
  • Industrial and Commercial Bank of China;ICBC;Industrial & Commercial Bank of China
  1. 中国工商银行XY支行服务营销策略研究

    A Study on Service Marketing Strategy of XY Branch of ICBC

  2. 沿着这条路,在KingWilliam大街,建筑工人们正在中国工商银行未来的总部内忙忙碌碌,这是另外的一家中国国有巨头。

    Down the road , in King William Street , the builders are at work inside the future home of ICBC , another state-owned giant .

  3. 美国运通(AmericanExpress)最近与中国工商银行(IndustrialandCommercialBankofChina)合作,推出了专门针对中国市场的电子旅行支票。

    American Express recently teamed with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to launched special electronic travelers cheques for the Chinese market .

  4. 阿里巴巴上市的其它大投资者包括AIGGlobalInvestment和中国工商银行(ICBC)。

    Other big investors include AIG Global Investment and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China .

  5. 它拥有全球最大的银行中国工商银行(ICBC)、全球最大的电信运营商中国移动(ChinaMobile)。

    It has the world 's biggest bank , Industrial and Commercial Bank of China , and the world 's largest telecoms operator , China Mobile .

  6. 中国工商银行南岸支行的自身能力供给不足。第二,进行南岸支行的SWOT分析。

    Insufficient self-supply ability of ICBC Second , it is the analysis of SWOT for NanAn Branch .

  7. 中国工商银行(icbc,简称:工行)一切皆大。

    Nothing is small about industrial & Commercial Bank of China .

  8. 还有一项重要交易发生在金融服务业——中国工商银行(ICBC)以6.9亿美元收购南非标准银行(SouthAfricanStandardBank)60%的股份。

    Lastly but not least , in financial services , ICBC purchased a 60 per cent share of South African Standard Bank for $ 690m .

  9. 此外还有一些证据表明,在这方面存在切实的商业利益——在中国工商银行(ICBC)最近与南非标准银行(StandardBank)的交易中,高盛担任了交易顾问。

    And there is some evidence of tangible commercial benefits - Goldman Sachs advised ICBC on its recent deal with South Africa 's Standard Bank .

  10. 中国工商银行(ICBC)同意这一观点。

    The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China agreed with this view .

  11. 行业老大中国工商银行(ICBC)的股价涨幅超过五分之一。

    ICBC , the sector granddaddy , was up by more than a fifth .

  12. 中国工商银行(ICBC)涨2.4%至6.96港元。

    Industrial and Commercial Bank of China climbed 2.4 per cent to HK $ 6.96 .

  13. 中国工商银行(ICBC)

    Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited

  14. 投资时段在9个月到一年左右的许多基金经理都认为中国工商银行(Industrial&CommercialBankofChina)、中国银行(BankofChina)及中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBank)的股票将出现反弹。

    Many fund managers who have an investment horizon of about nine months to a year say shares in Industrial & Commercial Bank of China , Bank of China , and China Construction Bank are poised for a bounce .

  15. 按某些标准计算,中国工商银行是全球市值最大的金融机构。以中国石油为例,该公司在上海的首次公开募股(IPO)仅向国内投资者出售了2.2%的股份。

    PetroChina , for example , sold a mere 2.2 % of its share capital to domestic investors in its Shanghai initial public offering .

  16. 中国工商银行(icbc)将收购南非标准银行(standardbankgroup)20%股权的消息,或许会再次掀起人们对这类交易的热议。

    The news that industrial and Commercial Bank of China is acquiring 20 per cent of standard bank group of South Africa may for once live up to the hype that surrounds such deals .

  17. 因此,投资者没有抢购中国工商银行(ICBC)的股票这件事令人担忧。

    That investors are not snapping up Industrial & Commercial Bank of China , therefore , is worrying .

  18. 微信还与非洲资产最大的银行——标准银行(StandardBank)合作推出了“电子钱包”服务,该银行由中国工商银行(ICBC)持有部分股权。

    It is also introducing a " digital wallet " service in partnership with Standard Bank , Africa 's largest lender by assets , which is part-owned by China 's ICBC bank .

  19. 中国工商银行电子银行中心成都分中心致力于个性化的“分层服务”为高端客户开通VIP专线。

    Chengdu Branch Centre tries to set up individuation Layered Service , opening up the VIP special line for the high-end client .

  20. 其中一个例外是南非的标准银行(StandardBank),该行已扩张至非洲各地,并于近期将20%股权出售给资金雄厚的中国工商银行(ICBC)。

    One exception is South Africa 's Standard Bank , which has expanded across the continent and recently sold a 20 per cent stake to the deep-pocketed Industrial and Commercial Bank of China .

  21. 名单上主要是国有大型银行,如中国工商银行(icbc),但也包括汇丰(hsbc)和东亚银行(bankofeastasia)的中国分支。

    The list mainly consisted of large state-owned institutions such as industrial and Commercial Bank of China , but also included the China arms of HSBC and Bank of East Asia .

  22. 如果大就是美,那么中国工商银行(ICBC)即将到来的首次公开发行就应该再美不过了。

    If big is beautiful , the forthcoming initial public offering from Industrial & Commercial Bank of China should fly .

  23. 中国工商银行(ICBC)上月收购了东亚银行(BankofEastAsia)的美国子公司。这笔交易从一个侧面展现出了这家按市值计算全球第一大银行的海外收购模式。

    When Industrial and Commercial Bank of Chinabought Bank of East Asia 's US arm last month , the deal demonstrated how the world 's biggest bank by market value approaches foreign acquisitions .

  24. 其它寻求与印度扩展业务的金融集团包括中国工商银行(ICBC)和中国银行(BOC)。

    Other financial groups seeking to expand business with India include Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Bank of China .

  25. 中国工商银行(ICBC)时来运转的经历,很好地说明了中国的波动性。

    The country 's volatility is well illustrated by the fortunes of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China ( ICBC ) .

  26. 随着中国工商银行(ICBC)最近上市,高盛(GoldmanSachs)对工行的投资取得了39亿美元的账面利润,而安联(Allianz)也从工行上市中获得15亿美元的账面利润。

    Goldman Sachs made a paper profit of $ 3.9bn on its investment in the recently floated Industrial and Commercial Bank of China .

  27. 中国工商银行(ICBC)2006年上市时,科威特投资局就持有该银行的股份。

    The Kuwait Investment Authority took a stake in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China when the Chinese bank went public in 2006 .

  28. 中国工商银行(ICBC)在上海和香港市场同时进行IPO,无异给上海投下了一张巨大的信任票。

    By launching its initial public offering simultaneously in Shanghai and Hong Kong , Industrial and Commercial Bank of China has delivered a huge vote of confidence .

  29. 中国工商银行(icbc)预计将扩大在一家与瑞士信贷(creditsuisse)合资成立的基金管理公司的持股比例,这是行业整合的一个迹象。

    Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is expected to expand its share of a fund management joint venture with Credit Suisse in a sign of consolidation in the industry .

  30. 他认为,最近超大规模的IPO特别是中国工商银行(ICBC)上月220亿美元的公开发行可能会给许多投资者留下苦涩的回味。

    He believes recent mega-IPOs – notably Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 's $ 22bn listing last month – may leave many investors with a bitter aftertaste .