
  • 网络Consumer Lock-in;customer lock-in
  1. 基于顾客锁定理论的饭店企业经营战略研究

    Strategic Research on the Hospitality Industry Based on the Customer Lock-in Theory

  2. 比如说,新型低热量可乐CokeZero在英国和美国推出的广告,就坚定地把目标顾客锁定在男人身上。

    Advertisements in Britain and the US for the new low-calorie Coke Zero drink , for example , have been firmly aimed at men .

  3. 在电信服务领域,转换成本将导致顾客锁定。

    Switching-cost in telecommunication service field leads to the phenomenon of custom-locked-in .

  4. 顾客锁定的作用机理

    The Mechanism of Consumer Lock - in

  5. 以会员积分卡为形式的顾客锁定折扣是零售商广泛采用的促销手段,本质上是针对顾客的价格歧视。

    Locked-in discounts in the form of added-point member cards which are essentially price discrimination have been widely introduced by retailers .