
  • 网络KEA;nestor notabilis;kea parrot
  1. 据悉,啄羊鹦鹉是生活在新西兰高山地区的大型鹦鹉。

    Keas are large parrots native to the alpine regions of New Zealand .

  2. 成年啄羊鹦鹉通常全身橄榄绿,翅膀底下却有一道亮亮的橘红。

    Adults are mostly olive-green with a brilliant orange flash under their wings .

  3. 我听过啄羊鹦鹉飞跃冰川叫喊着,像老人呻吟着走向大海。

    I have heard the Keas calling over grey glaciers that groaned to themselves like old people as they inched their way to the sea .

  4. 一只名为尼尔森的小啄羊鹦鹉一出生就遭到父母遗弃,因为它丑的都可以参评世界上最丑陋的鸟了。

    Kea parrot chick Nelson , who must surely be a contender for the ugliest bird in the world , was rejected by his parents after he hatched , the Daily Mail reported .