
gāo kē jì
  • high-tech;high technology
高科技[gāo kē jì]
  1. 生产高科技含量、高附加值的产品是企业在竞争中取胜的必由之路。

    Producing product with high technology and accessional value is the inevitable choice of any enterprise .

  2. 撇开令人眼花缭乱的高科技不谈,新英格兰的经济主要还是以渔业为基础。

    The dazzle of high technology aside , new england 's economy is still largely based on fishing .

  3. 产业结构已由烟囱工业转向了高科技产业。

    There has been a shift from smokestack industries into high-tech ones .

  4. 通过研发高科技武器加速军备竞赛的诱惑尤其危险。

    The temptation to rev up the arms race with high-tech weapons is especially dangerous

  5. 高昂的资金成本严重影响了美国的很多小型高科技公司。

    The high cost of capital has a crippling effect on many small American high-tech firms

  6. 能源部计划在造价几十亿美元的高科技工厂里将那些致命的废料固态化。

    The Energy Department plans to solidify the deadly waste in a high-tech billion-dollar factory .

  7. 每个人都希望这些高科技公司能成为未来的微软。目前它们看上去更像是投机泡沫的中心。

    Everyone is hoping that these hi-tech companies will turn out to be the Microsofts of the future . At the moment they look more like the focus of a speculative bubble

  8. 许多机器人配备有高科技传感器和复杂的学习算法,以避免伤害到与其并肩工作的人类。

    Many robots are equipped with high-tech sensors and complex learning algorithms to avoid injuring humans as they work side by side .

  9. 在竟争激烈的工作环境中,雇主利用高科技手段要求员工提供更多的服务,而不是使用技术为员工提供福利,让员工更加灵活地工作,以此来激励他们。

    In a competitive work environment , employers are able to use technology to demand more from their employees rather than motivating workers with flexibility that benefits them .

  10. 但引入了一个高科技镜面系统之后,一切都改变了,镜子可以将附近山峰的阳光反射到下面的山谷里。

    But that changed when a system of high-tech mirror was introduced to reflect sunlight from neighboring peaks into the valley below .

  11. 经济在蓬勃发展,这就使对高科技服务的需求量也在加大。

    The economy is in the upswing which makes high-tech services in more demand too .

  12. 至少,在高科技实验室设备稀缺或无从获取的地区或国家,可以用某些动物来识别新冠病毒。

    At the very least , certain animals could be useful for identifying COVID-19 in places or countries in which high-tech.

  13. “电动开罐器问题”指一些老式的、技术含量低的产品反而优于那些意欲取代它们的新生代高科技产品的状况。

    Electric-can-opener question refers to the recognition that some older , low-tech products are superior to the newer , high-tech1 products that are supposed to replace them .

  14. 就像节约型游客一样,奢华背包客出国旅游时也没有旅行日程或者旅行社的引导,但他们随身携带手提电脑和高科技装备。

    Like their penny-pinching cousins , these travellers go from one exotic destination to the next with no itinerary2 or tour operator to guide them , toting laptops and other hi-tech gear .

  15. “男士椅”,有时也称为“老公椅”,指女伴长时间购物时男士歇脚的椅子,几乎所有卖衣服和鞋子的商店都有这样的椅子,有些地方还会为等候的男士提供报纸或高科技产品展示。

    A man chair , also known of time . They can be found in almost any clothing or shoe store , some even provide waiting men with newspapers or hi-tech products diaplay .

  16. 斩获头奖的“爆买”成为近来日本媒体上的高频词,形容大批中国游客乘巴士抵达东京购物区免税店、狂买电饭锅和高科技马桶盖等商品的行为。

    The top winning phrase , " Bakugai , " frequently appears on Japanese media in recent days , after busloads of Chinese travelers arrived at duty-free stores in Tokyo 's shopping districts , purchasing items including rice cookers and high-tech2 toilet seats .

  17. 逆向工程包含了现代化设计方法、计算机辅助测量、CAD、CAM等许多高科技技术。

    Reverse engineering contains the modern design method , computer aided measurement , CAD , CAM and other high-tech technology .

  18. 至于Z,这个字母代表了某种力量,可能还有一点点高科技的感觉。

    As for the Z , it suggests a certain strength , perhaps with a faint high-techy quality .

  19. 氧化铝(Al2O3)薄膜具有许多优良的物理化学性能,在机械、光学及微电子等高科技领域有着广泛应用,一直受人们高度关注。

    Aluminum oxide ( Al_2O_3 ) thin films are widely used in mechanical , optical and microelectronic applications because of their excellent physical and chemical properties .

  20. 视景仿真(SceneSimulation)作为21世纪计算机技术中高科技技术之一,它已经广泛应用于虚拟现实、模拟驾驶、场景再现、城市规划及其它应用领域。

    Scene simulation as one of the high computer technologies of 21st century has been widely used in virtual reality , simulation of driving , re-creates the scene , urban planning , and other fields .

  21. Newsonomics分析师肯•多克托(KenDoctor)则提到其他高科技企业聘用新闻从业者的例子——比如Flipboard和雅虎(Yahoo!)。

    Ken Doctor , an analyst with Newsonomics , pointed to other examples of technology companies hiring journalists , such as Flipboard and Yahoo .

  22. AvrilLavigne在她的受日本高科技舞曲启发而创作的新歌视频HelloKitty中身着紧身皮衣,大秀身材。

    Avril Lavigne shows off her slim figure in plunging leather bodice in new Japanese techno inspired video Hello Kitty .

  23. 上世纪90年代,高科技浪潮席卷硅谷乃至全世界。沃西基家是城里最早购买计算机的家庭之一,他们购入的是苹果电脑(Mac)。

    In the 90s , when the tech boom transformed Silicon Valley and the world , the Wojcickis were one of the first families in town to get a computer - a Mac .

  24. 世界贸易组织(WTO)一专家委员会维持了有关中国限制稀土出口违反贸易规则的裁决。稀土用于高科技产品,包括混合动力汽车、手机、风力发电机和节能灯。

    A World Trade Organisation panel has upheld a ruling that China broke trade rules by restricting exports of rare earths , minerals used in high-tech products , including hybrid cars , mobile phones , wind turbines and energy-efficient lighting .

  25. 从软件综合价值工程分析入手,利用AHP方法建立起软件综合评价模式,该模式符合评价技术理论,能够较好地反映软件的高科技特性品质和商品产业化的趋势要求。

    In this paper , according to analysis of software synthetical value engineering and AHP method , a model of software synthetical assessment is set . This model is in line with theory of assessment technique .

  26. 除了Nest智能家居,谷歌还设计笔记本电脑、智能手机、流媒体设备、智能眼镜以及智能手表,一直在投资人工智能和机器人公司,使自己走在高科技的前沿。

    In addition to Nest , Google has designed laptops , smartphones , streaming-video devices , eyewear and watches , all the while investing in artificial intelligence and robotics companies to stay on the cutting edge .

  27. 本文将介绍如何以PDCA持续改善的架构来贯穿高科技行业环安卫风险管理流程与风险管理概念。

    This article introduced how to use the PDCA continuous improvement structure and mechanism for implementing risk management flow and concept of environmental protection , industrial safety and occupational health .

  28. 对高科技企业内部分行业的研究发现:3C行业的杠杆水平要略高于生物医学行业,但这种差异并不显著。

    By research on sub-industries of hi-tech companies , we find the leverage level of 3C industry is higher than the biology industry , but the difference is not significant .

  29. XX研究所是我国电子系统工程领域中历史最久、规模最大、专业覆盖面最广、研发力量最强、技术成果最为丰富的大型综合性高科技研发基地,是行业领军企业。

    It has the longest history , largest scale , widest discipline coverage , strongest research & development ability , and the most plenty of technological achievements among electronic system engineering field in China .

  30. 评语中指出:iPod跳脱大家对于高科技产品冰冷的印象,透过伟大的创新与出色的设计,带来产品新的亲切感与热情。

    Reviews that : iPod escape from all high-tech products for the cold impression , through the great innovation and excellent design , bringing a new sense of intimacy and passion products .