
yì yè shēnɡ
  • student who fails to complete his study in a school
  1. 3.undergraduaten.(未获学士学位的)大学生,大学肄业生这是为本科生开的一门课。四年的大学本科学习收获很大。

    This is a course for The four years of study there was fruitful .

  2. 1.undergraduaten.大学生,大学肄业生近几年,本科毕业生喜欢去国外完成硕士学位。

    In recent years , undergraduate students prefer going overseas for their master degrees .

  3. 我是德鲁里学院的肄业生。

    I was an undergrad at Drury College .

  4. 那也就是说达尔文是爱丁堡的肄业生了?

    So Darwin is an Edinburgh dropout ?

  5. 其中就包括几位我们学校的肄业生,他鼓动学生离开学校去追逐自己的企业家梦想。

    including several of our undergraduates -- to leave college and pursue their individual entrepreneurial dreams .

  6. 申请人限于大学或独立学院之毕业生,肄业生及高级中等学校毕业生。

    Applicants must be graduates or under-graduates of accredited universities or colleges or senior high school graduates .

  7. 调查人员记录了3500名墨西哥大学肄业生的身高、体重和体质指数。

    Researchers documented the height , weight and body mass index of more than 3500 Mexican undergraduate students .

  8. 我的肄业生的经历使我意识到自己没有做一名物理学家的潜质,而那时计算机正是一个新兴的学科。

    My undergraduate experience convinced me that I was not smart enough to be a physicist , and that computers were quite neat .

  9. 这两个大学肄业生引发了个人电脑行业的革命,如今他们几乎很少聚在一起,但两人都声称彼此依然是朋友。

    The two college dropouts most responsible for unleashing the PC revolution rarely see each other anymore , though they say they 're still friends .

  10. 我们为什么要肄业生为他们的大学教育承担更高的费用,却不要求对冲垮金司理不再按低于他们秘书的税率纳税;

    How can we ask a student to pay more for college before we ask hedge fund managers to stop paying taxes at a lower rate than their secretaries ?

  11. 卫生士官学员大部分是来自基层部队的战士,多为初中毕业生、高中肄业生。

    The most of medical sergeant students are the common soldiers from Grass-roots units . Many of them are junior middle school students or leaving senior middle school before they have graduated .

  12. 你们是大学(肄业)生。

    You are under graduate .
