

  22. 提出了缴费额度、资金来源、年金设计原则等应注意的问题。

    The paper also discusses the source of fund , management and operation as well as design principle of the enterprise 's annuity .

  23. 竞业禁止的正当性来源于诚实信用原则、代理成本理论和合理限制竞争原则。

    The justification of the restraint of competition lies in the principle of good faith and loyalty duty , the doctrine of agent cost and the reasonable restraint doctrine .

  24. 第六章是以得出的主题来源设计方向及原则为指导提出餐饮空间主题设计应注重的研究方向,来证明其重要性。

    The last chapter guides the direction and principles for the dining room design which is derived from the design direction and principle source of the theme to prove its importance .

  25. 以科学的引导、开展群众性体育活动为目的,遵循经济运行规律和理论来源于实践的原则,对体育投入进行了研究。

    The paper aims at scientific guiding and launching mass sports activities and carrys on overall and deep research on the sports input following the principle of economy operation law and theory coming form the practice .