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zhōng chén
  • official loyal to his sovereign
忠臣 [zhōng chén]
  • [official loyal to his sovereign] 忠于君主,为君主效忠的官吏

  • 忠臣之分。--《史记.屈原贾生列传》

忠臣[zhōng chén]
  1. 一个是女王陛下政府倜傥的忠臣,另一个是冷酷杀手,联邦调查局(FBI)已经解散的一个旗下机构的不听话雇员。

    One is the suave servant of Her Majesty 's government . The other is a brute assassin , the rogue employee of a now defunct agency of the FBI .

  2. 女王将贵族称号授予其忠臣。

    The Queen conferred a noble title on her faithful minister .

  3. 那位忠臣马上说:‘是的!陛下!’

    The loyal minister replied immediately : " Yes , your Majesty . "

  4. 他是资产阶级的忠臣。

    They are the loyal servants of the bourgeoisie .

  5. 他是一个义士,但更是一位忠臣。

    He was a chivalrous person , but was more like a loyal minister .

  6. 她父亲的忠臣们就会想着

    people loyal to her father would try

  7. 有四十七位浪人最为著名,近松门左卫门在《忠臣藏》剧目中颂扬了他们的行为。

    The most famous ronin were the47 whose actions were celebrated in the kabuki play Chushingura .

  8. 我的“忠臣”不仅包括我父母,还包括我的祖父母。

    My " loyal subjects " included not just my parents , but also my grandparents .

  9. 不要怀疑富有思想的小团体,忠臣的人民能够改变世界。

    Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful , committed citizens can change the world .

  10. 敌人朝中没有了忠臣,它的国家就必定处于危亡的境地。

    When his court no longer has any loyal ministers , the state will inevitably be endangered .

  11. 他们可分为民间英雄、忠臣、奸臣之三大类型,使岳飞的忠臣形象得到强化。

    They may divide into third the big types folk of of heroic , the loyal minister , disloyal subject .

  12. 斯巴达议会忠臣:现在有请列奥尼达的妻子上台演讲。

    Spartan Council Loyalist : May I give the floor now to the wife of Leonidas and Queen of Sparta .

  13. 很可能,迪士尼给公主们穿上这种颜色,是为了展示他们既忠臣又可靠!

    Presumably , Disney puts princesses in the colour to show that they 're the ones who are loyal and dependable .

  14. 这些忠臣的死谏是为了唤醒君王勤政爱民,也是对暴君的控诉。

    These loyal subjects about the purpose is to awaken the death of the king his industrious , is also to bring charges against the tyrant .

  15. 在唐代以前,中国画以反映社会生活,描绘明君、忠臣、烈士、贞女等人物为主。

    Before the Tang Dynasty , Chinese painting to reflect the social life , depicting Mingjun , loyal , martyrs , Zhennv such as the main characters .

  16. 以培养并选拔优秀人才为目的的花郎道,为新罗的封建统治培养出了无数的忠臣良将。

    With training and selecting the flower Lang road with excellent talent of purpose , made countless loyal official for new Luo feudal dominance training it had .

  17. 政治方面涌现出许多的忠臣名宦,艺术方面也出现了许多书画名家,在文学和学术方面更是成绩斐然,出现了许多的大家名家。

    The political aspect emerged many famous government officials , the artistic aspect also presented many famous calligraphers and painters , the literature and the academic aspect presented many famous experts .

  18. 必须在诸神和人们面前庄严地发誓,从今以后是赫伦堡和铁王座的忠臣,这样我就会以国王之名赦免他的罪。

    He will swear solemnly before gods and men to henceforth remain a leal vassal of Harrenhal and the Iron Throne , and I will give him pardon in the king 's name .

  19. 他们先后答应割地赔款给金国,又罢免了李纲等忠臣,使得金兵更加肆无忌惮。

    A peace pact was agreed inwhich the Northern Song promised to cede lands and give tributes to Jin except dismissed Li Gang and other loyalists , thus the troops of the Jin became even fearless .

  20. 终于国王受不了了,他问那位忠臣:‘听说你很博学,那你应该知道一个公民的职责是什么吧?’

    Finally , the King was fed up , so he asked the honest official : " I heard that you are a learned person , so you must know what the duty of a citizen is . "

  21. 他从小爱读历史上忠臣烈士的传记,立志要向他们学习,年轻时就考中了状元。

    In his youth , he was fond of reading biographies of loyal ministers , and made up his mind to model himself on them . Later , he achieved the first place in the imperial civil examination .

  22. 无奈犹太人喊着说,你若释放这个人,就不是凯撒的忠臣。(原文作朋友)凡以自己为王的,就是背叛凯撒了。

    And from thenceforth Pilate sought to release him : but the Jews cried out , saying , If thou let this man go , thou art not Caesar 's friend : whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar .

  23. 草卷的核心内容是笼罩在神仙世界下的凡间世界,具体表现为忠臣与奸臣之间的斗争,复杂矛盾的男女关系以及理想的凡间世界。

    The core content of Cao Juan is the earth in the world under the influence of the fairy world . For specific , they are the struggle between the loyalist and the traitor , the complicate relations between men and women and the ideal world of earth .