
  • 网络Millenium Bridge;The Millennium Bridge
  1. 就在千禧桥不远处的BALTIC当代艺术中心成为我们此行参观的第一个景点。

    The first place we visited was BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art on the south bank of the River near the Millennium Bridge .

  2. 接着,利用伦敦千禧桥的振动实测资料对所提出的理论进行验证。

    Subsequently , the above theory was verified through the comparison with the results of the full scale vibration test of the Millennium Bridge .

  3. 周二在伦敦千禧桥举行的游行活动寓意组织者说的他们想在全世界的冲突地区建筑的和平之桥。

    The march on London 's Millenium Bridge Tuesday signified the Bridge of Peace that organizers say they want to build through conflict zones all over the world .

  4. 千禧桥不仅仅是泰恩河上唯一一座可以供行人和自行车共同通行的桥梁,它优美的外形和美丽的夜景也吸引着各地游客。

    The Millennium not only serves a functional purpose as the River Tyne 's only foot and cycle bridge , but its grace outline and beautiful night scene attract people from all over the world .