
xìn xī jì shù chǎn yè
  • information-technology industry
  1. WTO框架下我国信息技术产业发展研究

    Study on the Development of It Industry under the Rule of WTO

  2. 信息技术产业(IT)作为中国乃至世界发展最快的产业,受WTO的影响也是最全面最直接的。

    Information technology industry ( IT ) is one of the fastest developing industries in China and the world .

  3. 无论是在中国还是从世界范围来看,IT(InformationTechnology)即信息技术产业已逐步渗透到社会生活的各个领域,有效地促进了产业结构调整和技术改造,提高了人们的生活质量。

    Viewed from range of the world regardless of China , IT ( Information Technology ) industry has already permeated through each field of social life progressively , have promote industrial structure adjustment and technological transformation effectively , has improved people 's life quality .

  4. 而美国信息技术产业巨头苹果、谷歌和AMD公司一直采用的是持有大量现金的财务政策。

    American IT industry giants Apple , Google and AMD have been sticking to hold large amounts of cash .

  5. 以信息技术产业为先导的新经济在NASDAQ股市的波动中正遭遇尴尬。

    The New Economy guided by the information industry is facing a serious situation inthe fluctuation of the stock market .

  6. 其次,运用这一期间信息技术产业的实际产值和实际GDP数据进行格兰杰因果关系检验,发现信息技术对总产出的影响具有滞后性,滞后期为4年。

    Second , By the Granger Causality Tests using the actual data , we also found the contribution of the information technology to economic growth have hysteresis , the lag is 4 years .

  7. 游说集团信息技术产业理事会(informationtechnologyindustrycouncil)负责全球政策的副总裁约翰纽佛(johnneuffer)表示,科技公司“感到不那么受欢迎了,并且发现在中国做生意越来越难”。

    Technology companies are " feeling less welcome and finding it increasingly difficult to do business in China " , says John Neuffer , vice-president for global policy at the Information Technology Industry Council , a lobby group .

  8. 信息技术产业正在向SaaS演变,正如您所臆测的一样,该领域已经开始出现一些显著的变化。

    The information technology industry 's evolution to SaaS is underway and as you might have surmised , it 's already starting to cause some major changes in its landscape .

  9. 在周四发表的一则声明中,代表微软和IBM等60家科技企业的行业团体信息技术产业协会(InformationTechnologyIndustryCouncil)负责全球政策的高级副会长乔希·卡尔默(JoshKallmer)对暂停相关规定表示欢迎,并表示希望

    In a statement on Thursday , Josh Kallmer , senior vice president for global policy at the Information Technology Industry Council , a trade group that represents 60 tech companies including Microsoft and IBM , said that the rules suspension was welcome and that he hoped

  10. 我一直在盼望今晚的到来,因为很多年以前我就知道CeBIT对全球信息技术产业有多么重要。

    I have been looking forward to this evening for a long time , because I have known for many years how important CeBIT is to the global Information Technology industry .

  11. 因此,本文提出一款新型充电器的设计方案,并且引入了JEITA标准(日本电子信息技术产业协会推荐标准),使充电器能够在各种温度条件下实现安全充电。

    So , the paper introduces a new kind design of charger , which meets the JEITA standard ( recommended by Battery Association of Japan ) . The battery can be charged safely at diversified temperature .

  12. 信息技术产业的产出弹性分析

    Analysis of the Elasticity of Output of the Information Technology Industry

  13. 信息技术产业之价值论

    Analysis Means of Theory of Labour Value on the IT Industry

  14. 信息技术产业对经济增长影响的实证研究

    Study of the Influence on Economic Growth by IT Industry

  15. 新形势下信息技术产业标准化的特点

    The Characteristic of Information Technology Industry Standardization in New Situation

  16. 成都市信息技术产业的计量经济模型

    The econometric model of information technology industry in Chengdu City

  17. 入世与中国信息技术产业的开放与竞争

    ' Enter WTO ' and Opening Competition of Chinese Information Technology Industry

  18. 中国信息技术产业发展现状与策略分析

    Development Conditions and Strategies of IT Industry in China

  19. 他们把这比作是信息技术产业的超级杯。

    They compared it to a Super Bowl for the information technology industry .

  20. 发展信息技术产业是当今国际竞争的一个焦点,它既是我国的弱势产业,又是我国对外开放的重要领域。

    IT industry is a focus in international competition .

  21. 这一切改变了信息技术产业的精神风貌。

    As a result , the ethos of the information technology industry changed .

  22. 信息技术产业作为高科技新兴行业,无疑是我国产业结构调整的一个良好选择。

    IT industry as hi-tech industry is a good way of adjusting industries structure .

  23. 应对WTO:中国信息技术产业发展初探

    Respond to the Impact of WTO : How to Develop China 's IT Industry

  24. 信息技术产业发展迅速,日新月异。

    The IT sector is fastgrowing and dynamic .

  25. 促进信息技术产业发展的税收思考

    How to Promote the Development of IT Industry in the View of Tax Collection

  26. 信息技术产业与媒介经济的发展

    IT industry and the development of media economy

  27. 项目管理同样对信息技术产业的发展产生深远的影响。

    The project management can have deep influence on thedevelopment of information technique industry .

  28. 广东省信息技术产业的现状与发展策略研究

    Information Technology Industry : Present Situation in Guangdong Province and the Study of the Development Strategy

  29. 随着信息技术产业的不断发展,市面上的软件产品越来越丰富。

    With the continuous development of information technology , software products developed more and more colorful .

  30. 日本电子信息技术产业协会

    JEITA Japan Electronic Information Technology Association