
xìn xī ɡé mìnɡ
  • information revolution
  1. 计算机辅助教学CAI的兴起是教育领域中最富有成效的信息革命。

    CAI is efficient information revolution in the field of high education .

  2. 第五次信息革命把人类带入信息技术(IT:InformationTechnology)时代,从而彻底改变了人类的生活方式、学习方式和工作方式。

    It is the fifth information revolution that brings the mankind into the information technology era , thus it has changed the living style , the studying way and the working way of the mankind completely .

  3. 以Internet为代表的信息革命,使人类社会进入了全新的网络时代,社会经济文化各领域发展呈现全新的模式。

    With Internet for representative of the information revolution , the society has entered the new network ages , the development of each realm of social economic and culture presents the all new mode .

  4. 随着信息革命发展起来的遥感(RS)、全球定位系统(GPS)和地理信息系统(GIS)三大空间科学技术,做为测量及研究的高科技手段为世人所关注。

    With the development of information revolution , the three space science technology ( RS ? GIS and GPS ) named3S technology as a kind of high technology on measure and study is concerned .

  5. 我国在1998年前对DNA芯片技术研究还是空白,但现在国内部分专业人员已开始瞄准了DNA芯片这项被称之为21世纪的信息革命技术。

    The records of the research of DNA chip technology in China was blank before 1998 , but parts of ex - perts have paid the great attention to this technique which be called informational revolution of 21 century .

  6. 以Internet技术为代表的信息革命正在深刻地改变着我们身边的生活和世界,可以说,互联网的出现为世界的经济发展和社会进步起到了巨大的推动作用。

    The information revolution , which is represented by the internet technology , is profoundly changing our lives and the world around . In other words , the emergence of the Internet has played a tremendous role in promoting economic development and social progress of the world .

  7. 系统使用目前流行的浏览器&服务器应用模式(BS),用简单、快捷的方法将传统的经济交易融入到现代的信息革命中去。

    This system uses the browser-server application model ( BS ) which is very popular , and it puts the traditional economic into the information revolution to the modern with a simple , fast method .

  8. 浅议地理学信息革命及21世纪的地理科学

    Revolution of Geographic Information and Geographic Science in the 21st Century

  9. 晶体管、电子计算机的发明产生了信息革命

    Information Revolution Begins With the Invention of Transistor and Elctronic Computor

  10. 信息革命与现代商业的变革

    The Information Revolution and the Reform of the Modern Commerce

  11. 全世界正处在以信息革命为主要内容的新时期。

    The world has now entered a new epoch of informational revolution .

  12. 信息革命还改变了权力的主要来源。

    The information revolution revised the main origin of power .

  13. 智能电网&信息革命和新能源革命的整合

    Intelligent grid , the integration of information revolution and new energy revolution

  14. 信息革命与资本主义世界经济第五次长周期

    Information Revolution and the Fifth Long Wave of Capitalist Economy

  15. 信息革命与当代世界格局演变

    The Information Revolution and The Change of Contemporary World Structure

  16. 这场信息革命已经改变了美国人的生活。

    This information revolution has changed American people 's lives .

  17. 信息革命将以曲折的方式前进

    The information revolution will proceed in a lumpy fashioned way

  18. 信息革命变革企业概念

    The Reformed Concept of Managing Enterprises By Information Revolution

  19. 挑战、变异与超越:信息革命下中国人的传统观念

    Challenge , Variation and Transcendency : Chinese Traditional Conception under the Information Revolution

  20. 农业革命导致农业社会的产生,工业革命导致工业社会的形成和发展,20世纪90年代的信息革命和信息技术的飞速发展,使人类社会逐步进入信息社会。

    Agricultural society comes from agricultural revolution , and so does industrial society .

  21. 摘要21世纪是信息革命和知识经济全球化的时代。

    The twenty-first century is an age of information revolution and knowledge-economy globalization .

  22. 人们已经不得不努力找寻信息革命的不利方面。

    People have had to look hard for downsides to the information revolution .

  23. 信息革命隐含于文献载体的灰色状态

    A Discussion on the Revolution of the Documental Carrier

  24. 浅议信息革命对政府管理的影响

    Influences of the information revolution on the government administration

  25. 浅谈信息革命与教育观念转变

    On Information Revolution and the Transformation of Educational Concept

  26. 谈信息革命条件下的信息沟通

    On Information Communication under the Condition of Information Revolution

  27. 网络革命就是信息革命。

    The networking revolution is the information revolution .

  28. 信息革命也消灭了大批以往被视为铁饭碗的工作岗位。

    The information revolution has also eliminated vast swaths of jobs previously deemed secure .

  29. 浅谈第三次信息革命物联网的起源与发展前景

    The third information revolution " Internet of Things ," The Origin and Development Prospects

  30. 革命的社会主义在和工业革命和信息革命相比,得到的关注要少。

    Revolutionary socialism gets less emphasis than the Industrial Revolution and the information revolution .