
  • 网络concentration ratio;concentration ration of industry;industry concentration;degree of concentration
  1. 运用实证分析的方法来研究中国汽车行业集中度对该行业吸引外资的影响。

    We mainly make a research on the foreign capital attraction in China Automobile industry under the influence of market concentration ratio through empirical study .

  2. 其次,对河南农产品的生产和出口现状进行了分析,并逐一分析了影响河南农产品出口竞争力的五个影响因素:市场化程度、成本优势、产业链附加值、行业集中度、政策支持。

    Secondly , this thesis analyzes the situation of Henan agricultural produce and export and five influence factors of competitiveness of Henan agricultural exports : the extent of marketization , Cost Advantage , added value , Concentration ratio and Policy Support .

  3. 产业关联、行业集中度和技术差距对内资企业工业增加值和FDI技术溢出效应的影响截然不同。

    Finally , Industry linkages , industry concentration and the technology gap each has different impact on the industrial added value of domestic enterprises and FDI technology spillover .

  4. 本文利用产业组织理论对国内钢铁产业规模及产业集中度进行了分析,结合高速线材产品进行了实证研究,提出了优化产品结构、提高行业集中度、RD等对策。

    Based on theory of industrial organization , this paper analyses the scale , centrality of China 's ferrous metal industry , with wire rod products as subject of experimental study . Proposals are offered concerning optimization of product structure , improvement of industrial centrality , RD etc.

  5. 对我国休闲农业的发展现状进行了分析,然后比较了行业集中度、赫芬达尔指数、空间基尼系数、空间E-G指数、区位熵和θi指数这六种产业集聚的测度方法。

    Analyzed the current development situation of leisure agriculture agglomeration in china , and then compared Concentration Ration of Industry , Herfindahl Index , Space Gini coefficient , E-G Index , Location Quotient and θ I index .

  6. 行业集中度与公司控制权市场效率

    Microconcentration and the Efficiency of the Market for Corporate Control

  7. 提高行业集中度应是硅铁行业奋斗的方向。

    Enhances the profession concentration degree to be the ferrosilicon profession struggle direction .

  8. 对我国连锁零售业行业集中度问题的研究

    Industry Concetration Ratio of Chinese Chain Retail Trade

  9. 我国烟草行业集中度研究

    The Analysis on Concentrated Extent of Tobacco Industry

  10. 结果我国医药连锁业的品牌意识有所增强,行业集中度在逐步加大;

    RESULTS : The trademark consciousness of the chain strengthened , and the trade was more localized .

  11. 当贷款行业集中度上升时该行业贷款成为不良贷款的概率较高。

    When the convergence of an industry rises , the possibility of its loan to become NPL is higher .

  12. 其次归纳总结了信贷组合中集中度风险的相关内容,针对客户集中度和行业集中度给出了一般的解决方法。

    Secondly , the contents of concentration risk have been introduced and a general solution is given to customer concentration and industry concentration .

  13. 结果表明,我国果蔬汁饮料制造业行业集中度较低,属于垄断竞争型的市场结构。

    The result show that the profession concentration degree in China was low , belonged to the market structure of monopoly competitive type .

  14. 我们认为,国家总量控制效果不显著的主要原因在于我国钨行业集中度不高。

    We believe the main reason why state total amount control was not obvious is because of the low concentration of China 's tungsten industry .

  15. 本文着重考察四种影响外商直接投资技术溢出效应的特征因素:时间趋势、产业关联、行业集中度、技术差距。

    Then we particularly focus on four factors which affect FDI technology spillove : time trend , industry linkages , industry concentration and the technological gap .

  16. 再次,用区位商法分析河北省装备制造业的行业集中度,从理论上分析了河北省装备制造业的发展现状,并判定了河北装备制造业产业集群的发展阶段。

    Analyze the status of the equipment manufacturing industry in HeBei Province from the theoretical . And determine the equipment manufacturing industry cluster in HeBei Province development stage .

  17. 我们认为,国家出口政策无法得到落实的主要原因还是钨行业集中度不高,出口管理混乱。

    We believe the main reason why state export policy can not be implemented is because of the low concentration of the tungsten industry and disordered export management .

  18. 总之,股权属性对公司绩效的影响因行业集中度的不同而不同,股权集中度与公司绩效的关系也因行业集中度的不同而有所差异。

    On the whole , the effect of ownership attribute on corporate performance is different by micro-concentration and the relationship between ownership concentration and corporate performance is various by micro-concentration .

  19. 但目前该行业集中度有待提高,企业盈利情况较差,近年来整体利润增速处于下降态势。

    However , at present the low industry concentration and the poor condition of enterprises profit result in that the growth of overall margins is in the decline situation recently .

  20. 具体策略包括调整行业集中度,优化产业结构,鼓励矿肥结合经营以及通过技术输出寻求全球资源合作。

    The concrete strategies include optimizing industry structure , encouraging the co-operation of phosphate ore exploration and fertilizer production , and seeking foreign resource co-operation by exporting the advanced technology to other countries .

  21. 这部分从房地产业可持续发展规划、大力发展经济适用房、推进住宅产业化、提供行业集中度等四个方面展开。

    The approaches mainly include planning with sustainable development , promotion of economical and applicable houses , progress of industrialization of inhabitancy and increase of the degree of concentration of real estate industry .

  22. 放任铁矿石行业集中度进一步提高,将十分不利,不管它们是合并业务,还是获取对未来储备的控制,都是如此。

    " It would be very negative to allow further concentration in the iron ore sector , either in terms of merging their operations or getting control over future reserves , " he said .

  23. 目前我国摩托车生产行业集中度不高,现有的纵向一体化模式不符合行业发展趋势,规模经济不明显,税费过高,市场竞争无序,自主知识产权严重缺乏,应积极探索有针对性的发展对策。

    Now , our motorbike trade is short of concentrate , the vertical model does not conform with the development . The scale economic effective are not appeared . And the tax rate is higher .

  24. 而我国钢铁贸易企业由于行业集中度低,抗风险能力差,迫切需要规避市场价格大幅波动的工具。

    While our steel traders ' industry concentration level is low and the anti-risk ability is weak , our steel trading enterprises urgently need a tool to avoid the large price fluctuations in domestic market .

  25. 而集中度比规模对利润率的影响更大;国有产权对利润率的负作用已经很小,行业集中度表现的是正常的效率竞争的结果。

    The concentration ratio has more influence on the profit rate than the scale . State-owned property rights has little side-effect on the profit rate , concentration ratio of industry is the result of efficient competition .

  26. 从行业集中度低、不公平的竞争降低了资源配置效率、再生铅工业水平落后、产品深加工比例小等方面分析了行业发展的劣势;

    Next , it analyzes the weaknesses in the aspects of low industry concentration , reduced resource arrangement efficiency due to unfair competition , laggard technology of recycled lead production , small ratio of deep-processing products .

  27. 旅游业的行业集中度较低,各细分行业中企业众多,每个企业状况不同,本文力图提取旅游景区、酒店两类旅游企业的共性进行分析。

    Tourism industry concentration is low . Many companies in various industry segment . Each business situation is different . The paper tries to commonality analysis two types of tourism enterprises , hotels and tourist attractions .

  28. 但是,我国白酒产业又是一个相对脆弱的产业,行业集中度低,处于分散经营的低级竞争状态,缺乏规模经济。

    However , the liquor industry is a very fragile industry , the industry concentration is low . It is in the low-level competition , in the state of decentralized management , and lack of economies of scale .

  29. 花木产业在发达国家已得到了长期而充分的发展,而在我国还正处于成长期,行业集中度有待进一步提高,规模化生产、专业化经营和标准化管理等都亟待加强。

    Flowers industry in developed countries has been a long and full development , but is growing in our country , industry concentration to be further improved , large-scale production , professional management and standardized management and so should be strengthened .

  30. 受政策打压影响,中小房地产开发企业的资金链风险暴露无疑,行业集中度有明显上升趋势,这预示着大型房地产企业集团群雄逐鹿的时代即将到来。

    Medium and small-sized real estate enterprises start to expose financial risk in capital chain as a result of adverse macro policies . Real estate industry tends to be more centralized , which promises the competition between large-sized enterprise groups is heating up .