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zhōng shí
  • faithful;loyal;true;devoted;fidelity;reliable;constancy
忠实 [zhōng shí]
  • (1) [devoted;faithful;loyal]∶忠诚老实

  • 忠实信徒

  • (2) [true]∶真实;不虚假

  • 忠实的记录

忠实[zhōng shí]
  1. 结局忠实于节目的精神。

    The ending stayed true to the spirit of the show .

  2. 啊,让我忠实地爱、忠实地写吧,

    O , let me true in love but truly write ,

  3. 他忠实地支持当地球队30年。

    He had supported the local team faithfully for 30 years .

  4. 他把自己伪装成该党的忠实支持者。

    He paraded himself as a loyal supporter of the party .

  5. 我是贵报多年来的忠实读者。

    I have been a faithful reader of your newspaper for many years .

  6. 较年长的美国人是这个国家最忠实的选民群体之一。

    Older Americans are among this country 's most faithful voters .

  7. 他一直是我们大家忠实的朋友。

    He 'd always been such a loyal friend to us all .

  8. “他们都是佛朗哥的忠实支持者,”赖尔主动说道。

    ' They were both great supporters of Franco , ' Ryle volunteered

  9. 科林·韦兰的电影剧本忠实于原小说。

    Colin Welland 's screenplay is faithful to the novel .

  10. 我们拥有一批一直支持我们的忠实顾客。

    We 've got a hard core of customers that have stood by us

  11. 忠实的志愿者们今天上午已就位,随时准备开始工作。

    The stalwart volunteers marched in this morning ready to go to work .

  12. 他的自由贸易政策在保守党的忠实拥护者中间引起了怀疑。

    His free-trade policies aroused suspicion among Tory stalwarts

  13. 在她生命的最后6年,弗莱德一直是她忠实的伴侣。

    Fred had been her constant companion for the last six years of her life

  14. 我已经发展了一批对非洲和欧洲的服装都很满意的忠实客户。

    I have built up a loyal satisfied clientele for both African and European clothes .

  15. 搬到德国后,他成了著名的库尔特·埃德尔哈根管弦乐队的一名忠实听众。

    Moving to Germany , he became a stalwart of the revered Kurt Edelhagen Orchestra .

  16. 他只不过是个走狗,忠实执行元首的命令。

    He was little more than a cipher who faithfully carried out the Fuehrer 's commands .

  17. “即使是总统最忠实的拥护者在某些事情上也会不听指令,”参议员洛特说。

    ' Even the President 's staunchest supporters have some issues where they simply must break ranks , ' says Senator Lott

  18. 她全家人都是湖人队的忠实球迷。

    Her whole family were loyal supporters of the Lakers .

  19. 她把她那条忠实的狗带在身边。

    She had her trusty dog with her .

  20. 他把他的孩子嘱托给一位忠实的朋友照料。

    He entrusted his children to a faithful friend .

  21. 他婚姻美满幸福,是位尽职尽责的父亲,忠实的丈夫。

    He married well and happily and was a devoted father and husband .

  22. 我们以前的一些最忠实的会员都背弃了我们。

    Some of our most loyal members now have fallen off .

  23. 她苦行主义的忠实气质是一种危险的升华。

    Her mood of ecstatic fidelity was a dangerous exaltation .

  24. 导盲犬是盲人的忠实伙伴。

    The seeing eye dog was the blind man 's constant companion .

  25. 我们都是这档节目的忠实听众。

    We are all faithful listeners to the program .

  26. 她婚姻美满幸福,是位尽职的母亲和忠实的妻子。

    She married well and happily and was a devoted mother and wife .

  27. 译文在意义与形式上应忠实于原文。

    The translation should be faithful to the original both in meaning and form .

  28. 她对她丈夫不忠实。

    She was untrue to her husband .

  29. 他们忠实地遵守规则。

    They faithfully observed the rules .

  30. 狗是忠实的动物。

    Dogs are faithful animals .