
  • 网络full employment;Underemployment;fully employed
  1. 充分就业还有可能实现吗?

    Is full employment any longer achievable ?

  2. 独立的国会预算办公室(congressionalbudgetoffice)比较乐观,该机构预测,美国将在2018年之前回归充分就业状态。

    The independent Congressional Budget Office is more optimistic , forecasting the return of full employment by 2018 .

  3. MarySnow向我们介绍了一位未充分就业的美国人,以及他找工作的艰辛。

    Mary Snow introduces us to one underemployed American and his efforts to find work .

  4. 对于澳大利亚总理约翰•霍华德(JohnHoward)而言,好于预期的月度就业数据是一个喜忧参半的消息,因为他希望即将到来的大选成为一场关于充分就业的全民公决。

    The better-than-expected monthly jobless rate is a mixed blessing for John Howard , the Australian prime minister , who wants the forthcoming election to be a referendum on full employment .

  5. 毕竟,人有的是时间:据美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)的数据,每六个工人中就有一个失业或是没有充分就业,那些还在上班的人工作时间也在减少。

    People , after all , have more of it : One worker in six is either unemployed or underemployed , and those still in jobs are working fewer hours , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

  6. 2010年的美国多德-弗兰克(Dodd-Frank)金融改革方案长达2139页,很多人都把该方案称为律师和咨询师充分就业法案。

    The 2010 US Dodd-Frank financial reform was 2,139 pages long and popularly known as the Lawyers ' and Consultants Full Employment Act .

  7. 威廉姆·贝弗里奇(WilliamBeveridge,1879-1963)是英国著名社会改革家、经济学家,他毕生致力于消除社会贫困、维持充分就业、建立和完善英国社会保障制度。

    William Beveridge ( 1879-1963 ) is a well-known British social reformer , economist , he devoted his life to the eradication of social poverty , the maintenance of full employment , and the establishment and perfection of Social Security System in England .

  8. 就业结构调整与中国农村劳动力的充分就业

    Employment Structural Adjustment & The Chinese Rural Laborer 's Full Employment

  9. 宏观政策取向的调整:从促进增长转向充分就业

    Readjustment of Macroeconomic Policy Orientation : From expansionism to full employment

  10. 他们正要求得到充分就业和全额工资的保证。

    They were asking for guarantees of full employment and wages .

  11. 充分就业:我国宏观经济政策目标的再思考

    Full Employment : A Second Reflection on Macro-Economic Policy in China

  12. 美国当前的消费和投资需求水平过低,难以实现充分就业。

    Consumer and investment demands are too low for full employment .

  13. 这意味着增长本身无法让美国人重新充分就业。

    This means growth alone will not fully employ America again .

  14. 将确保恢复充分就业的经济政策。

    Economic policies which would ensure a return to full employment .

  15. 不幸的事实是,充分就业日后再也不可能了。

    The sad fact is that fall employment may never be regained .

  16. 一个理由或许是澳大利亚处于接近充分就业的状态。

    One reason may be that Australia is close to full employment .

  17. 实现充分就业是社会主义和谐社会的题中之意。

    Sufficient employment is the implication of harmonious socialist society .

  18. 劳动力的充分就业,是所有国家经济发展所追求的重要目标。

    Full employment is an important goal of economic growth in all countries .

  19. 充分就业和可持续发展是经济学所兼顾的两大目标。

    Full-employment and sustainable development are the two targets of the technical innovation .

  20. 解决农民充分就业问题;

    To solve the problem of peasants ' employment ;

  21. 第二,实施充分就业的发展战略。

    Second , implement the strategy of full employment .

  22. 充分就业应是我国宏观经济调控的首要目标

    Adequate employment is the prior target for the macro economic control in China

  23. 充分就业是他们竞选活动的核心。

    Full employment is the axis of their campaign .

  24. 第四,需要保证充分就业。

    Fourthly , there will need to be a guarantee of full employment .

  25. 实现充分就业意味着什麼呢?

    What does it mean to achieve full employment ?

  26. 充分就业是大多数国家很少取得的经济局面。

    The condition of full employment is something that most countries rarely achieve .

  27. 反馈:你是否有过打破未充分就业魔咒的经历?

    Talkback : have you ever bounced back from a spell of underemployment ?

  28. 充分就业与全面建设小康社会

    Full Employment and Overall Construction of A Well-to-do Society

  29. 黑龙江省农民充分就业问题思考

    Thinking About Farms Getting Employment Sufficiently in Heilongjiang Province

  30. 充分就业与经济存活能力是有矛盾的。

    Full employment and economic viability are in conflict .