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ɡāo yuán qì hòu
  • Plateau climate;highland climates
  1. 黄土高原气候响应全球变化的敏感区

    Response of climate in Loess Plateau in China to global change

  2. 青南高原气候变化及其对高寒草甸牧草生长影响的研究

    Effects of climatic changes of south qinghai plateau on the alpine meadow

  3. 中国黄土高原气候系统主要特征

    Main Characteristics of Climate System in Loess Plateau in China

  4. 中国黄土高原气候暖干化及其对生态环境的影响

    Climate Warming and Drying and Its Environmental Effects in The Loess Plateau

  5. 历史时期青藏高原气候变化特征的初步分析

    Some characteristics of the climatic changes during the historical time of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

  6. 结果表明:黄土高原气候生产力呈递减趋势;

    The results showed that the climate-productivity kept decreased over Chinese Loess Plateau .

  7. 甘肃黄土高原气候植被类型初探

    A preliminary study of climate and vegetation types in Loess plateau , Gansu Province

  8. 高原气候和地理环境极大地制约着经济的发展。

    Local economic development is slowed down by the plateau climate and geographic conditions .

  9. 用模糊均生函数模型作青藏高原气候冷暖预测

    Climatic Forecast over Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Made Using Fussy Mean Generating Function ( FMGF ) Model

  10. 高原气候条件下进行大运动量训练对长跑运动员身体机能的影响

    The effect of intensive training on physiological functions of distance runners at 1,895 metres altitude

  11. 黄土高原气候变迁、植被演替与土壤干层的形成

    Climatic Change 、 Vegetation Evolution and Low Moisture Layer of Soil on the Loess Plateau

  12. 黄土高原气候暖干化使作物气候生产力下降。

    The warming and drying of the climate in the plateau resulted in the decending of climate-productivity .

  13. 黄土高原气候与气候生产力对全球气候变化的响应

    Effects of the climate and climatic productivity in the Loess Plateau of China on global climate change

  14. 本世纪青藏高原气候的三次突变及与天文因素的相关

    Climate abrupt change in the qinghai - Xizang Plateau in recent century and its relation to astronomical factors

  15. 高原气候在冰期/间冰期循环时间尺度上具有升温缓慢、降温迅速的特征。

    At a time scale of ice-stage / interval ice-stage , the plateau climate was characterized by warming slowly and cooling rapidly .

  16. 只是几天的功夫还不够你适应高原气候的呢,而且也不足以让你游览首府以外其它地方的景致。

    A few days isn 't really enough to get acclimatize yourself and to go on a few excursions outside of the capital .

  17. 本文在简述黄土高原气候干旱、降水稀少、地面破碎、植被缺乏、水土流失严重等自然条件的基础上。

    Based on briefly describing the natural conditions , such as arid climate , poor precipitation , rare vegetation , broken topography , serious soil erosion , etc.

  18. 凉山州独特的高原气候,使本地草莓含糖高、含酸高,并含有多种维生素和矿物质营养成份。

    The unique plateau climate of Liangshan Prefecture enables the local strawberry to contain high sugar , high acid and various nutrition ingredients such as vitamins and minerals .

  19. 高原气候变化及冰冻圈变化与预测;高原土地覆被变化、恢复整治及管理。

    To predict changes of cryosphere with climate changes on the plateau and to illustrate land-cover changes as well as the rehabilitation and management of the degraded land .

  20. 结论认为,土壤干层是黄土高原气候相对干旱的结果,表现出明显的地带性特征并对植被生长与分布起到重要控制作用。

    It was found out that dried soil layer in Loess Plateau is caused by the relative dry climate and affect the formation of the natural syntheses directly .

  21. 分析了滇中高产玉米的产量形成特点及其与高原气候生态环境的关系。

    This paper analyses the characteristics of the yield formation of high yield corn and the relationship between the corn and the climatic ecological environment in the Middle Yunnan Plateau .

  22. 通过对1961年以来青南高原气候变化的分析,发现该地区年平均降水量及秋季降水量无明显的变化趋势,且其年际间的波动趋于缓和;

    The climatic variations since 1961 on Qinghai south plateau were analyzed in this paper . It indicated that the annual and autumn precipitation did not have significant tendency of variation .

  23. 黄土高原气候干旱,植被稀少,适宜造林树种贫乏,引进外来适生树种,丰富本地区树种资源具有重要的生产意义。

    With dry climate , scarce afforestation and trees on Loess Plateau , it is great significance in production to introduce trees on foreign land to enrich the local resources of trees .

  24. 与其他地区全球变化研究结果的对比表明.湖泊沉积所反映的高原气候环境变化既具有全球性。

    From the comparison among these study results and those in other areas , both regional and global characters are reflected in the environmental changes derived from the lake sediments on the Plateau .

  25. 开展沿线雷暴活动情况的研究,掌握在高原气候和海拔的双重作用下,其独特的雷暴活动规律,对于雷击过电压保护具有重要意义。

    As a highland railway with high-elevation , doing research under the condition of thunderstorm , grasping the unique thunderstorm regular pattern based on local climate and elevation , is necessary for lightning protection .

  26. 针对黄土高原气候特点和植物水分供需矛盾出发,在该区对造林中主要的抗旱技术影响造林成活和幼林生长的生理生态机制进行研究。

    This article studied the effects of the main anti-drought techniques on the physiological and ecological mechanism of the survival and growth of seedlings based on the climate and the water disparity and plant demand in Loess Plateau .

  27. 根据青海高原气候特点进行了果树形态分化的细致解剖和观查,研究了苹果花芽奠定、分化、开花的规律及其丰产栽培技术。

    According to the climate characteristic of the Qinghai plateau , we have studied the establishment , differentiation , bloom rule of the apple flower bud and high yield growing technology with dissecting and observing carefully about the fruit shape differentiation .

  28. 对在高原气候下铁路施工成本控制所受到的外部和内部环境的影响因素进行了综合的论述和分析,结合施工的实际经验,提出了在高原铁路施工管理中实施成本控制的方法。

    In view of the plateau climate condition the internal and external factors influencing the construction cost control of railway in plateau region are analyzed and discussed comprehensively . Combined with practical experiences concrete cost control measures are proposed for railway construction in plateau .

  29. 青海高原雷暴气候特征及其变化分析

    Climate Characteristics of Thunderstorm and Its Change in Qinghai Plateau

  30. 黄土高原的气候生态环境、气候变化与农业气候生产潜力

    Climatic ecological environment , climate change and agricultural productivity in Loess Plateau