
bù tòu míng
  • opaque;opacity;cloud;opacification;opacitas
不透明[bù tòu míng]
  1. 欧洲市场有45%的ETF是合成基金,英国央行(bankofEngland)警告称它们的复杂性和不透明性会造成系统性风险。

    About 45 per cent of the European market is synthetic and the Bank of England has warned that their complexity and opacity poses a systemic risk .

  2. 丹参作用48h后,10μg/ml剂量部分细胞变成缩水球状,细胞胞浆变得不透明;

    After 48h , some cells that treated with 10 μ g / ml began shrinkage and turn into globular , endochylema becomes opacity .

  3. 如果不想从室内看到街景,可以使用不透明玻璃。

    You can always use opaque glass if you need to block a street view .

  4. 玻璃杯里装满了一种不透明的液体。

    The glass was filled with an opaque liquid .

  5. 它们死后会变成不透明的乳白色。

    When they die , they turn a non-transparent milky white .

  6. 这些窗户装着不透明玻璃。

    The windows are of opaque glass .

  7. 所以,目前的Web服务是孤立的不透明的。

    Thus , today 's web services are isolated and opaque .

  8. context是一个保留为未来使用的不透明对象。

    Context is an opaque object reserved for future use .

  9. 如果在模型中没有提供用于不透明行为的Java代码,则添加之。

    Add the Java code for opaque behaviors if it was not provided in the model .

  10. Web服务的不透明性质与XML文档的数据描述能力相结合,对于集成任何数量的远程操作非常理想。

    The opaque nature of a Web service method combined with the descriptive power of XML documents for data are perfect for integrating any number of remote operations .

  11. 所谓TP制图法乃是用透明的描图纸(TracingPaper,TP)取代传统的不透明绘图纸以绘制机械图的方法。

    TP drawing method is the abbreviation for mechanical drawing in transparent tracing paper ( TP ) instead of in traditional opaque drawing paper .

  12. SPEAPI定义了很多不透明的数据类型,它们被用作各个API函数的参数。

    The SPE API defines a number of opaque data types which are used as arguments to various API functions .

  13. 为解释语言中大量存在的语义不透明现象,研究者在字词认知研究中引入了语义透明度(semantictransparency)概念。上述IIC模型就是根据透明度的研究提出来的。

    Semantic transparency is introduced in the field of lexical recognition to explain the phenomenon of semantic opaqueness .

  14. 为了维持这种分离,数组将作为不透明的句柄传递,并且本机代码必须回调JVM以便使用set和get调用操作数组元素。

    To maintain this separation , arrays are passed as opaque handles , and native code must call back to the JVM in order to manipulate array elements using set and get calls .

  15. 获得多个奖项的荷兰设计师戴恩-罗斯加德以皮革和智能型不透明电子金属薄片制作这套新装。无线技术、电子学、LED、铜和其他媒介也都派上用场。

    Award-winning Dutch designer Daan Roosegaarde created the dress out of leather , and smart opaque e-foils . It also uses wireless technologies , electronics , LEDs , copper and other media .

  16. 不透明材料热扩散率PTR测量方法的研究

    Study on Measurement of Thermal Diffusivity of Opaque Material by PTR Method

  17. 它可处理将手动任务呈现为不透明的独立Web服务的场景(可从BPEL流程或采用Java™编写的程序等调用该服务)。

    It also addresses scenarios where human tasks are rendered as opaque stand-alone Web services that can be invoked from a BPEL process or a program written in Java ™, for example .

  18. 本文介绍了VAX和PC之间透明的任务任务的通信和不透明的任务任务的通信,以及它们的程序设计方法。

    This paper introduces the transparent task to task communication and nontransparent task to task communication between VAX and PC. and gives the program design methods for them .

  19. 本文首先简要介绍TCP/IP协议和PCNFS软件,然后介绍Unix通信机制及如何利用PCNFS实现不透明任务任务通信,最后给出了一些具体的应用实例。

    Then , we discuss Unix communication function and how to implement non-transparent task to task communication by using PC-NFS software . At last , we give some examples of its implementation .

  20. 作为美国金融监管改革的一部分,美国国会正在考虑如何监管这个不透明的市场。美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)希望监管改革计划能在年底前完成。

    Congress is weighing how to regulate the opaque market as part of an overhaul of financial regulation that Barack Obama , president , wants to see completed by the end of this year .

  21. 相反,它会为呈现的内容实现三种不同的选项:基于文本的XML编码,JSON编码和不透明的二进制编码,后者对于某些场景会非常有用,例如传递JPEG文件。

    Instead , it implements three different options for representing content : text-based XML encoding , JSON encoding , and opaque binary encoding , which is useful for things such as conveying JPEG files .

  22. 不透明包装时,各种光照强度下VA损失均较小,其中避光保存的强化油中VA的损失最少,至第10天时损失率仅为3%。

    While the loss of VA in opacity package under all light intensities were less and there were only 3 % of VA lost on day 10 under strong light .

  23. calcID对于正在访问计算器服务的程序来说是不透明的。

    The calcID is opaque to the program that is accessing the calculator service .

  24. 华盛顿布鲁金斯学会(BrookingsInstitution)的李侃如(KennethLieberthal)表示,中国国防支出的不透明特性,使外界难以对其军事战略得出有意义的结论。

    Kenneth Lieberthal , of the Brookings Institution in Washington , said the opaque nature of Chinese defence spending made it difficult to draw meaningful conclusions about military strategy .

  25. XMLNSC域的进一步性能改进是增加了不透明解析。

    A further improvement in performance for the XMLNSC domain is the addition of opaque parsing .

  26. 结果,新型金融工具(如信用违约互换(cds))市场发展为由少数实力强大的交易商把持的、不透明的场外市场,而不是监管到位、信息透明的公开市场。

    As a result , the new financial instruments ( such as credit default swaps ) developed in an opaque over-the-counter market populated by a few powerful dealers , rather than in a well regulated and transparent public market .

  27. 但正如欧洲央行(ECB)最近在一份极具吸引力的报告中所指出的,监管者发现,很难评估对净风险的处理是否明智,因为详细的对手数据存在不透明性。

    But , as the European Central Bank recently observed in a fascinating report , regulators are finding it tough to assess whether the net risks are being handled sensibly , since there is a paucity of detailed counterparty data .

  28. 该方案把用身份标识产生的数字水印信息编码后嵌入到混淆的勒让德符号构造的不透明谓词中,将有水印的不透明谓词作为Java程序的线程来混淆Java程序,用零知识证明验证水印信息。

    It uses identity to create the watermarks , which are embedded into the opaque predicates after they are encoded . The Java program is obfuscated by taking the opaque predicates with the watermarks as the threads of the Java program , and the watermark is verified by zero-knowledge proof .

  29. 中国的地产市场非常不透明,而这个名流集聚的董事会,可能帮助Winnington减少潜在客户的相关担忧。

    The star-studded board may help Winnington to allay potential client concerns about China 's rather opaque property market .

  30. ETF是一种令投资者能投资于许多资产类型的工具。尽管有人已对ETF越来越奇异且不透明的结构表示担心,但它仍然一直在迅速增长。

    ETFs , which enable investors to gain exposure to a diverse range of asset classes , have been growing fast , although concerns have been raised about their increasingly exotic and opaque structures .