
  • 网络Customer complaint;complaint
  1. 许多酒店都导入全面质量管理(TQM),倡导所谓的零缺陷和第一次就把事情做好,但是极少有酒店能不发生服务失误以及顾客抱怨。

    Many hotels are using total quality management ( TQM ), and advocating the so-called " zero defects " and put things right at the first time , but very few hotels can be non-occurrence of service failure and customer complaints .

  2. 开展顾客抱怨管理的基础工作

    Basic Work on the Management of Customer Complaints

  3. 顾客抱怨行为与重购意愿的logistic回归分析

    Logistic Regression Analyses on Customers ' Complaint and Re-purchasing Intention

  4. 对顾客抱怨的影响因素进行研究,分别构建了顾客抱怨的二元选择Logit、Probit模型,并给出了两个实例。

    To study influence factors of customer complaint , binary choice Probit model and binary choice Logit model of customer complaint are built , and two numerical examples are given , respectively .

  5. 顾客抱怨商品质量差,价格高。

    Shoppers complained about poor quality merchandise and high prices .

  6. 酒店顾客抱怨行为影响因素研究

    A Study on Affective Factors of Hotel Guests ' Complaints

  7. 顾客抱怨主要受到顾客满意和顾客忠诚的影响,并且呈现负相关关系;

    Customer complains are negatively affected by customer satisfactions and customer loyalty .

  8. 如果你的顾客抱怨,你会怎么办?

    If the guest complains , what will you do ?

  9. 许多顾客抱怨网上零售商偷走了他们的圣诞节。

    Many shoppers are blaming online retailers for stealing Christmas .

  10. 我们不能让顾客抱怨。

    We mustn 't give our customers cause for complaint .

  11. 顾客抱怨的意义与处理方法

    The Significance and Treatment of the Customers ' Complaints

  12. 酒店如何对待顾客抱怨

    Correct Attitude towards Customers ' Complaints for Hotel Business

  13. 企业应建立顾客抱怨管理体系

    Enterprises Should Establish Customers ' Complaint Management System

  14. 顾客抱怨处理质量与顾客资产价值关系的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis on Relationship between Customer Complaint Handling Quality and Customer Equity Value

  15. 一名顾客抱怨,去年8月在大阪麦当劳分店发现了这桩囧事。

    A customer complained after making the discovery at an Osaka outlet in August .

  16. 顾客抱怨已经成为企业和学术界关注的热点问题。

    Customers ' complaint has become the hot topic between enterprise and academic circles .

  17. 基于满意度的顾客抱怨模型研究

    A Study on the Satisfaction-based Customer Complaint Model

  18. 所以,企业在开展顾客抱怨管理、追求顾客满意目标的时候,绝对不能忽视支持顾客抱怨管理体系的这些重要的基础工作。

    These fundamental aspects showed never be neglected in achieving the target of customer satisfaction .

  19. 顾客抱怨行为研究的文献回顾

    A Literature Review of Consumer Complaint Behavior

  20. 酒店行业对顾客抱怨的管理

    Management of Customer Complaint in Hotel Industry

  21. 该系统主要由投诉型抱怨管理子系统、非投诉型抱怨调查子系统、顾客抱怨管理的信息支持子系统构成。

    This system consists of voicing management sub-system , no voicing survey sub-system and information support sub-system .

  22. 顾客抱怨价格太高,这不能责怪他们。

    The customers are kicking at paying such high prices , and they can hardly be blamed .

  23. 同时本研究还准备研究顾客抱怨倾向以及比较不同的补救措施的效果,即精神补救和物质补救的补救效果是否有明显差异。

    The complaining intentions and the different effects between psychology recovery and tangible recovery are also researched .

  24. 顾客抱怨是消费者行为研究中的一个重要课题。

    Consumer complaint behavior ( CCB ) is an important topic in the research of consumer behaviors .

  25. 基于感知公平的顾客抱怨处理满意度与顾客忠诚之间关系的实证研究

    The Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Customer Complaint Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty Based on the Justice Theory

  26. 公司船体分段的月产能提高了14.6%,顾客抱怨频次同比下降了60%。

    The production capacity of block is increased 14.6 % , and the complaints from customers are down 60 % .

  27. 顾客抱怨既是顾客不满意的信号,也可能是顾客流失的预兆。

    Customer complaint is the signal of customerdissatisfaction ; it also could be a harbinger of the loss of customers .

  28. 顾客抱怨是一种满意程度低的最常见的表达方式,但没有抱怨并不一定表明顾客很满意。

    Customer complaints are a common indicator of low customer satisfaction but their absence does not necessarily imply high customer satisfaction .

  29. 在顾客抱怨行为的研究中,厘清顾客不满意与抱怨行为之间的联系是理解顾客抱怨行为的关键。

    In the research on customer complaint behavior ( CCB ), it is vital to explain the relationship between customer dissatisfaction and CCB .

  30. 顾客抱怨反映了顾客对企业产品和服务的不满,揭示了企业经营管理的缺陷。

    Customers ' complaintes reflect their unsatisfactions with the enterprises ' products and services and also expose the defects of the enterprises ' management .