
  • 网络Copper Futures
  1. LME镍、铜期货价格变动的时间序列分析

    Analysis of Time Series of Nickel and Copper Futures Prices of LME

  2. 为了对我国期货套期保值的有效性问题进行实证研究,采用SPSS软件对我国期货市场上发展相对较成熟的铜期货和相对不成熟的棉花期货进行回归分析。

    In order to study the effectiveness of futures hedge in China , a regression analysis of the mature copper futures and immature cotton futures by SPSS is made .

  3. 在纽约商品交易所(NewYorkMercantileExchange)Comex分部,三月铜期货周日晚上涨15.95美分至每磅3.4280美元,涨幅4.9%。

    Sunday evening , nearby March copper was up15.95 cents , or4.9 % , to $ 3.4280 a pound on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange .

  4. LME铜期货价格每变动1单位,上期所铜期货价格变动9.2821单位;

    When the LME copper futures price changes one unit each , the futures price will change 9.2821 units .

  5. 根据上海期货交易所的数据,上海混沌投资公司(ShanghaiChaos)旗下的混沌天成期货(ChaosTernaryFutures),加大了交易量最大的5月份到期铜期货合同的空头头寸,在周一增加了1242手。

    Chaos Ternary Futures , a unit of fund Shanghai Chaos , has built up its short position in the most traded copper futures contract expiring in May , according to data from the exchange , adding 1,242 lots on Monday .

  6. 对上海期货市场铜期货合约的现行保证金水平和收取方式进行了分析和评价,应用EWMA和GARCH模型进行实证分析。

    The margin level and the methods of receipts that are adopted by the copper futures contract in the Shanghai futures exchanges are investigated . And the EWMA and GARCH models are applied to the empirical test .

  7. 而且尽管美国商品期货交易委员会(cftc)数据显示,美国铜期货市场投资者的头寸在两个月中首次呈现总体看多,但与2011年初时相比,仍然不够热情。

    And while overall investor positioning in the US copper futures market recently turned bullish for the first time in two months , according to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission , it remains unenthusiastic by the standards of early 2011 .

  8. 一个考虑基差收敛性的最适保值比率模型&上期所铜期货卖空保值实证分析

    An Optimum Hedging Ratio Model of Considering Basis Convergence

  9. 本文分析了上海期货交易所铜期货市场的价格效应。

    The thesis examines the pricing efficiency of shanghai futures exchange copper market .

  10. 论铜期货交易风险防范与技巧

    Crisis control and techniques of copper futures trading

  11. 研究了基差对上海铜期货收益波动率影响的非对称效应。

    This paper discusses the asymmetric impacts on the basis on the volatility of Shanghai copper futures .

  12. 上海铜期货日流动性与日波动性关系的实证研究

    An Empirical Analysis of the Relation between Daily Liquidity and Volatility in the Shanghai Copper Futures Market

  13. 铜期货三个主周期分量是13个月,10个月,7个月。

    The three principal period component of copper was about 13 months , 10 months , 7 months .

  14. 本文运用时间序列分析法来预测中国的铜期货价格。

    This study investigates the application of time series analysis methods for forecasting copper futures price in China .

  15. 该报补充称,上期所也已完成铜期货期权与黄金期货期权的合约设计工作,但并未给出消息来源。

    The paper added , without citing sources , that the exchange had also designed options contracts for copper and gold .

  16. 主要结论为:我国铝、铜期货价格和现货价格之间均具有长期均衡关系;

    The results showed that the spot market and futures market in aluminum or copper have long - run equilibrium relationships .

  17. 本文对上海期货交易所铜期货市场的日流动性和波动性进行了实证研究。

    This paper analyzes the relation between daily liquidity and volatility in the Shanghai cooper futures market in an empirical way .

  18. 本文试图运用协整与误差修正模型理论,揭示铜期货市场价格和现货市场价格之间的关系和动态调整过程。

    The dynamic modeling method based on the theory made up for the disadvantages concerning the setting of the traditional econometrics models .

  19. 同时,国内铜期货市场规模庞大,在期货市场上具有不可忽视的地位。

    Meanwhile , the domestic copper-based derivatives market is a large copper futures market , the futures market can not be ignored as an important role .

  20. 我国三大期货市场均存在杠杆效应,并且两个阶段波动性的杠杆效应相反,其中铜期货市场的杠杆效应更显著。

    There is leverage effect in three futures markets and the leverage effect in two stages is opposite . The leverage effect of copper futures is more evident .

  21. 最后主要针对企业参与铜期货市场的交易策略进行研究。分析企业为了套期保值和套利的目的参与期货市场交易的策略。

    Then mainly aims at the enterprise participates in the futures market trading strategy , enterprise for the purpose of hedging and arbitrage trading strategy in the futures market .

  22. 研究发现:铜期货价格与现货价格存在格兰杰双向因果关系和一个协整关系,期货与现货价格之间存在长期均衡关系。

    It was found that the copper futures and spot prices have Granger bi-directional leading relationship and a cointegration relationship , so the futures and spot prices have long-run equilibrium relationship .

  23. 在交易量大的市场状况下,持仓量增加了铜期货收益波动,低持仓量会生成更大的市场摩擦.合同交易量和竞价交易量在日计划中的经济分配


  24. 建立我国铜期货价格的金融危机影响动态计量模型,采用协整及因果关系理论对上海期铜价格和伦敦期铜价格之间的数据进行统计分析,找出两者之间的联动规律。

    Dynamic econometrics models of copper futures prices are established . Then by statistical analysis , the relevancy of copper future prices between Shanghai and London are obtained with the theory of co-integration and causality .

  25. 但这种信心或许放错了地方。上海期货交易所的铜期货合约已成为全球价格的一个参照,这使得中国交易员能够在国内对冲自己的头寸,而不必到陌生的海外市场冒险。

    Already , the copper futures contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange is used as a reference for global prices , allowing domestic traders to hedge their exposure without having to venture into unfamiliar overseas territories .

  26. 铜的估计结果与本文的假设一致,长期记忆参数变化不大且在价格冲击下显现出正向的杠杆效应,说明铜期货市场发展比较成熟完善。

    Estimate results of copper are consistent with our hypothesis , the long-term memory parameters of which changes little and the price impact caused positive leverage effect , indicating that copper future market is much more mature .

  27. 由铜的期货市场完成的价格发现高达86.8%,而由现货市场完成的仅占13.2%,铜期货市场在价格发现、信息流方面占有绝对优势。

    Futures market of copper performs about 86.8 per cent of the price discovery function and the cash market 13.2 per cent , which indicates that the futures market of copper dominants in information flow and price discovery .

  28. 目前在中国市场上交易的商品期货共有28种,交易额在过去几年不断攀升,其中在上海期货交易所交易的铜期货合约在国际市场尤其具有重要地位。

    There are now 28 products traded on the country 's markets . Trading volume has surged over the years , with a particularly important contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange in copper a metal sometimes described as an economic bellwether .

  29. 研究不同市场状况下铜期货收益波动行为及其与交易量、市场深度间的关系,结果表明交易量对铜期货收益波动有显著的正影响。

    This paper studies the behavior of copper future return volatility and its relationship with trading volume and market depth under different market conditions . Test results show that volatility was positively related to trading volume , but negatively to open interest .

  30. 对铜期货来说,现货市场在价格发现功能中起到主导作用,因为现货市场在价格发现功能中约占65.4%,大于来自于期货市场的34.6%。

    For the copper futures , the spot market plays a more important role in the function of price discovery , because spot market accounts for 65.4 % in the function of price discovery which is bigger than 34.6 % from futures market .