
  • 网络sufficient demand;Full Demand
  1. 为此,本毕业设计在进行充分的需求调研和分析之后,设计并实现基于Android的手机航空订票系统。

    The graduation design in sufficiently demand after investigation and analysis , design and realize the Android phones based on airline reservation systems .

  2. 确实,不良的定义和不充分的需求沟通是导致GDD项目失败的最常见原因之一。

    Indeed , poorly defined or inadequately communicated requirements are among the most common reasons why GDD projects fail .

  3. 充分发挥需求侧管理在缓解电力需求中的作用

    Exerting the Function of DSM in Relaxing Power Demand Requirement

  4. 在需求信息不对称下,零售商充分了解需求信息。

    The demand information is asymmetric , the retailer knows all information .

  5. 能够满足充分满足需求或人的愿望。

    The quality of giving satisfaction sufficient to meet a demand or requirement .

  6. 在进行充分的需求调查的基础上,对信息外网进行规划。

    In a full investigation on the basis of demand for information network planning .

  7. 客户感到满意的最终因素是我们进行了充分符合需求的系统测试和验收测试。

    The final factor in the customer 's comfort would be to have fully compliant system tests and acceptance tests .

  8. 在进行充分的需求分析的基础上,本文讨论了印刷物流管理系统所用的架构设计。

    Carrying out a full needs analysis , based on the printing paper discusses the logistics management system used by the architecture .

  9. 该系统是在做好充分的需求分析的基础上规划系统结构的,系统模块划分明确,共分为三个模块:数据管理模块、资料分析显示模块、系统管理模块。

    This system is divided into three modules through the demand analysis : data management module , material analysis module , system management module .

  10. 当业主补偿成问题,政府救助又不能充分满足需求,公众责任保险就成了人们分散风险的重要手段之一。

    As it is a problem that the owner compensated , and the government succors cant fully satisfy the demands , so that the public liability insurance has become one of the important means that people disperse the risk .

  11. 其次,进行充分的需求调研与系统分析、设计,并对系统的业务功能、总体设计、技术架构、运行环境等进行详要的分析研究工作。

    Secondly , adequate demand investigation and design and analysis of system , and system whole function , architecture , functional business process , overall design , technical architecture , system functions , operating ambient , etc , need to be particularly required and designed .

  12. 因此,未来几年威胁经济复苏的最大风险不再是金融紧张或者外部冲击,而是财政和货币政策太快地从强调维持充分的需求,转变为着重于传统的审慎立场。

    So too the most serious risk to recovery over the next few years is no longer financial strain or external shocks , but that policy will shift too quickly away from its emphasis on maintaining adequate demand , towards a concern with traditional fiscal and monetary prudence .

  13. 为了达到这一目标,在前期必须针对各类人群进行充分的需求分析,并始终以用户的需求为中心,以便为后期开发系统的技术人员提供充分的信息支持。

    To achieve this goal , in the early the demands for all types of people sufficient should be applied , and always with the needs of users in order to provide a lot of information support for the later development of the technical staff of the system .

  14. Stone方法是一种面向模块化的设计方法,在建立产品功能结构时充分考虑用户需求。

    Stone method is a kind of design method , which is faced to Modular design , it fully considers the user 's demands while setting up function structure of product .

  15. 本驾驶培训管理信息系统正是根据上述两文件,在充分考察驾校需求的基础上,按照《软件工程》的步骤,采用VISUALBASIC6.0语言而开发的。

    The Vehicle Driving Training Management Information System is developed based on the above documents and fully considered the requirements of the driving schools , using procedures from " The Software Engineering Process " and the language of Visual Basic 6.0.This document describes the design of the system .

  16. 充分考虑市场需求的不确定,建立供应链垂直合作广告的博弈分析模型,博弈模型能同时考察供应链中制造商和零售商的合作以及零售商的存货水平。

    Considering the impact of demand uncertainty , this article extends vertical cooperative advertising models .

  17. 协同办公系统是一个能充分适应现代化需求的政务数字化、自动化办公平台。

    CSCW ( Computer Supported Cooperative Work ) system is a digital and automatic office platform completely adapted to modernization requirements .

  18. 具体来说,营销的目的是充分理解消费需求,在此基础上提供满足需求的产品和服务,从而使得产品可以自行销售。

    The aim is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits and sells itself .

  19. 而是我们需要努力充分的理解需求以建立对当前迭代来说有意义的目标。

    Instead , we strive to have just enough understanding of the requirements to set a meaningful objective for the current iteration .

  20. 作者也通过接受美学理论,在具体的实践中,充分考虑受众需求,提供更好的翻译文本,以飨观众。

    The author finally uses the reception aesthetic theory , which is considered an audience-oriented theory , to provide good principles of translated version .

  21. 与合作伙伴紧密配合,充分了解用户需求,制定针对性强的市场策略,扩大市场份额。

    Cooperate with the partner closely , fully understand customers ' needs to make the market tactics with strong points , and expend market share .

  22. 诊断出九寨沟旅游生态环境容量充分满足游客需求,但服务设施的不足限制了大量游人的进入。

    According to the analysing results , it is concluded that the capacity of service facilities can not receive more visitors , but the eco-environmental capacity can .

  23. 新型农产品营销体系应该实现三个方面的运行目标,即高效、安全有序、充分满足顾客需求。

    The new agricultural product marketing system should achieve three goals , namely is high efficiency , safely and orderly , meets fully the need of customer .

  24. 包装设计作为商品销售不可或缺的一部分对于增加网店的竞争力,提高客户满意度,充分挖掘客户需求具有重要意义。

    It is important for a good product packaging design to increase the competitiveness of the online shop , improve customer satisfaction , and meet customer needs .

  25. 此模型的创新点在于,它充分考虑了需求风险、供应风险、通货膨胀风险、利率风险、汇率风险对收益率的影响以至于对价格的影响。

    The innovation of the model is that it considers sufficiently the risk of demand providing inflation interest rate and exchange rate works on income rate and price .

  26. 为充分考虑顾客需求具有动态性这一特点,故在获取顾客需求之后还要对顾客需求进行预测。

    Because of the dynamic character of customer demands , it is necessary to predict their future demands besides after their demands have been obtained by marketing researchers .

  27. 企业为了更好的生存,就必须充分分析市场需求的状况,尤其是市场需求的变化,做好因此导致的风险管理工作。

    In order to survive company has to analysis sufficiently marketing demand , especially the change on marketing demand , and manage risk resulted by variable market demand .

  28. 对每个客户有效定位,充分了解客户需求和目标业务量,获得长期盈利项目。

    To manage the effective segmentation of each Global Account customer to fully understand the customers and target the right type of business to achieve long-term profitability objectives .

  29. 中国就业方面的主要矛盾,是劳动者充分就业的需求与劳动力总量过大、素质不相适应之间的矛盾。

    The major contradiction in China 's employment is that between the laborers ' demand for full employment and the excessive amount and low quality of labor power .

  30. 概念设计要求设计人员在充分理解设计需求的基础上对设计方案构思、表达,并进行评价和决策。

    In the conceptual design , designers are required to consider , express , judge and plan the design scheme based on the fully understanding of the design requirement .