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  • tuck comb
发梳[fà shū]
  1. 埃米拿起发梳,再次将头发梳理整齐。

    Amy picked up the hairbrush and smoothed her hair once more

  2. 此刻她坐到了桌前,拿起了发梳通常在她心神不宁的时候总要梳梳头发来放松(Relax)我自己。

    Now she seated herself before the table and took up her hairbrush , for , often , brushing her hair quieted her nerves .

  3. 用宽牙发梳平均地将护发液分布在发。

    Distribute the liquid evenly through your hair with a wide-tooth comb .

  4. 我卖掉金表,换钱为你买了发梳。

    I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs .

  5. 我是卖了金表换了钱给你买发梳。

    I sold the watch to get your combs .

  6. 把长发梳成圆发髻,让肩膀裸露出来。

    Bare your shoulders by wearing long hair up in a loose bun .

  7. 不可把乌木发梳浸在水里。

    Ebony hairbrushes shouldn 't be immersed in water .

  8. 吉姆送给黛拉她一直想拥有的昂贵发梳。

    Jim gives Della the expensive combs she has wanted for a long time .

  9. 接着她迅速抽出一把发梳,开始梳理她的长发。

    Then she whipped out a hairbrush and started to brush her long hair .

  10. 她常把深红色的长发梳得老高。

    Her long , dark - red hair was usually pushed up out of the way .

  11. 该发梳携带方便,不污染皮肤或衣物。

    The hair beautification comb which is convenient to carry does not easily pollute skin or clothing .

  12. 对这个派对,我会把一朵放在发梳上,给你的女朋友

    For the party , I 'm gonna put one on a hair comb for your girlfriend .

  13. 她把栗色长发梳得发亮,然后穿上她最好的蓝丝绒礼服。

    She had brushed out her long auburn hair until it shone , and picked her nicest blue silks .

  14. 这些美妙的发梳,纯玳瑁做的,边上镶着珠宝其色彩正好同她失去的美发相匹配。

    Beautiful combs , pure tortoise shell , with jewelled rims & just the shade to wear in the beautiful vanished hair .

  15. 当她终于款款登台时,几百个闪光灯闪个不停。这位歌手浅金色长发梳成无数尖尖的长条,像伞骨一般向后、向外刺去。

    Hundreds of cameras flashed as she took the stage , wearing her platinum blond hair in spikes that radiated outward from her head in the shape of a parasol .