
  • 网络Riverbed evolution;fluvial process;river bed evolution;river channel process
  1. 针对石头河流域内河床多变的问题,分析了河床演变原因,提出了整治措施。

    The authors analyze the causes of the river channel process of the Stone River basin and put forward the renovation measures for the problem .

  2. 桥梁工程中河床演变的风险评估

    Risk Assessment of River Bed Evolution in Bridge Engineering

  3. Fuzzy等价关系在河床演变中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Equivalence Relation to Fluvial Process

  4. 基于GIS的河床演变分析系统设计研究

    A System of Fluvial Process Analysis Based on GIS

  5. 利用ExcelVBA自动绘制河床演变断面比较图

    Automatically Drawing Riverbed Section Evolvement Charts by EXCEL VBA

  6. 河道DEM的建立是河道整治、河床演变的基础。

    The establishment of riverway DEM is the basis of riverway analysis and riverbed change .

  7. 此外,论文还首次提出了以重心线变化来分析研究河床演变规律的理论、结合GPS实时定位功能加强长江采砂监管等。

    In addition , In the thesis , with barycenter line change to analyse and research the theory of bed development rule , combine GPS real-time location capability to strengthen the Yangtse River pick sand to put forward for the first time .

  8. 长江口河床演变规律及北槽12.5m深水航道治理工程

    Evolution Law of the River Bed in the Yangtze Estuary and Regulation Project of Deep Water Channel of 12.5m in North Passage

  9. 滹沱河上修建水库后下游河床演变

    Downstream Channel changes subsequent to reservoir construction on the Hutuo River

  10. 陆水水利枢纽坝下游河床演变规律分析

    An Analysis on Downstream River - bed Evolution of Lushui Project

  11. 20世纪的河床演变学

    Fluvial processes study in the 20 ~ ( th ) century

  12. 黄河下游河床演变中的地貌临界

    Geomorphic Thresholds of the Channel Process in the Lower Yellow River

  13. 遥感遥测资料在河床演变研究方面的应用

    Application of Remote Sensing in the Investigations of River Channel Changes

  14. 塔里木河河床演变和河道整治分析

    Analysis of Riverbed Evolvement Process and Channel Regulation of Tarim River

  15. 河道断面分析是河床演变分析的基础。

    River section analysis is the foundation of riverbed evolution analysis .

  16. 长江口深水航道治理与河床演变关系初探

    Preliminary Study on Relationship Between Deepwater Channel Regulation and Riverbed Evolution

  17. 三峡水库建成后对长江河床演变影响的预测与对策

    Influence of the Three-Gorges Reservoir on Evolution of Yangtze River bed

  18. 梅江五华河近30年河床演变的研究

    Study on fluvial process of Wuhua river in Meijiang recent 30 years

  19. 环境改变对黄河下游河床演变的影响

    Effect of Change of the Environment on Riverbed of Lower Yellow River

  20. 黄河下游游荡河道萎缩过程中的河床演变趋势

    Tendency of Channel Change of the Lower Yellow River During Its Shrinkage

  21. 副流及其在河床演变中的作用

    Secondary Flow and Its Role in River - bed Evolution

  22. 文中分析了该河口的水文、泥沙特性及河床演变规律;

    The characteristics of hydrology , sediment transport and fluvial process are analyzed .

  23. 泥石流入汇对河流河床演变的影响

    River channel changes due to convergence of debris flow

  24. 长江上游德感坝采砂坑对河床演变影响分析

    The analysis of the influence of the degan gravel pits on riverbed development

  25. 变动回水区河床演变特性。

    Evolution characteristics of riverbed in fluctuating backwater area .

  26. 三峡水库变动回水区河床演变及航道整治

    Fluvial process and waterway regulation in fluctuating backwater area of the Three Gorges

  27. 深圳湾河床演变及其对湿地生态系统的影响

    River Bed Evolution in Shenzhen Bay and its Effects on Wetland Ecological System

  28. 珠江三角洲西江干流河床演变的近代过程

    Recent fluvial process of the Xijiang main river course in the Zhujiang Delta

  29. 长江镇扬河段近期河床演变趋势分析

    Analysis on evolution tendency of river bed of Zheng-Yang stretch in recent period

  30. 黄河下游河床演变规律及对接冲刷分析

    Analysis on Bed Evolution Law and Joint Scouring of the Lower Yellow River