
  • 网络Tourism Geography;tourist geography;Geography of tourism
  1. 浅谈旅游地理学课程教学方法改革

    Brief Talks on Teaching Method of Geography of Tourism

  2. 旅游地理学在中国的发展回顾

    Review on the development of tourist geography in China

  3. 1978年以来中国旅游地理学的检讨与反思

    Tourism Geography in China ( 1978-2003 ): A Review and Retrospect

  4. 中国现代旅游地理学研究的发展与展望

    The development and Prospect of china 's modern tourism geography research

  5. 中国旅游地理学1998至2004的进展

    Development of Tourism Geography in China from 1998 to 2004

  6. 西方国家旅游地理学进展

    Review on the development of tourism geography in the West

  7. 旅游地理学研究现状及其研究内容刍议

    On the Present Situation and Contents of Tourism Geography Study

  8. 中国旅游地理学的学科发展现状如何?

    What is the present state of the discipline ?

  9. 90年代中国旅游地理学进展研究

    A study on 90 's tourism geography of China

  10. 旅游地理学视域中的中国名胜组景分析

    An Analysis of Composite Sceneries of Chinese Attractions in the Vision of Tourism Geography

  11. 场所依赖是近年来国外旅游地理学和环境心理学的研究热点。

    Place attachment is very important part in tourism geography and environmental psychology abroad .

  12. 旅游地理学是旅游资源课程体系的基础和核心。

    Tourism geography is the foundation and core of the course system of tourism resource .

  13. 论旅游地理学的研究核心

    The Core of Study of Tourist Geography

  14. 从以下角度反思中国旅游地理学25年的发展和问题,对这一学科将来的进步不无裨益。

    This paper reflects on several issues in tourism geography in the last 25 years of development .

  15. 应用旅游地理学研究的中心是区域旅游开发。

    The central problem that applied tourist geography deals with is the tourist development of an area .

  16. 从理想主义、现实主义到理想主义理性回归&中国旅游地理学发展30年回顾

    From Idealism to Realism to Rational Idealism : Reflection on 30 Years of Development in Tourism Geography in China

  17. 中国旅游地理学有必要树立新的研究观念,认清自身的研究状态。

    Tourism geography in China needs to set up new notion in order for researchers to understand their mission .

  18. 讨论了中国旅游地理学对旅游业的贡献以及中国的旅游教育;

    Firstly , it discussed the China tourism geography 's contribution to tourism as well as China 's traveling education .

  19. 本章第四节分别指出了旅游地理学、环境经济学、旅游经济学和景观生态学在生态旅游规划与管理中的矛盾和局限性。

    Session 4 points out the limitation of tourism geography , environment economics , tourism economics and landscape ecology in the eco-tourism planning .

  20. 在旅游地理学研究的方法和可持续发展理论的基础上,采用由浅入深,逐层深入的研究设计是本文的研究思路。

    Based on the tourism geography research methodology and theoretical basis of sustainable development , using deep , thorough research designed this house research ideas .

  21. 文章运用生态景观学和旅游地理学的基础知识,以茂名市放鸡岛为例,探讨无居民海岛的生态旅游规划及其发展战略。

    On the base of ecological landscape theories and tourism geography , this article probe into eco-tourism planning and development strategy research to Fangji island , Maoming city .

  22. 该文运用旅游地理学相关理论和概念,依据调研资料,采用相关分析、实证分析方法,对天柱山旅游产品组合与客流时空相互作用进行研究。

    Adopting relating concepts and methods of the tourism geography , and using relevant analysis method , the authors analyze the interaction of tourism product combination and the distribution of tourist in Tianzhu Mountain .

  23. 近20年中国旅游地理学文献分析&《地理学报》、《地理研究》、《地理科学》和《自然资源学报》发表的旅游地理类论文研究

    An Analysis of China 's Tourism Geography Papers and Documents in the Past Twenty Years & Research on Tourism Geography Papers Published in Geography Journal , Geography Research , Geography Science and Natural Resources Journal

  24. 笔者从系统论和旅游地理学的角度,把旅游安全作为一个风险系统进行研究;认为旅游安全风险系统是由旅游者与旅游景区环境共同组成的一个复杂的特定的相互依赖的系统;

    From the aspects of systematology and tourist geology , tourist security is taken as a risk system , which is a special complicated and correlated system consisting of the tourists and the environment of the scenic spot .

  25. 总结了旅游地理学发展的成功经验,认为地理学的旅游应用拓展,既推动了旅游地理学这门新分支学科在中国的形成和发展,也将促进地理学本身的建设和发展。

    It summarizes successful experiences in development of Tourism Geography , and it believes that extension of tourism application in geography will promote the development of Tourism Geography in China . It will promote the development of geography .

  26. 结合旅游地理学授课内容及课程的特点,在教学尝试的基础上,提出了在教学中如何培养学生的创新能力的做法和建议。

    According to the contents and special features of the course of tourism geography , based on the teaching practice , this article puts forward some measures and ideas about how to cultivating the innovation ability of student .

  27. 分析了旅游地理学界对旅游资源概念争议的焦点问题,在此基础上,提出了新的旅游资源定义,并解释了有关旅游资源概念的几个争议问题。

    This thesis analyzed the debate in the circle of tourist geography on the concept of tourist resources . On the basis of the analyses , it proposed a new definition of tourist resources , and elaborated on the issues of the concept under dispute .

  28. 本文综述了70年代末中国人文地理学复兴以来研究旅游地理学的进展与趋势,并提出它对中国旅游业发展与人文地理学的学科建设起到举足轻重的作用。

    This article sums up the development and trend in research of modern tourism geography after the revival of China 's human geography at the end of 1970 's and advances its important affect in the development of China 's tourism industry and building of human geography .

  29. 本文在系统分析国内外风景区理论研究的基础上,以景观生态学和旅游地理学为研究的理论支持,尝试构建离散型风景资源的整合及生态保护开发的基本模式。

    In this paper , systematic analysis of domestic and foreign Scenic Area on the basis of the theory to landscape ecology and tourism geography theoretical support for the study to try to build a discrete integration of landscape resources and ecological protection of the basic pattern of development .

  30. 旅游地理学是人文地理学的重要分支学科,它的学习有助于提高地理人文素养,是高中学生繁忙枯燥的学习课程中的精神食粮,也是自然地理课程的必要补充。

    Tourism geography is an important sub-discipline of humanistic geography , its learning helps to improve the geographical and cultural literacy , and it is not only the spiritual nourishment in the busy and boring courses for high school students , but also a necessary complement to natural geography courses .