
xìn xī liànɡ
  • amount of information
  1. 这将增加我们大脑处理的信息量,并扩展我们的时间体验。

    This will increase the amount of information our minds process and expand our experience of time .

  2. 这个规律是由我们的时间体验和我们大脑处理的信息量之间的关系造成的。

    The law is caused by the relationship between our experience of time and the amount of information our minds process .

  3. 已有的信息量大得令我不知所措。

    I was overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of information available .

  4. 段落的长短取决于它所传达的信息量。

    The length of a paragraph depends on the information it conveys .

  5. 正文内容准确,信息量大。

    The text is precise and informative .

  6. 这些光盘能容纳的信息量是普通计算机软盘的400多倍。

    These discs hold more than 400 times as much information as a conventional computer floppy disk .

  7. 但这种观点是基于各种形式的大众传媒所提供的信息量而进行的肤浅分析。

    But such a view is a superficial analysis based on the quantity of information supplied by various forms of the mass media .

  8. 这段2分钟的预告片信息量很大,展现了回归版十集的主要剧情,该剧将在明年播出。

    The jam-packed two-minute trailer sets up the main plot for the ten-parter which is due to air next year .

  9. Internet高速发展,信息量迅速膨胀。

    Web information is expanding quickly with an exponential growth of the Internet .

  10. 随着因特网的不断发展,Web的信息量也与日俱增。

    With the development of Internet , the quantity of Web information resources becomes larger and larger .

  11. 随着全球Web站点数量迅猛增长,信息量和复杂度也不断提高。

    With the rapid increase of global Web sites , the amount of information and complexities has been increased violently .

  12. 随着互联网的迅猛发展,Web中所容纳的信息量呈现指数级增长。

    With the rapid development of Internet , the information in the Internet is presented to be an exponential growth .

  13. 随着Web信息量的快速增长,个性化的Web信息推荐系统扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    As fast growing of Web information , personal Web recommendation system would play more and more im - portant role .

  14. 每种阅读器都拥有不同的特性,旨在帮助管理来自Internet的难以置信的信息量。

    Each reader has different features , designed to help make sense of the incredible amount of information coming from the Internet .

  15. 基于信息量准则的AR模型相关高斯杂波模拟

    Modeling of AR-model coherent Gauss clutter based on information rule

  16. 一些统计数据表明:deepweb蕴含的信息量、对deepweb的访问量、增长速度等都远远高于SurfaceWeb。

    Some statistics have shown that information on Deep Web and its accessing amount as well as the increasing speed is far higher than Surface Web .

  17. 讨论了将信息量模型与GIS系统结合,进行地质灾害危险性区划的方法。

    The assessment of geological hazards risk by combining information method model with geographical information system is discussed in this paper .

  18. 但是在这种混合媒介时代(theAgeofMixedMedia),媒体的空前发达并没有产生相应的新闻信息量的大量增加。如何争取更多的受众?

    But at the Age of Mixed Media , the unprecedented development of mass media has not created corresponding increase of news information 's amount .

  19. 随着Internet上信息量的飞速膨胀,使得人们在网上查找自己需要的信息变得越来越困难。

    Along with the expansion of information on the Internet , it is more and more difficult to find the information that we need on the Internet .

  20. 近年来WEB上的信息量迅猛增长,信息日益丰富的同时却对有效信息的查询提出了严峻的挑战。

    The amount of information on Web , increase several million WEB pages newly every day in recent years , and put forward the severe challenge to the inquiry of the effective information .

  21. 面对如此巨大的信息量,如何发现自己所需信息,成了困扰网络用户的一大难题,即所谓的richdatapoorinformation问题。

    There is a mass of information on Internet , how to look for information that someone wants in Internet is becoming a difficult problem , which is so-called " rich data poor information " .

  22. 采用LCD液晶模块显示参数,系统显示的信息量显著增加;

    It adopts the LCD to display the parameters , which makes the amount of informations of the system to increase obviously .

  23. 为研究频域谱法应用于变压器油纸绝缘状态检测的可行性,通过MATLAB矩阵分析软件建立油纸绝缘的扩展德拜模型进行仿真分析,并提出了介质响应测试的基本方法以及绝缘信息量的计算公式。

    To study the feasibility of frequency domain methods in the detection of transformer oil-paper insulation status , an extended Debye model of oil-paper insulation was established by MATLAB .

  24. 研究云南省傣、彝和汉族人凝血因子Ⅷ基因内含子22(CA)n二核苷酸重复序列的多态性,获取高多态信息量的分子遗传标志。

    This study was designed to investigate the polymorphism of intron 22 ( CA ) n repeat within F ⅷ gene in Dai , Yi and Han populations of Yunnan province .

  25. 采用这种方法不仅对自动化生产线故障显示准确及时,而且减少了PLC与计算机通讯的信息量。

    This method not only makes the display of the fault number of the automatic production line accurate and prompt , but also reduces the communication between PLC and computers .

  26. 近几年来,互联网迅猛发展,网络中流通的Web信息量巨大,其中各国银行网站发布的信息更是受到金融界的广泛关注。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of Internet , tremendous amount of information is flowing in the Web , including national banking site information published by the financial sector , which is more widespread concerned .

  27. 用数字DPCM的光学计算方法实现图象信息量压缩

    Image information compression realized by digital DPCM optical computation method

  28. 结果显示,ISSR作为一种信息量高、重演性好的分子标记,应用于茶树品种鉴别和亲缘关系分析是非常有效的。

    The results indicate that ISSR is a useful tool for molecular identification and relationship analysis of tea cultivars .

  29. 将全部单因子图层进行栅格叠加分析,以GIS技术和信息量法相结合,建立相应的信息量模型,得到滑坡危险性等级评估图。

    Make all factor layers to do raster calculation analysis , then combine GIS with information method , build the relevant model , and get the assessment map of landslide risk rating . 6 .

  30. 从计算信息量不足分析CPM算法逆向程序错误的成因

    Research on the Cause of the Incompatibility of System Structure in CPM Algorithm from the Insufficiency of the Calculating Information Quantity