
bù kě fēn xìng
  • Indivisibility;inseparability
不可分性[bù kě fēn xìng]
  1. 思维和思维者的存在简单的不可分性。

    The simple inseparability of the thought and being of the thinker .

  2. 根据不可分性采取的营销策略是可分化和关系营销;

    Distribution and relationship selling are the selling strategy in accordance with inseparability ;

  3. 分析了技术创新投资的特性&投资的不可分性。

    A characteristic of technology innovation investment , namely indivisibility , is discussed .

  4. 抵押权本质上是一种价值权;从属性与不可分性,物上代位性均为抵押权之一般特征,而非抵押权之根本属性;

    Thirdly , mortgage is in essence a kind of right of value .

  5. 第一,基于损害的不可分性。

    First , based on the inseparability of damage .

  6. 与实体性规范的统一不可分性。

    Unitarity and indivisibility with standard of solidity .

  7. 由于语言与文化的不可分性,词汇和语言同样密不可分。

    Since language and culture are inseparable , words and culture are also inseparable .

  8. 它具有基础性、公共性、不可分性等特点。

    It has the characteristic of foundational , public , indivisibility and so on .

  9. 第二个问题是抵押权的“不可分性”是否适用于船舶抵押权。

    The second one is whether undividablil'rty of mortgage can be applied to mortgage of ship .

  10. 从有利于债权人的立场出发,可以承认抵押权的不可分性,但应当设有例外。

    From the creditor 's stand , agree the indivisibility of mortgage , but should set a exception .

  11. 中国国有商业银行业潜藏着不容忽视的金融风险,这种迅速成长扩散的风险根植于国有商业银行产权的不可分性、非排他性和不可转让性。

    There is large risk in Chinese state-owned commercial bank , which rootstock is the title character of state-owned commercial bank .

  12. 韩国行使合同解除权以通知的方式进行,并不可撤回,具有不可分性的特征。

    Korea the exercise of the right of cancellation of contract by way of notice , irrevocably , characterized by inseparability .

  13. 质权的法律特征是物权性、从属性、不可分性、物上代位性、优先受偿性、移转质物的占有性及客体的特定性。

    It has the character of property , subordination , inseparability , prior tempore , transfer - ence , and specific objects .

  14. 工作激励及交易中介工作的不可分性是公司不将交易中介内部化为公司职员的重要原因;

    The incentive effect for transaction intermediary and impartibility of their work is the two important reason for the transaction intermediary not been internalized ;

  15. 论证表示一个量子双组元系统的条件算子的频谱在局域幺正变换下是不变的,并且表明它的不可分性。

    One argues that the spectrum of the conditional operator that characterizes a quantum bipartite system is invariant under local unitary transformations , and shows its inseparability .

  16. 本文认为:公共物品的公益性、非排他性、非竞争性、不可分性等特征以及人们对公共物品需求的差异性,要求公共物品的多元供给。

    The features of public goods , that are commonweal , non-exclusive , non-competitive , indivisible and difference of people 's demands on public goods , require the pluralistic supply of public goods .

  17. 在引言部分,文章从共同侵权行为主体的复数性、行为和结果的共同性以及责任的不可分性谈起,认识共同侵权行为本身的复杂性和多样性。

    At the preface part , the author discusses the complexity and diversity of joint act of tort including the subject diversity , and identification of behavior and effect , inseparability of liability .

  18. 该项优先权具有担保物权的性质,其附从性、追及性、物上代位性及不可分性的特点,成为解决审判实践中所遭遇问题的理论基础。

    Such right of priority possesses the nature of the real right for security , whose characteristics of attachment , retroactivity , subrogation and undivision become the theoretical basis of solving problems in adjudication .

  19. 文章在逐一评析这些观点后,提出共同危险行为之归责基础应当从法律的推定、事实的共同性和责任的不可分性等方面综合考虑。

    After analyzing those opinions one by one , it is argued in this article that the imputation basis should be considered comprehensively from the legal deduction , the sharing of the facts and the in-separability of responsibilities .

  20. 同时,铁路运输所特有的网络特征和运输组织的复杂性更多表现为规模经济和范围经济的不可分性,这种特征是通过密度经济和幅员经济体现出来的。

    At the same time , railway transport unique characteristics network characteristics and complexity of transport operation show that economies of scale and scope can not be separated . This characteristic is embodied by transport economies of density and range .

  21. 本文通过对企业组织资本的产权分析,基于其不可分性与外部性的基本属性与特征,认为它是企业的一种特殊的共有产权;

    Through analyzing the property rights of enterprises ' organization capital , and based on its basic attributes and characteristics of " indivisibility " and " external " , this paper thinks that organization capital is a special total property rights ;

  22. 思维与思维者的存在的简单的不可分性,“我思故我在”(cogitoergssum),与我的存在、我的实在、我的生存直接地启示在我的意识里,是完全相同的。

    The simple inseparability of the thought and being of the thinker . Cogito , ergo sum is the same doctrine as that the being , reality , and existence of the ' ego ' is immediately revealed to me in consciousness .

  23. 运用哲学的时空观辨析了足球比赛中的时间和空间不可分性、互换性、互补性以及时间、空间在动态变化中获得的优势,从而转化为胜势,来取得最终的胜利;

    By means of the philosophical space and time This article analyses the undivided interchange , complementarity in soccer , and take the advantage of the space and time in order to win the last triumph , as well as recognize the basic character of the soccer sport .

  24. 此外,男风案与男风现象及律例之间具有的不可分性,男风案中的儒家伦理法思想,亦值得注意。第二部分,清代男风现象及其原因。

    In addition , we also should pay attention to the Confucianist thought of ethical law in male homosexuality cases , and the indivisibility which among male homosexuality cases and male homosexuality culture phenomenon and laws . Second part , the male homosexuality phenomenon in Qing Dynasty and its reason .

  25. 人格从伦理到法律的发展脉络表明,一般人格权是消极性权利,不具有可分性;

    The development venation of the personality from ethic to law shows the general personal right is a negative right , which can not be divided ;

  26. 公共利益作为经济法所调整的特殊的利益,具有受益对象不确定性、消费的非排他性、使用上的不可分性、公共利益上的外部效应、易受损害性等特点。

    Public interest as the economic law of the special adjustment of the interests of beneficiaries uncertainties , the non-exclusive consumption , the use of indivisibility , public interests external effects , such as vulnerability characteristics .