
  1. 在识别C电信公司CRM核心问题之后,提出了具体的解决对策。运用客户价值模型,对企业的客户价值进行了分析,以此对企业的客户进行识别。

    By customer value model , the paper analyzes customer value of C Telecom to identify the valuable customers and to make customer subdivision .

  2. 信用卡客户价值模型分析

    Analysis of the Model of Customers ' Value in Credit Cards

  3. 当前客户价值模型包含指标选择、决策树建立、决策树测试和规则结合四个方面。

    Current Customer Value Model includes indicators of selection , decision tree establish , decision tree test and the rule combination .

  4. 潜在客户价值模型包含主观因素和客观因素两个方面的指标选择,进而进行决策树的建立和模型建立。

    Potential Customer Value Model includes subjective and objective two indicators of choice , and then to establish the decision tree and the model .

  5. 作为研究的基础,本文首先结合建设工程行业的特点,提出客户价值模型,并将工程企业客户价值按照层次分为隐性价值、显在价值、潜在价值,并分别予以定义。

    Firstly , after analysis of characteristics of the construction industry enterprises , we set forth a customers ' value model , classified the value of customers into invisible value , visible value and potential value .

  6. 基于AHP的电信客户价值评价模型研究

    Customers ' Value Assessment Model in AHP-Based Telecommunication

  7. 铁路客运客户价值分析模型的构建

    The Establishment of Customer Value Assessment Model for Railway Passenger Transport

  8. 客户终身价值模型的研究

    The study of the model of customer life - time value

  9. 客户关系价值模型则分别是通过对网络潜力和学习潜力带来价值的考察而得到的。

    CRV model is deduced form Networking Potential and Learning Potential respectively .

  10. 基于数据仓库的铁路客运客户价值分析模型的构建

    Establishing customer value analysis model for railway passenger transport based on database

  11. 决策支持系统中客户价值预测模型的设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of Customer Predictability Model in DSS

  12. 验证了商业银行客户价值体系模型。

    Verify commercial bank customer value system model .

  13. 利用遗传算法优化客户价值评估模型

    Customer Appraisal Model Optimization with Genetic Algorithm

  14. 对客户终身价值模型进行分析是企业正确区分客户、有效分配企业资源,进而为企业赢得更高回报的前提。

    The analysis of CLV is the precondition of identifying customers and allocating resources properly .

  15. 结合商业银行客户价值体系模型和模型验证结果,进一步对客户关系管理进行了研究。

    Combination of commercial bank customer value system model and model validation results , further study of customer relationship management .

  16. 基于敏感分析的客户终身价值模型是对传统经典模型的一个改进,具有很好的操作性。

    The customer lifelong value model based on the sensitive analysis originates to the traditional model with a good operationality .

  17. 基于客户价值监控模型对现有客户进行流失预测,为企业提供决策依据。

    The current customer loss by means of the monitoring model was anticipated , and further provides scientific basis for corporate decision-making .

  18. 最后建立了东方南分客户价值细分模型,并做了客户满意度分析和客户流失分析。

    The thesis establish the model of the customers ' value subdivision , analyze the customers ' degree of satisfaction and the customers flowed out analysis .

  19. 本论文的创新点主要有:第一,用动态变量来构造动态环境下客户关系价值模型。

    The main innovation points of this paper is : Firstly , it modifies traditional customer relationship value computer model , using dynamic variable construct dynamic environmental customer relationship value computer model .

  20. 文章在剖析前人客户终身价值模型的基础上,建立了基于口碑效应的客户终身价值改进模型,更客观地反映了客户消费行为,提高了客户终身价值模型预测的准确性。

    Based on the analysis of CLV model , the author set up an improved CLV model which will reflect the customer 's consumption behaviors more objectively , and will provide more accurate expectations .

  21. 供电企业CRM客户价值综合评价模型

    Comprehensive evaluation model of customer value based on CRM for power supply enterprises

  22. 然后,本文通过建立客户生命周期价值模型,细分客户价值和客户成本,对客户生命周期价值(CLV)进行详细深入的量化研究,并在此基础上介绍分析了相关的CRM策略。

    Then a deep investigation on customer Lifetime Value ( CLV ) is processed quantitatively through building customer lifetime value model , subdividing customer value and customer costs and calculating the CLV of objective customers . Finally some analyses of CRM strategies are presented on the former basis .

  23. 移动通信业客户关系价值评估模型研究

    The Mobile Telecommunication Enterprise Customer Relationship Value Measurement Model Research

  24. 客户关系价值分析模型与应用

    The application of the analyzing model for consumer relationship value

  25. 移动流失客户挽留价值估算模型探讨

    The design of the detain-value model of mobile the lossing customers in communication

  26. 客户潜在价值预测模型及细分研究

    Customer Potential Value Prediction and Customer Segmentation

  27. 使用数据挖掘技术的决策树算法,从客户的当前价值模型和客户的潜在价值模型两个方面,进行详细分析、设计。

    Using the decision tree algorithm of data mining , the present value model from the customer and the customer both the potential value of model , paper deeply analyzed and designed both Current Customer Value Model and Potential Customer Value Model .

  28. 基于作业成本法的客户价值评估与管理模型

    The Evaluation and Management Model of Customer Value Based on the Activity-based Costing Method

  29. 另一方面,借鉴层次分析法的思路,采用模糊数学中模糊一致矩阵的工具,建立客户价值的指标权重模型。

    The third one is to build the factor-power model with the tools of Analytical Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) and Fuzzy Consistent Matrix .

  30. 本文采用频率统计和最小二乘法方法,建立了客户当前价值临界值模型,并进一步采用遗传算法建立了用于衡量客户潜在价值的客户信用度和忠诚度预测模型。

    Using frequency statistics and Least Square Method , the critical value model of the current realized value is founded . The Genetic algorithm is further introduced to build Credit model and Royalty model so that the evaluation of the customer future potential value can be achieved .