
bù kě quē shǎo
  • indispensable;essential;absolutely necessary;requisite
不可缺少[bù kě quē shǎo]
  1. 她成为这个部门不可缺少的一分子。

    She made herself indispensable to the department .

  2. 杰夫·库克近来关于没有什么人是不可缺少的那番话当然也包括他。

    Geoff Cooke 's recent remark that no one is indispensable will certainly not have escaped him .

  3. 仪式与节日构成了任何人类社会不可缺少的一部分。

    Rituals and festivals form an integral part of every human society

  4. 由此看来,汉堡还是不可缺少的,即便在一场所谓的社会主义革命中。

    It appears that the so-called socialist revolution must also have its hamburgers .

  5. 这些是不可缺少的附件。

    These are indispensable accessories .

  6. 对于我们的工作来说,他是不可缺少的,没有他我们就做不了。

    He is indispensable to our work , we cannot do it without him .

  7. 通常这些人都很活跃、活泼、给人带来欢声笑语。一定要让苏珊出席下个派对-她绝对是派对不可缺少的核心人物。

    Make sure that Susan comes to our next party - she is the life of the party . '

  8. 承认你曾认为不可能发生的事实,去做而不需要别人认为不可缺少的条件,忍受那些被视为无法忍受的变故,这就是快乐的秘诀。

    The secret of happiness is learning3 to accept the impossible , do without the indispensable4 , and bear the intolerable .

  9. 随着Internet的日益普及,互联网媒体已经成为一种不可缺少的信息传播媒介。

    With the increasing popularity of the Internet , the Internet media is becoming an indispensable information media .

  10. 平面凝胶电泳是DNA、核酸、蛋白质日常分离分析不可缺少的工具;

    Planar gel electrophoresis is an indispensable tool for the separation and analysis of DNA , RNA and protein ;

  11. 数字高程模型(DEM)是各种地理信息系统(GIS)不可缺少的组成部分。

    Digital Elevation Model ( DEM ) is an indispensable part of GIS .

  12. Hall电流传感器是新型电力电子技术中不可缺少的检测器之一。

    Hall current sensor is one of the detectors indispensable to the new electric powder and electronic technologies .

  13. 自动答疑系统(AAS)是基于Web的远程教学系统中不可缺少的重要组成部分。

    Automatic Answer System ( AAS ) is the important part of the distance education system based on web .

  14. 目前,PCR已成为实验室中的一项常规技术,是分子生物学家们不可缺少的工具。

    At present , PCR has been one item of conventional technology in laboratory , which is an necessary tool for molecular-biology .

  15. 地图符号库系统是地理信息系统(GIS)中不可缺少的基础功能模块之一,它作为GIS基本的研究课题,随着信息技术(InformationTechnologies,IT)的发展也在迅速发展着。

    The Map Symbol Base System is one of the basic functions of Geographic Information System . As a basic research , it developed rapidly with the development of Information Technologies .

  16. 制造执行管理系统(ManufactureExecutionSystem)由于自身承上启下的特殊地位,已逐渐成为推动汽车制造企业信息化过程中不可缺少的部分。

    Manufacture execution system ( MES ), as a connecting link between the preceding and the following in the manufacture , is becoming more and more important in promoting informationize of automobile manufacturing .

  17. 具有同频双工的隔离器环行器组件是TR组件中不可缺少的单元。

    The isolator-circulator components with same frequency duplex are essential units in TR components .

  18. 在实施QFD的过程中,确定消费者的要求权重是一个关键而不可缺少的步骤。

    During the QFD process , determination of the importance weights of customer requirements is a crucial and essential step .

  19. 通用分组无线业务(GPRS)是世界移动通信技术迈向第3代的主流技术,是第2代网络向第3代网络演进的一个重要的、不可缺少的步骤和里程。

    GPRS ( General Packet Radio Service ) is main mobile communication network , which has progressed form second generation of network to third one of network in the word .

  20. 当今,机械CAD向CAD/CAM/CAE集成化方向发展,机械系统运动学/动力学分析软件是集成化CAD/CAM/CAE不可缺少的支撑软件之一。

    At present , machinery CAD is going to be integrative CAD / CAM / CAE , and the kinematics dynamics analysis software for machinery system is one of the necessary supporting softwares of integrative CAD / CAM / CAE .

  21. 在不久的将来,RFID技术一定会逐渐成为提高军事物流供应链管理水平,降低保障成本,增强部队战斗力不可缺少的技术工具和手段。

    In the near future , the RFID technology will gradually become a very important means to improve the military logistics SCM , to reduce supply costs , and to enhance the combat effectiveness of our troops .

  22. 近年来随着隐喻研究的认知转向,Lakoff和Johnson(1980)等明确提出隐喻是人类用来组织其概念系统不可缺少的工具。

    Recently with the cognitive shift of the research on metaphor , Lakoff and Johnson ( 1980 ) claim that metaphor is an indispensable tool people use to construct their conceptual system .

  23. 有限增加主机路由避免移动IP三边路由的方法移动IPv6作为IPv6协议不可缺少的组成部分,解决了三角路径问题,使得路由优化、安全性等机制实现更简单。

    A Resolution to Triangle Routing of Mobile IP by Adding Limited Host Route Mobile IPv6 is an important part of IPv6 , it avoid triangle routing , and simplify such things as routing procedure , security and so on .

  24. 无线接入单元(WAU)担负着和移动台进行空中信号通信的任务,是CMT系统中一个不可缺少的重要部件。

    Wireless Access Unit is an indispensable component in CMT system that takes in charge of the communication with the mobile station .

  25. 它兼备商标、代言人、宣传销售等多方面的功能,近年来越来越成为企业CI系统中不可缺少的重要组成部分,并愈来愈多地运用于企业销售战略和宣传活动中来。

    Many functions , both the trademark , spokesperson , promotional sales in recent years has increasingly become an indispensable important component of the system of corporate CI , and more and more used in the corporate sales strategy and promotional activities .

  26. 物流配送路径优化,即车辆路径问题(Vehicleroutingproblem,VRP),是当今物流配送优化中关键的一环,也是电子商务活动不可缺少的内容,一直是近二十多年来的研究热点。

    Logistics Distribution Routing Optimization , i.e. Vehicle Routing Problem ( VRP ) is not only an important constituent of modern logistical system , but also an essential part of E-commerce . The research is a hot spot in the field of Logistical distribution in recent 20 years .

  27. 空间预警系统(SEWS)是美国弹道导弹战略防御体系(BMD)中不可缺少的组成部分,是一个高度集成、高精度的光机电一体化系统。

    As an indispensable part of the Strategic Ballistic Missile Defense ( BMD ) System , the Space Early Warning System ( SEWS ) is a highly integrated and high-precision optical-mechatronic system .

  28. 在高速无线通信中,自动请求重传(ARQ)是链路层不可缺少的技术,它通过重传向上层屏蔽无线链路上包的丢失。

    In the high rate wireless communication system , automatic repeat request ( ARQ ) technology is indispensable in link layer , which shields the packet loss of the wireless channel from the upper level .

  29. 在军事演习仿真中,CosimVE是不可缺少的工具,可以大大降低成本,节省金钱、时间、资源和生命,提高安全性和保密性。

    Cosim_VE is a necessary aid for military manoeuvre simulation . It can greatly reduce costs , save moneys 、 time 、 wealth and lives , improve security and secrecy .

  30. 影视音乐作为影视艺术重要的艺术表达手段,在影视艺术中具有独立的、重要的审美价值,是影视艺术语言不可缺少的艺术载体。

    It is also indispensable in film and television art language .