
  • 网络Invariant theory
  1. 不变量理论研究双量子阱系统

    Study of the double quantum wells by the quantum invariant theory

  2. 量子不变量理论是研究几何相因子问题的有效方法。

    Quantum invariant theory is an effective method to study geometric phase problems .

  3. 基于Petri网库所不变量理论提出Internet多机器人协调控制模型,并利用此模型解决系统操作中的碰撞检测问题。

    Based on place invariants of the Petri net , a control model of Internet-based multi-robot coordination is proposed to satisfy the collision avoidance during the operation .

  4. 根据量子力学中的不变量理论,利用SU(1,1)Lie代数,对两种类型的非线性非谐振子的量子理论进行详细研讨。

    Based on the theory of quantum invariant and SU ( 1 , 1 ) Lie algebra from quantum mechanics , the paper discusses the quantum theory for two types of nonlinear and nonharmonic oscillator in detail .

  5. 在19世纪,德国数学家Gordan和Hilbert曾经细致地研究了代数不变量理论;1962年,Hu将矩不变量第一次引入模式识别中,提出了7个著名的不变量。

    In the 19th century , the German mathematician Gordan and Hilbert studied the theory of algebraic invariants . In 1962 , Hu proposed his famous seven moment invariants , who firstly introduced moment invariants in pattern recognition .

  6. 准坐标下力学系统的对称性摄动与绝热不变量理论研究

    Perturbation to Symmetries and Adiabatic Invariants for Mechanical Systems in Terms of Quasi-coordinates

  7. 量子不变量理论与离子在联合量子阱中的运动

    Quantum invariant theory and the motion of an ion in a combined trap

  8. 用不变量理论精确求解中子自旋与引力的相互作用

    Exact solutions for the interaction between neutron spin and gravitation by using invariant theory

  9. 超微粒子量子振动系统的不变量理论

    Invariant of Quantum Oscillatory System for Ultrafine Particles

  10. 利用库所不变量理论设计机器人协调控制器,规划多机器人协调动作。

    A controller was designed based on the place invariants to realize action planning for multi-robot coordination .

  11. 量子系统的不变量理论

    Invariant Theory of Quantum System

  12. 为解决此类问题,本文将不变量理论应用于目标识别中,以解决因目标移动造成的失真问题。

    In this article Invariant Theory is used in the image recognition to resolve the image distortions problems .

  13. 不变量理论求光在光纤中传播和几何相因子

    Study of the light propagating in the general optical giber and the AA phase by the quantum invariant theory

  14. 最后,展望了取迹方法在量子信息及量子力学的定域不变量理论中的可能应用。

    At the end , we forecast still possible applications in the theory of local invariants in quantum mechanics and quantum information .

  15. 凯莱作为代数不变量理论的创立者,首先脱离行列式与方程组对代数不变量本身进行研究。

    Gloria , who was the founder to the theory of algebraic invariant , studied the algebraic invariant independent of determinant and equation systems .

  16. 利用构造不变量理论,研究了一种含时双阱玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚系统的精确解,得到了相应的几何相因子。

    By making use of the invariant theory , the exact solution for a time-dependent system of double-well Bose-Einstein Condensate and corresponding geometric phase are obtained .

  17. 我们在含时动力学不变量理论的框架内引入了含时谐振子系统的玻色湮灭算符a(t)和产生算符a+(t)。

    In the framework of dynamical invariant theory , we introduce the annihilation operator a ( t ) and creation operator d + ( t ) for a time-dependent harmonic oscillator .

  18. 最后,通过介绍后希尔伯特时代不变量理论的发展状况,反映了现代不变量理论正在通向更广、更深的研究领域。

    Last , by means of introducing post Hilbert the development of the invariant theory , reflected the study tendency of modern invariant theory is lead to the more borad and more deep research fields .

  19. 运用推广了的量子不变量理论研究时间演化算符的对角化问题,证明了时间演化算符的对角化与相因子之间存在着紧密的联系。

    The generalized invariant theory is used to study the problem of the diagonalization of the time-evolution operator . It is shown that there is an intimate connection between the diagonalization of the time-evolution operator and the phase factors .

  20. 本文从简正波到达时间和俯仰角这两个描述波导多模传播和单模频散的参数出发,给出了一种不同于原始文献的阵不变量简明理论推导,清晰的阐述了阵不变量的核心物理意义。

    The arriving time and elevation angle are used to describe the multi-modal propagation and single-mode dispersion in shallow water , and the author presents a new different derivation , which can clearly illustrate the essence of array invariant .

  21. 根据射影几何学中几何不变量的相关理论,本文利用共面五点交比不变特性实现平面非编码标记点的匹配。

    Based on the theory in projective geometry geometric invariants , by which the non-coding marker point-plane matching can be realized .

  22. 本文最后总结了Donaldson-Thomas不变量与Gromov-Witten不变量的关系和一般Donaldson-Thomas不变量的理论,这些最新的研究进展将会给我们之后的研究工作带来一些启发。

    At last , the relations between Donaldson-Thomas invariants and Gromov-Witten invariants , as well as the new development of Donaldson-Thomas invariants are discussed , which might shed some light on our future research work .

  23. 探讨了代数不变量早期发展的社会和文化背景,指出众多数学家在二次型、微分方程以及行列式等方面的工作孕育了矩阵的思想,并重点论述了西尔维斯特、凯莱关于代数不变量理论的研究工作。

    In this paper , the idea of matrix was given by discussing many mathematicians ' works in quadrant form , differential equation and determinant , followed the social and cultural background . The paper mainly focused on the works of Sylvester and Gloria .